Crucial Crew
Date: 16th Oct 2016 @ 3:36pm
This week, Year 5 had a great afternoon at Langtree Park. They met different professionals involved in Emergency Services within St. Helens.
There were 6 different workshops throughout the afternoon.
Road safety
In this workshop he children had to investigate an accident scene, they had to work out:
- What had happened
- What were the possible injuries.?
- How could they prevent this type of accident form happening again?
We appear to have a wealth of medical knowledge in Year 5 as they were able to diagnose everything from head injuries to broken bones.
Merseyside Police
In this session the children were asked:
What is an emergency?
When do you ring 999?
What is the non-emergency number?
Which would you ring given the scenarios they were presented with.
There were also able to role paly an emergency call and the children also discussed hoax calls.
We discovered that 999 is a free number that can be dialled even if a telephone has no credit.
The Ranger Service
The Rangers presented dangers that could be in and around public play areas.
Using the pictures, the children spotted dangers.
They discussed rubbish including glass and syringes that may be laying around. The children were taught when an adult is the most appropriate course of action.
The Rangers also explained that motorbikes not allowed in parks and that fires in parks can cause destruction and death to animals in the area.
Stranger danger was highlighted, the children were told to stay with friends, tell an adult were they are and don’t wander off alone in secluded areas.
Home safety
Dangers around the home were explained in this session. The children had to spot the hazards.
Ask your child which is the most dangerous room in the home:
- The bathroom
- The kitchen
- The living room
Bonfire night fire safety
Staying safe on bonfire night was the key message in this workshop. The children viewed a re-enactment of an actual event that occurred in Merseyside where a teenager was badly injured.
Important things to remember were that others might put you in danger.
Stay well back from fires and bonfire night.
Stop, drop and roll if clothes catch fire.
British transport police
The Transport Police explained the dangers of playing on the railway lines or flying kites near electrified over-head lines.
Safety on the trains and train stations was made clear to the children, including staying behind the yellow line until the train comes to a standstill.
The children were a credit to our school as their behaviour was excellent and their questions and answers showed real thought and consideration. Well done Year 5, you made us proud.