Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PHSEE)
Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education including RSE
“For with God, everything is possible” (Matthew 19:26)
Through our continued service to our community and rooted in our Christian Values, the opportunities we provide inspire our children and adults at our school to learn, to grow and to flourish. We are committed to developing our children into confident individuals who make a positive difference through developing a respect for themselves, each other and the world around them. For with God, everything is possible. (Matthew 19:26)
Our 5 Crown Principles that drive our PHSEE curriculum
Through the ‘challenge’ curriculum driver we want our children to feel empowered to face any challenge within their lives, now and in the future. Our PSHE curriculum is driven by potential and inevitable challenges that they will encounter. As well as challenging them with the statutory guidance, we challenge the children to explore issues that are affecting them personally – using local health data and consultation with staff, parents and children.
Through the ‘resilience’ curriculum driver, we carefully plan difficult discussions and topics to develo children’s resilience. Our PSHE curriculum allows children to understand emotions and strength of character to have the confidence to make decisions in life. We aim to prepare children for difficult times in their lives and empower them to make choices, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support in order to support their wellbeing.
Through ‘opportunities’, we raise aspirations to broaden our children’s horizns. High quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate teaching of PSHE can help prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.
Our PSHE curriculum offers a range of experiences and visitors which are well-embedded at Queen’s Park. Working with external organisations enhances our delivery of PSHE, bringing in specialist knowledge and different ways of engaging with our children. Through careful planning, we have chosen key visitors such as Talking Teeth, Debt Aware, Money Matters, Drug & Alcohol team etc. Planned excursions such as Crucial Crew and Junior Road Safety are also well-established at Queen’s Park. We want our pupils to have a clear understanding of how to use these learned skills in the future.
Our children’s wellbeing is at the heart of our PSHE curriculum. At Queen’s Park, we understand that happiness is linked to personal growth, health and development. We ensure our children are happy, healthy individuals. Skills to promote wellbeing are taught explicitly in our PSHE curriculum. We develop our children holistically by dedicating time to all statutory areas of the PSHE curriculum and the Keeping Children Safe in Education document (2022). All our teachers teach with sensitivity and a strong awareness of our cohorts. Our PSHE curriculum focuses on teaching the characteristics of good physical health and mental wellbeing and we are clear that mental wellbeing is a normal part of daily life, in the same way as physical health.
Our PSHE curriculum teaches our children the benefits of hobbies, interests and participation in their own communities. We make clear that people are social beings and that spending time with others, taking opportunities to consider the needs of others and practising service to others, including in organised and structured activities and groups, are beneficial for their health and wellbeing. At Queen’s Park, we support this by offering a range of extra-curricular activities for our children to take part in.
Through the ‘kNowledge’ curriculum driver, we encourage our children to be resourceful learners. It is uniquely challenging and coherent to our children. PSHE is embedded in every subject so is always built upon. Children are always encouraged to draw upon knowledge and skills learnt in PSHE at any given opportunity during the school day. We aim to provide our children with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions in their lives.
All our teachers teach with the aim to ensure pupils have sufficient knowledge to progress through primary school and beyond.
Being a Queen’s Park citizen means that disciplinary and substantive knowledge complement each other harmoniously. Substantive knowledge in PSHE is threaded throughout each strand – the substantive knowledge for each strand is progressive. Disciplinary knowledge in PSHE are the social and emotional skills acquired, and the interpretation of themselves and how to support themselves and others through changes. Reading is the ‘beating heart’ of our PSHE curriculum. We cover a range of texts to enhance each strand of our curriculum.
PSHE Long Term Plan
Our progression documents have been created by the Curriculum Leader and PSHE Subject Leader to ensure clear progress in taught knowledge and social and emotional skills.
The progression documents show key knowledge (substantive knowledge), key vocabulary and key social and emotional skills (disciplinary knowledge) and assessment outcomes from EYFS – 6.
This is an example of progression within one unit of work.
Vocabulary is V.I.T.A.L in PSHE Valued We value vocabulary in PSHE and in everything we do. Identified Specific vocabulary is identified by the PSHE subject leader and is explicitly planned for. Taught Vocabulary is explicitly taught in every lesson. Our Crown Planners are used as a teaching tool for key vocabulary and the PSHE medium term plans include additional vocabulary to be taught. This is also shared with parents/guardians. Applied Once vocabulary is taught, it is applied. Children apply their vocabulary in their speaking and listening, writing and assessment outcomes in PSHE. We want our children to have a varied vocabulary to use when talking about their own and others’ feelings. Learned Vocabulary is revisited and relearned. Vocabulary sticks in the children’s long-term memory. Lesson by lesson, year by year, children revisit and relearn key vocabulary. Through an ‘explosion of experiences’, our youngest learners are exposed to the foundations of their learning in PSHE. Carefully planned knowledge, skills and experiences are provided for our children. High quality books, stories and rhymes are the beating heart of our PSHE curriculum in EYFS. Key vocabulary is planned for. Staff are role models in demonstrating PSHE vocabulary and this is further enhanced in our excellent provision. The foundations of learning in PSHE and SRE EYFS is linked to Year 1 and beyond. Year 1 to Year 6 Year on year, children will build upon their skills enabling them to really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever changing world. The curriculum leader and PSHE subject leader have created a unique, spiral and progressive learning journey through PSHE. Careful curriculum thinking and planning ensures that our children have the subject knowledge and components embedded in their long-term memories. Pedagogy Both our staff and children are enthusiastic about PSHE. Through ongoing CPD, we strive to ensure our teachers have expert knowledge of the PSHE they teach. Our pedagogy is firmly based upon our curriculum intent of embedding concepts into long-term memory so that they are able to be recalled, to ensure substantive and disciplinary knowledge and skills can be applied fluently. Our ‘Queen’s Park Quality First Teaching’ model ensures that lessons are effectively sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards defined end points. The sequence of lessons across PSHE follows the same structure: Each lesson, within the sequence, follows the structure so prior knowledge is constantly revisited and transferred to long term memory.
Our Crown Planners support our children with vocabulary and key knowledge for each unit of work. They enhance children’s understanding of key concepts, present information clearly and promote appropriate discussion. |
We understand that we may not see the true impact of our PSHE curriculum on our children as our PSHE curriculum is just the beginning of a lifetime of learning. Our well-constructed and well-taught PSHE curriculum, once embedded, leads to great outcomes and contributes to positive behaviour and attitudes of our children. For example, relationships is a ‘golden thread’ within our curriculum. The starting point is nurturing a positive relationship with self to grow a sense of identity and self-esteem within individuals. Children learn about rights and responsibilities to themselves and others. They develop a high degree of empathy and social skills. In the ‘Being Me in my World’ and ‘Dreams and Goals’ units, students focus on their attitudes towards learning, motivation and resilience. The ‘Celebrating Difference’ unit explores differences across the spectrum of global society, prejudice and discrimination, acceptance and understanding. Anti-bullying is also a core focus in this particular unit. Students are also equipped with a range of strategies to safeguard themselves and others, and to know how and when to access support. Critical thinking, in units ‘Dreams and Goals’, ‘Celebrating Difference’ and ‘Relationships’ provides pupils with the skills to assess different situations and scenarios. They can then act and behave appropriately affording respect towards others and upholding theirs and others’ rights. The impact of this should be pupils wanting to come to school as they feel safe and valued. We ensure all groups of children are given the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. We strive to ensure that our children are equipped with the skills (through a growth mindset approach) to fluently be able to retrieve key facts from their semantic memory and apply the skills to their own lives. The quality of our children’s work, at every stage, is of a high standard. All learning is built towards an end point and at each stage of their education, we prepare our children for the next stage. We ensure all our children read to a stage appropriate level and fluency. Reading is the beating heart of our PSHE curriculum. Through disciplinary literacy in PSHE lessons, the impact of reading on the children’s learning is paramount. The impact of Queen’s Park PSHE curriculum is measured through the following: