School Uniform


Our School Uniform

Winter Uniform

  • White Shirt/Blouse

  • Blue tie 

  • Blue Cardigan or Jumper (with logo)

  • Blue tartan skirt or pinafore (or grey pants)

  • Grey/White/Royal Blue Tights or Socks

  • Black School Shoes

Winter Uniform

  • White Shirt

  • Blue Tie

  • Blue Jumper (with logo)

  • Grey Trousers 

  • Black School Shoes

Summer Uniform

  • Yellow Checked Summer Dress

  • Blue Cardigan or Jumper (with logo)

  • White Socks

  • Black School Shoes

Summer Uniform

  • White Polo Shirt

  • Blue Jumper or Tank Top (with logo)

  • Grey Shorts

  • Black School Shoes

Jumpers and Cardigans are the only part of the uniform that have school logo on.  Everything else can be purchased locally.  

We have a no jewellery policy in school. This means no earrings or necklaces. This is to ensure we adhere to our health and safety policy. Watches are allowed. 

Wellies and Waterproofs

We are an OPAL school, which means we want to make our lunch times as fun and as full of play as possible.

To do this, we open up our school grounds all year round.

This means, so that the children can get on the field all year, we need EVERY child to have the following items, in school, at all times...



Each child needs their own pair of welly boots.

If you need any support getting a pair, please let us know via the School Office.

If you have an unused pair at home, or one a pair that are too small, please donate them to our welly shop!



Each child needs a waterproof coat.

We hope to have outdoor access all year round which means a warm, waterproof coat is essential!

Although colourful, designer coats look great and are very stylish, a plain, dark coat is best.

Pre-Loved Uniform 'Shop'


We have our own 'pre-loved' uniform 'shop' in our main entrance. 

We have lots of our uniform in different sizes that are like new and all parents are encourage to help themselves, free-of-charge, if it is needed. 

Parents: If you have uniform that your child has grown out of, or if you're child is leaving us in Year 6, why not bring it in so it can be used by someone else?

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