Our Vision for SEND

Our school vision is ‘For with God, Everything is Possible (Matthew 19:26)’. At our school we are one big family and it is really important to us that everyone feels included in everything we do, regardless of a child's barrier to learning. Children may find their learning a little tricky at times, may have barriers to their learning which can make their lessons more difficult or may need extra support in school. All our teachers and teaching assistants work hard to ensure that all our children can access their learning through quality first teaching and regular interventions. We really do believe that everything is possible for ALL of our children!

Relationships are really important to us at Queen’s Park. Our adults spend a lot of time getting to know our children and understand all our individual needs to make sure that they support us in the best possible way. We have a pastoral team on hand to work with our children and our families and we have a school counsellor who comes into school one day a week. 

If you have any questions about how we can support your child at Queen’s Park, you can find lots of information on our school website, speak to your child’s class teacher or speak with Miss Bailey who is our school SENCo. Mrs Leadbetter and Mrs Hughes are our Pastoral Team who also support our SEND children. Please contact the school office if you require to speak to a member of our team. Our Governor for SEND is Mrs Debbie Dowd and our Local Authority Inclusion Officer is Ms Gill Ashcroft. 

Queens-Park-School-97.jpg  Miss Bailey (Deputy Headteacher and SENCo)

Queens-Park-School-28.jpg  Mrs Leadbetter (Safeguarding and Pastoral Lead) 

Queens-Park-School-14.jpg Mrs Hughes (Pastoral Support) 

SEND Information Hub and Local Offer

St Helen's Local Authority produce our Local Offer which underpins our SEND policies and practices in school. The Local Offer can be found at 

This is also the link to St Helen's Family Information Hub where you will find a range of supportive materials and information on how to access local support services. 

Information about how we contribute to and implement the Local Offer at our school can be found in the Information Report below.

Our Crown Curriculum

Our Crown Curriculum has been specifically designed to be a fully inclusive curriculum based on extensive research into learning pedagogies for how children (regardless of need) learn best. We firmly believe that SEND support sits with everyone at Queen’s Park Primary school; all teachers are teachers of SEND and all leaders are leaders of SEND. Our ‘Queen’s Park Quality First Teaching’ model ensures that lessons are effectively sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and towards defined end points. Where necessary for a child to access the curriculum, lessons are scaffolded to ensure any barriers to learning are supported.  For more information on our curriculum, please see the curriculum page. 

Our Graduated Response

We have a clear graduated response embedded throughout school to support all four areas of need identified in the Code of Practice. Click on the document below to look at some of the suggested provision at the different waves of support for each area of need. This document is used across school when identifying required support but we really do believe that all of our children are unique and we look at each child individually when we implement support in the classroom.

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 can be found at: 

Our Personal Progress Books 

Children on the SEND register have their own Individual Provision Plan (IPP) if we feel they require additional support (whether that be academically, socially, emotionally or physically). Our IPPs are stored in the child’s own ‘Personal Progress Book’ and include targets from teachers and the children themselves. Children on an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) have an IPP which links directly to their EHCP targets.

Our children are really proud of the work they do in their ‘Personal Progress Books’ and all work completed in them links directly to the targets set by their teachers. The pictures below show just some of the amazing work our children have completed in their IPP books. You will be able to see examples of phonics work, handwriting, additional maths support using concrete resources and how we use ICT to revisit our learning. You will also be able to see how we support children through the use of social games, social stories, life skills workshops and sensory activities. We also use our IPP books to explore any pre-learning tasks in relation to our wider curriculum to make sure that we are fully prepared to be able to take part in the lesson.

IPP Work 2.PNGIPP Work 1.PNG

IPP Work 3.PNGIPP Work 4.PNG

Our Children's Aspirations

We believe that ALL children at our school can be anything that they want to be! To make sure that our provision is based on the needs of our children, every year all SEND children complete a one-page profile all about them. Part of this includes what they want to be when they are older so that where we can, we tailor our curriculum and visitors to school to their aspirations to give our children the skills that they need to succeed. Have a look at some of the aspirations which our children have…

Aspirations 2.PNGAspirations 1.PNG

Aspirations 3.PNG



Below are links to our statutory polices including our SEND Policy and our SEND Information Report.

St Helens Local Authority Local Offer can be found at:

Compliants linked to SEND 

Please find our complaints policy under the 'Key Information' on our website 

SEND Policy 


SEND Information Report 


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