Pupil Premium

Our school vision ‘For with God, Everything is Possible (Matthew 19:26) underpins everything we do at Queen’s Park Primary School. We have a range of children from different backgrounds and with various additional needs at our school. We are one big family and we use our pupil premium funding to ensure all our pupil premium children achieve the best results they possibly can.

Our bespoke Crown Curriculum, which is ambitious and designed to give all pupils, particularly pupil premium pupils, the experiences and education they need to succeed in life.  We strive to give all our pupils access to a wide and rich set of experiences. Learning is fun in our school and we enjoy really memorable experiences throughout our time at Queen’s Park.

Our staff work incredibly hard to ensure quality first teaching in our classrooms. If our children find their learning a little difficult, adults provide support during the lessons or our children can work with an adult during intervention sessions if they need to. We are really lucky that we have at least one learning assistant in every classroom to support our learning.

We firmly believe that it is vital for later life success that all our children, regardless of background, leave our school as fluent readers and develop a real love of reading. Our early reading curriculum has a sharp focus on our pupil premium learners to ensure they receive high quality teaching and targeted intervention throughout their journey through school. This includes a sharp focus on the vocabulary and the speech and language development of all our children.

Emotional wellbeing is at the heart of our intent for all children’s personal development and we ensure our provision is targeted to our pupil premium learners to ensure all children are emotionally ready to access our Crown Curriculum. We have a strong understanding of how the life experiences of our children can impact on the academic progress they make and their emotional wellbeing. We have a strong pastoral team at our school who are always on hand to support both our children and families when they need a little extra help.

We believe that attendance at school is really important for all children but particularly for pupil premium children. Our attendance team monitor the attendance of pupil premium children and offer bespoke, targeted support to families where required. For more information on pupil premium, please see our strategy below.

Should you require any further information about Pupil Premium please contact the following people:

Miss Jennie Bailey- Pupil Premium Champion and Designated Teacher for Looked After Children 

Mrs Justine Kellett - Headteacher 

Debbie Dowd - Pupil Premium Governor


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