Meet our Maths Ambassadors
Pupil Leadership is very important at our school.
Our Maths Ambassadors are a group of Year 5 children who are responsible for supporting the leadership of maths in school. They meet with Miss Bailey every Monday morning before school and help Miss Bailey to complete tasks linked to the strategic aims set for maths on our school improvement plan. Their tasks include completing pupil voice surveys, conducting working wall monitoring and giving feedback to staff and presenting annually to our maths governor. The Maths Ambassadors are also responsbile for planning and delivering our annual Rockstars and Robots day.
Meet the Team

Hi. My name is Lylah and I am 9 years old.
I have a dog named Polly.
I like maths because it helps me with other areas of my life. I want to be a maths ambassador so I can help everyone.
Hello my name is Cordell and my age is 9.
An interesting fact is that I have two cats and they are called Delboy and Recel.
I like Maths because I think it is interesting and I would love to help people with it. I wanted to be a Maths Ambassador because I would like to help people and I want to show everyone the fun part of maths.
Hello! My name is Noah and I’m 9.
I support Liverpool Football Club also my favourite colour is red.
I like maths because I’m good at it and it helps me in life and I want to help other children. I want to make maths better.
I am Imran and I have a dog named Saxon.
I like football and maths.
I love maths because it challenges my brain.
I will like to help other children in maths.