Edge Hill University Healthy eating session

Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 5:19pm

Sports and Development students, from Edge Hill University, came to teach our Year 5 children about healthy eating.

The children began the session by looking at sporting heroes, they then found out details about each personality, Jess Ennis, Sam Quek, Mo Farrah, Usain Bolt and  Michael Phelps. Each group was then give one of these sporting heroes for their team name. After sharing the sporting facts, the children shared facts about themselves. 

The next session consisted of the groups creating their ideal lunchbox. They then created a healthier lunch box using the Eat Well plate giving a more balanced lunch. 

The final session was a Dragon's Den activity.

Each group had to use follow a set criteria to create a healthy smoothie.

They had to include:

  • The name of their company
  • The name of their smoothie
  • A design for their bottle
  • A label design for their bottle
  • A list of ingredients
  • The price of their smoothie
  • A catchy slogan to help sell their smoothie
  • They had to explain why their smoothie was special
  • Finally they had to consider who their target audience was.

Each group then presented their product and to the 'dragons'. They were asked product specific questions from the 'dragons' which they answered confidently. 

The best part of the day was the smoothie tasting session, all of the smoothies were delicious. 

A special thank you to the Edge Hill students as Year 5 had a really enjoyable day. 

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