European Day of Languages

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 9:38pm

Guten Abend.

What a brilliant day we have had today! 

It all started with an assembly to give us a brief introduction of what the day was all about. Some of the children and staff got up at the front and had a good at saying a tongue twister in German. This was really funny and everybody who had a go did brilliantly - especially Mr Warner!!!

In the morning we had a go at speaking some German with our talk partner. We enjoyed listening to our classmates having a go at pronouncing some really difficult words. We have learned to say how old we are and would be happy to share this with you should you ask! 

We can also count to 10 in German. Our favourite number was funf - pronounced foonf (which is 5). 

This afternoon we were really lucky to have a go at some German dancing. We learned how to waltz - it is much more difficult than it looks. Those celebrities on Strictly do a great job of learning it so quickly! 

Mrs Taylor ended the day in an enthraling way by teaching us some German phrases that we can use around school, if we have German visitors and also at home. 

Thank you to Mrs Taylor, the staff and all children at Queen's Park for such a fantastic day learning all about Germany. 

Take a look at some our pictures to see how much we have learned! 

Auf Weidersehen! 

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