Happy Holidays!
Date: 22nd Oct 2016 @ 9:14am
We made it! The children can can enjoy a well-earned rest after all their hard work. All the children really have made a fantastic start to Q4. I'm very proud of all their achievements and it was lovely to share them with you at our parents evening, thank you so much for your continued support.
Some highlights this half term include some amazing writing from our text 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. The children written some great letters and have just finished a brilliant news report - some of the vocabulary I'm seeing in the children's work is amazing.
Our Maths is really coming along. The children have enjoyed lots of work on place value and addition and subtraction. We will be moving onto multiplication and division after half term so keep learning those tables guys!
We have some great scientists in Q4 and the children have enjoyed our topic 'Living Things and their Habitats'. They have produced some great classification keys and endangered species posters. I'm sure that the children will love our new topic 'Animals including Humans', which we will commence in the first week back.
There is so much to look forward to. We will be studying Italy in our Geography lessons and will continue with our Romans topic in History. The children will be creating their very own Roman catapult as part of our Design Technology project having already produced some excellent Roman serpent bracelets linked to Art. We are very lucky to have Mr Ward next half-term for our PE lessons!
Learning literally never stops in Q4. Time for a rest now, but we have lots to look forward to when we come back. Quick message for the children - don't forget your homework activities and do your best to read five times to be in with a chance of winning a book! Have a great half term, you deserve it!
See you next week!