Modern Foreign Languages Day

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 1:36pm

This week has been an extremely busy one. 

Two of the children (Shei and Olivia) were interviewed about their experiences -

What have you been learning about this week?

O - We've been learning about a new book called "The Stone Age Boy" and it's also a kind of history book too.

S- We've been filming a scene from part of the book too. I was the boy.

O- We've been looking at three digit numbers this week. We had European Day of Languages as well and German dance. We found out all about Germany.

What has been your favourite part of the week?

O- Most probably McMillan coffee morning and the filming. It's like filming the trailer for a movie at the cinema.

S - Definately doing the filming for Stone Age Boy.

O- It's kind of like English and Topic all in one, it's great!

O- Ooh and I love it when Mrs Roberts did Science as well. We squirted rocks.

Is there anything else you want to tell your parents about the week?

S- This week has been fine and I hope next week is even better.

O- Every Friday after assembly we go out and play rugby with Mr Ward. We have to try our best.

S- I will try really hard next week.




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