Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 9:42pm
We have had another successful celebration of the European Day of Languages. The day started with an assembly in which children role played greetings in French, Italian, Mandarin and German before a tongue twister challenge! Aanu, Bertie and Kara picked Mrs Connor, Miss Moss and Mr Warner to join them in attempting to say English, French and German tongue twisters as quickly as possible. Miss Emma led workshops in German dance which the children loved. At lunchtime we sampled a German menu in the dinner hall (a sausage recipe prepared specially by our cook). Q6 had a lovely experience when they took part in a Skype with a German school at Cowley. Cowley have sent an email to us praising our pupils saying they were a credit to our school. Mrs Taylor also led German language lessons throughout the day.