What a busy week!

Date: 10th Jan 2016 @ 2:57pm

What a fantastically busy week the children have had.  It started with a fantastic performance of Dick Whittington in our hall.  The children have taken part in Samba, Ukelele, Brass, Clarinet workshops all led by St Helens Music Service.  Alongside these workshops, our teachers have planned lots of themed activities linked to the Arts.  On Wednesday we had a 'Salad' day!  This is short for 'Speaking and Listening all day'  The children loved it and thought they were getting away with doing hardly any work all day.... They were wrong!  The teachers planned P4C activities (philosophy for children) where they had to ask and answer 'Big Questions' relating to topical events. 

Phew!! Let's hope next week is as sucessful! 

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