Our blogs
Allez les bleus!, by Mrs Taylor
Date: 14th Jun 2016 @ 12:21pm
Our display on Euro 16 is coming along nicely. Our French lessons this half term will have a sports theme to link in with the football finals and the Olympics .
Surprise connection with France , by Mrs Taylor
Date: 14th Jun 2016 @ 12:16pm
I was having a chat via google hangout with the teacher from our partner school in Bouligny when P4 returned from playtime. I invited the children to join the conversation and they did our school proud with their spoken French and singing. I could tell that Madame Marchetti was very impressed.
Leaver's Service at Liverpool Cathedral, by Miss Ellis
Date: 14th Jun 2016 @ 9:19am
Yesterday afternoon, all the children and staff from year 6 attended the Leaver's Service at Liverpool Cathedral. It was a very emotional start to our classes getting ready to begin their journeys towards high school (Miss Ellis certainly had a tear or two in her eye!) Euan and Rebecca (our head boy and girl) carried the school banner through the cathedral and presented it at the alter, Kenny hung our prayers for the future on the prayer tree and Tansy received a candle from the Bishop which we will now use as part of our leaver's service in school. During the service, the children received a blessing from the clergy and our children were lucky enough to be blessed by our own Miss Hope who is a lay reader. The children behaved superbly and were a real credit to the school and their parents. A lovely afternoon😃⛪️
Leavers' Service , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 10:49pm
Today our year six children attended 'Hands of Friendship' Leavers' Service at the Anglician Cathedral. The children received a blessing from our very own Miss Hope. They behaved impeccably well and were a pleasure. Well done year six.
SPORTS WEEK, by Miss Hughes
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 9:30pm
Despite the weather, we've had a very successful start to Sports Week. Here are some of the exciting activities that have been going on in school today:
Tomorrow there will be Judo, Cricket, more Zumba, Rugby and Football.
We are all keeping our fingers crossed that the weather is on our side this week. We would love to get outside and do our Sports Days!
We will be watching the football on Thursday in our school hall... Come on England!!!
What a great kick off to Sports Week!, by Miss Fisher
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 5:20pm
The children had a great time in the hall playing dodgeball today! They developed their throwing and aiming skills and talked about the principles of being a good sportsperson; not just being the fastest, most skilled or strongest but being honest, following the rules and supporting fellow competitors.
Phonics fun! , by Miss Fisher
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 5:16pm
In Year 1 we are always trying out new ways to practise our phonics skills so while we were using the Beebot on our treasure maps we invented a new game to help us with decoding multisyllabic alien words.
Buried treasure ... , by Miss Fisher
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 4:56pm
This week in our topic work we have been making treasure maps. First we studied good examples treasure maps; looking at geographical features and the pirate themed names of places. Then the children worked together to design their own. After the children had finished making their map they had fun using their programming skills to move the Beebots around their maps.
A great start to Sports Week!!, by Miss Glover
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 3:56pm
We kicked of sports day today with a great game of dodgeball. Well done Y1! We had two brilliant star players, they demonstrated amazing throwing skills. Well done!!
Sports week , by Miss Stubbs
Date: 13th Jun 2016 @ 3:49pm
Year 5 have had an excellent start to sports week, beginning with Zumba dances from around the world.
We really have some great movers in year 5.
This afternoon, both year 5 classes to part in a bench ball carousel. All of the children were engaged, it was great to see their competitive spirit.
The children had a great time
Transition to Cowley Language College , by Mrs Platt
Date: 11th Jun 2016 @ 8:43pm
Some of our Year 6 children were invited to Cowley Language College on Friday afternoon. It was a great opportunity to have a tour of the school, meet the staff and pupils of Cowley and take part in a question and answer session. A huge thanks to Cowley's Year 8 prefects for giving us such an informative and friendly welcome. We look forward to the other transition days taking place later this month.
Queen's 90th Birthday, by Mrs Platt
Date: 11th Jun 2016 @ 8:30pm
Today is Queen Elizabeth's official birthday.
The children of Queen's Park have taken part in many events and activities over the last few weeks to celebrate this very special occasion. They have joined in the celebrations through assemblies, INSPIRE days, tea parties, creative workshops and much more.
Mayans, by Mr Helsby
Date: 11th Jun 2016 @ 3:15pm
This week we have been learning about the Mayans The children enjoyed using the iPads to research and then produce a presentation on the Mayans culture.
Cowley Taster Day, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 11th Jun 2016 @ 2:59pm
On Wednesday the Year 5 children attended a taster morning at Cowley International College. Whilst there, they were given fruit and water and then they were shown around the school by Cowley prefects. The two sessions that the children were involved in were team building sessions on the field and drama in the hall. All the children were excellently behaved, well done Year 5, you made us proud.
Science, by Miss McCormack
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 8:24pm
Our current science topic is magnets and forces. This week we have been exploring magnets and finding out about attracting and repelling...
Measuring in Maths, by Miss McCormack
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 8:21pm
This week in maths we have been focusing on measuring mass and volume.
We even managed to take our slightly wet and messy maths lesson outside in the lovely sunshine!
Super Isaac, by Miss Hope
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 3:14pm
Well done to Isaac who received the coach's award at his rugby club -Pilk's Recs this week. We are very proud of you.
Thank you Miss Fowlis , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 2:55pm
Miss Hughes was on training yesterday and Miss Fowlis stepped in to cover her. The children had a lovely time and wanted to say thank you
Ethos council , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 2:53pm
Mrs Morris joined our Ethos Council today to help the children to prepare for leading worship.
Super Swimmers , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 2:51pm
Fantastic effort from our swimming team. They did a tremendous job and we are all very proud.
Arts Award, by Mrs Kellett
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 2:47pm
All our KS2 children received an Arts certificate today for the work completed during Arts fortnight.. This award gave the children a great introduction to the Arts. It rewards 20 hours of learning related to the award. Well done everyone
Pirate, by Mrs Potter
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 12:41pm
On TUesday we had a lovely time all dressed up as pirates. Don't forget to save your costumes as we will be having a party at the end of term.
BIg write will be on THursday this week instead of Friday,thank you to the parents who have took the time and trouble to sit and talk with them, it really helps when they have to write.
Recycle, by Mr Warner
Date: 10th Jun 2016 @ 10:27am
Year 4 visited the Gillmoss recycle centre today and found out lots of information about recycling and waste management.
The children were shown the amazing machines which sort and recycle waste from a large area of Merseyside. They were fascinated by all the equipment and asked Kirsty (Waste Awareness Manager) very intelligent and sensible questions.
When asked, Emily said this visited rated in her top 5 of school trips. This summed up the feeling of all the children; who behaved impeccably throughout.
Thank you Gillmoss Recycling Centre for a fascinating day and insight into our waste.
Science investigation, by Miss Hughes
Date: 9th Jun 2016 @ 4:11pm
During science we have been investigating forces. The children enjoyed working as a team to investigate how the forces effected the car on the ramp.
Stone Age day , by Miss Hughes
Date: 9th Jun 2016 @ 3:58pm
Q3 and p3 have enjoyed a whole day building incredible dens out of sticks. The children designed there flags as a team and then began to build the dens. The children's parents joined in in the afternoon. We even had fruit and water for snacks. Everyone had a brilliant time working as a team.