Our blogs

SEAL Champions, by Miss Hope

Date: 28th May 2016 @ 1:18pm

Each half term we focus on a different theme for our PSHE work. This term it has been Relationships. At the end of each half term the children vote for their classmates who they think display the values we have been working on. This term we were looking for the child who is always pleased when a friend achieves something new and for the one who says sorry when they know they are in the wrong. Q2 children voted and decided that James W was the person who won the sorry award and Isaac won the encourager award. Amazingly Miss Hope and Mrs Duffy had picked the same people in their secret vote too, which just goes to show how well we all know each other in Q2. Well done boys we are proud of you. 

Robot Workshop, by Miss Hope

Date: 28th May 2016 @ 1:08pm

During the last two weeks Q2 have been busy designing, building, decorating and evaluating their moving robots. Miss Gray gave the children a design brief that they had to follow. Their robot had to be able to stand up on its own and needed to have a chassis with wheels on axles. We have really enjoyed our robot project. Although some parts of the design process were tricky and required patience and perseverence we all managed to complete our robots. We now have a fabulous collection of wheeled robots. Take a look at our pictures. Which is your favourite? 

Rugby Squad Out and About, by Mr Ward

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 5:11pm

The rugby squad have had there first games together this week which is a big step in the right direction looking forward to two St. Helens schools tournaments in June..

Intra School Competitions, by Mr Ward

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 5:00pm

The last week of the school term normally means lots of intra school competition to give our children the opportunity to apply the skills they have learnt into really life situations. This week year 6 had a kiwi cricket and rounders tournament, year 5 boys had a rugby competition and year 2P and 3Q had a Benchball competition. Well done to all involved....

Recycling Centre, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 4:36pm

Q5 visited the Gillmoss Recycling Centre today. Kirsty explained what happens to the waste when it arrives at the centre. The children were fascinated by the processes and the machinery in the centre. Please ask you child to tell you all about their visit and let them sort your recycling, they are all now experts at what goes into each recycling bag.


Did you know St.Helens only recycles 40% of their waste? surprise

Recycling trip P5, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 4:34pm

This afternoon, P5 went to the Gillmoss recycling centre. Kirsty explained what happens to the waste when it arrives at the centre. The children were fascinated by the processes and the machinery in the centre. Please ask your child to tell you all about their visit and let them sort your recycling, they are all now expects at what goes into each recycling bag. 

Did you know St Helens only recycles 40% of their waste. 


SEAL certificates , by Miss McCormack

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 1:48pm

This term's SEAL theme is relationships. The children in our class voted for the person they thought: 

showed how pleased they were for someone else’s achievements
made things better by saying sorry


Our winners were, Leon Hughes and Charlie Martindale for showing how pleased they were for someone else's achievements and Troy Pimblett for making things better by saying sorry. 

Well done boys!

P2 Design and Technology, by Mrs Potter

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 12:30pm

P2 have had fun making robots. Then we put them on chassis. This was not so fun! However we got there in the end. Yeah! Let us know what you think of our results. 

We are on a mission to blog every Friday. Watch out for the next thrilling instalment of the adventures in P2!!

Read all about it!, by Mr Helsby

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 11:57am

This week four Year Six children were invited to Cowley to take part in a writing workshop producing a news report. 

Eggs-speriment , by Mr Helsby

Date: 27th May 2016 @ 11:52am

Year 6 have been having an eggcellent time investigating the structure of an egg.

SEAL WINNERS, by Miss Glover

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 5:45pm

Well done to these children in Q1! They received these awards from their classmates today. I am one proud teacher to have these children in my class! They have both shown kind and forgiving behaviour to their friends. Well done and thank you for being such wonderful friends to children in Q1.  😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 

Bumfresh!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 2:17pm

As you know, we have been reading Billionaire Boy over the last half term. 
We received a text from Mr Len Spud, asking if we could help him to create a jingle, logo and slogan for his beloved company!

First, we had researched some famous slogans, logos and jingles we had a go at creating our own. Once we had created them we performed our jingles to some very harsh judges!

It was tough but we managed to select some winners! Well done to Ruby, Lucy, Morgan, Gillian, Charlie and Jacob!

Year 5 SEAL certificates , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 1:34pm

 Today, Jamie-Lee Finnan and Katie McCooey have been nominated by their peers. Jamie-Lee received the award for showing how pleased she is for other peoples' achievements. Katie was nominated for being sensible enough to realise her mistakes and being able to make things better by saying sorry. 

Well done Katie and Jamie-Lee. smiley

SEAL certificates, by Miss Ellis

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 10:47am

During our assembly this morning, Joshua Healey and Ellis Welsby were awarded the SEAL certificates from their classmates in P6. Ellis was awarded the certificate for showing he can make things better by saying sorry and Joshua showed his classmates that he is someone who is pleased when other children achieve success. Both boys were really pleased to receive their certificates, especially as it was their friends who nominated them. Congratulations boys. ⭐️⭐️⭐️😃😃😃

Seal Certificates, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 9:57am

Today, Joshua Edge and Ellie Horsley have been awarded Seal certificates by their peers. Ellie received the award for showing how pleased she is for other peoples' achievements. Josh was nominated for being sensible enough to realise his mistakes and being able to make things better by saying sorry. 

Well done Josh and Ellie, you both show super Queen's Park spirit. smiley

Football Frenzy!, by Mrs Ashton

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 4:43pm

This afternoon our Year 5 and 6 Football Club held a 5-a-side tournament!

We focused on our school values of 'Respect' and 'Honesty' by refereeing our own games. This was very successful and some excellent behaviour was displayed by pupils. 

We look forward to organising some more football events for next term! 

Mr. Westhead 


Egg-straordinary work!!! , by Miss Ellis

Date: 25th May 2016 @ 2:08pm

We've just finished dissecting eggs in science as part of our work on life cycles. Flowers last week, eggs this week...P6 are become quite brutal!! What living thing will be next? 🐌🐟🐋🐅🐊🐘

Robot Hand, by Mr Warner

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 10:38pm

Today some very strange things happened within the classroom. A robot hand appeared in the room whilst we were out during morning break. It was surrounded by police tape and a crime scene warning sign. This has caused much excitement amongst the children. It later moved onto the canopy in our reading area. Many questions have been left unanswered. Where did it come from? Who does it belong to? Why was it in our classroom. 

The police are working around the clock in their investigation.

If anyone spots the hand, or indeed the rest of the robot can you please contact a menber of the Year 4 staff.  

Look who came to visit us today!, by Miss Fisher

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 9:12pm

Clink the robot popped into the Year 1 classrooms today.  We found him to be very friendly and he answered lots of questions about how his appearance.  The children then learnt how to join two questions with a 'sticky and'. This writing skill will help us write our job descriptions to hopefully employ our own robots!  

A visitor came to Q1 AND P1 today , by Miss Glover

Date: 24th May 2016 @ 5:52pm

CLINK. YES CLINK. Clink the robot came to see us today.  We are writing a job description for a robot, we interviewed him asking him some questions about his appearence. 

Check out our pictures. 


Outdoor work in PE, by Miss Ellis

Date: 23rd May 2016 @ 3:11pm

P6 and Q6 really worked hard in applying their cricket and rounders skills in our inter-class tournaments this afternoon. If only rounders was an Olympic sport, we'd definitely be competing for gold medals!!🏅🏆

Clink the Robot, by Miss Hope

Date: 22nd May 2016 @ 4:02pm

This week we had a visit from a very sad robot called Clink. He was so upset because he wasn't as exciting as some of the other robots in the shop. We wanted to help Clink so we decided to write a letter to persuade someone to buy him. 

Have a look at some of our super writing. 

A message from Clink , by Miss Glover

Date: 22nd May 2016 @ 10:59am

Clink , by Miss Glover

Date: 22nd May 2016 @ 10:55am

In Literacy we are reading the quality text Clink, this fits in with our Key Stage topic Robots! This week the book revealed that Clink is a robot which can do jobs! We have looked at the authors use of verbs, adjectives and nouns and used some key vocabulary in our writing last week. The children decided that in fact, they want a robot of their own. As a result of this, on Friday children wrote their own introduction for job application so they can employ their own robot. I was very impressed. 

I have photographed some Q1 STAR writers-  a big well done!!! 

Money, money, money!, by Miss Fisher

Date: 21st May 2016 @ 9:55am

This week in Year 1 we have been learning about money.  We have found a great page on a website with lots of fun money games (address below) but don't forget giving your child the opportunity to use money in real life situations is the best way to learn.


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