Our blogs

Gillmoss Recycling Centre Trip, by Miss McCormack

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 7:27pm

Today we had a very exciting morning at Gillmoss Recycling Centre. 
We discovered lots of facts about rubbish and recycling such as, in a year each family throws away rubbish which is equivalent to the weight of three polar bears!
We also got to see the machines which are used after our recycling has been collected. Unfortunately, there was an engineering problem with the machines today so we were unable to see them working, however, Kirsty was fantastic and we thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our visit. 

I'm so proud of how we represented our school today and how fantastic and well behaved every member of our class was throughout the whole visit.
Finally, I'd just like to say a huge thank you to the following people for making the trip possible: 
Mr Ward for organising this trip and for driving the minibus, Mr Curan for driving the minibus and staying with us during the visit, the parent helpers who dedicated their time to come with us this morning and last but not least a massive thank you to Kirsty for being a wonderful host and teaching our children lots of new things which they can hopefully take home and help our planet!

Maths in Q3, by Miss Hughes

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 4:51pm

We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in maths. Our children are showing fluency and reasoning when sorting shapes by their properties. Well done Q3! 

Songfest, by Miss Hughes

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 4:33pm

Q3 and Q4 have started their practises for Songfest. We have been learning songs such as -

David Bowie medley

Jess Glynn - Hold my Hand

Bear Necessities

Rock Star

I Got Rhythm



There are sounding amazing so far! We can't wait to show off what we can do in the show with all other schools :) Information to follow. Big thanks to the Music Service for teaching the children the songs.

Happy 90th Birthday Queen Elizabeth! , by Miss Hughes

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 4:12pm

God Save The Queen!


Happy 90th Birthday Queen Elizabeth. 


Lots of love, 

Q3 children at Queen's Park 

Gillmoss Recycling Centre, by Miss Hughes

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 3:45pm

We had a super day at Gillmoss Recycling Centre today! We learnt lots about recycling and how the centre works. Did you know that every year, one household produces the equivalent of 3 polar bears worth of rubbish? (In weight) ... AND most of that can be recycled. We are going home to tell our families about how we can be more green and eco friendly. 

Thank you to Kirsty at Gillmoss who was a super teacher, taught us loads and made us laugh lots! 

Miss Hughes and Miss McCormack x



Clink the robot comes for a visit!, by Mrs Potter

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 12:48pm

Yesterday Clink paid us a visit. What an amazing day we had! We all want him to come and live with us. Today we wrote about him in Big Write.it was our best writing ever!  Here is a photograph of our loveable robot.



Poetry with Paul Delaney, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 20th May 2016 @ 10:57am

Queen's Park School were lucky enough to have Paul Delaney in school today. First of all, he held a whole school assembly to entertain the children with his poems, then, he spent the day working with Year 5. 

The Year 5 children really enjoyed learning about Paul and listening to his humorous poems. Each child then created their own poem based on Paul Delaney's poem: 'There is nothing finer than...' 

After writing and editing their poems, the children were given the opportunity to perfom their poem to the rest of the class. 

Once all the children had completed, edited and performed their poems they were then judged by the adults. The winner will attend the St. Helens Primary Schools' Poetry Festival on Monday 4th July.

In Q5, the outright winner was Cymon Ellison (well done Cymon), he had used interesting word choices and had a great rhythm throughout his poem. 

The runner up was Anu Abe, her perfomance of the poem with actions was really effective (great work Anu).

Our reserve was Harrison Latta, he had some really imaginative ideas in his poem (good ideas Harrison). 

The whole of Year 5 really enjoyed Paul's visit and will be uploading their poems to his website:


to see if they can win one of his signed books. 

Thanks Paul. laugh



Flotsam, by Mr Warner

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 11:27pm

We had a great time with the launch of a fabulous book called Flotsam. Children were asked to sift through the sand to find clues. Lots of items gave them an indication as to what the story may be about. Some even found messages in bottles. Some fabulous writing was produced in the following days. 

What a fantastic week at Queen's Park , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 9:45pm

The children have been so busy this week.  We've had a visit from Clink the robot, a visit to Garswood Primary to meet an author, a poetry festival, a singing festival, Judo assembly and that is as well as the fantastic lessons that have taken place all week.  Phew!! 

Judo Assembly , by Miss Glover

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 8:20pm

KS1 had a great time yesterday afternoon. We had a special Judo assembly. A black belt instructor told us lots about Judo. Some lucky boys in Q1 had chance to try out the sport with close supervision. In that short time we learnt about respect on the mat and some key Judo moves! 

There will be a Judo lunch club coming to Queen's Park for KS1.  Looks like we already have some professionals in training...check our pictures. 

Year 5 poetry workshop, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 19th May 2016 @ 2:35pm

Paul Delaney, a well known author, has been into year 5 all day, involving the children in a poetry workshop. 

The children have written their own poems about what they enjoy. All of the their poems are fantastic, they have really used their imagination. 

Katie Hamilton has been chosen from P5 to represent Queen's Park at the St Helens poetry festival in July.  Jessica Bairstow has also been chosen as a reserve. 

The children have the chance to win a signed book, if they enter a competition on Paul Delaney's website, www.pdelaney.co.uk. 


Weaving display, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 12:54pm

The children used different art resources to create a background for their plates. Next, they used wool to weave the Viking Tree of Life: yggdrasil. Well done Year 5, they make a really effective display for our corridor. 

Maths. Nets of 3d shapes, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 12:33pm

The children really enjoyed testing which nets made 3d shapes.  

OPERATION!!!!😷🤕🚑🏥, by Miss Ellis

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 12:06pm

Today P6 have pushed the boundaries of primary science and conducted a series of surgical procedures on each other!!! Only joking!!! During our revision of the human body, Macauley, Lilly and Ellis performed heart, lung and kidney transplants on our volunteer patient, Andrew. Anybody wishing to make an appointment with our surgical team can contact the office😀😀😀😀😀🤕

Snail Race, by Mr Ward

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 9:00am

At Eco Club we are always searching for and finding living things.....don't blink or you will miss the race (not)

Pass and Move is the Queens Park Groove, by Mr Ward

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 8:54am

Every Friday morning we run Benchball sessions before school starts....Rise and shineeeee!

The Future Saints..., by Mr Ward

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 8:29am

Year 5 boys are progressing very well with their rugby league skills...

Meeting for Y6 parents , by Mrs Platt

Date: 18th May 2016 @ 6:04am


There will be a meeting at 5.30pm in school today to discuss arrangements for this year's Y6 residential trip to Lockerbie Manor. 

Hope to see you there, 

Mrs Platt 

An energetic start to the day! , by Mrs Platt

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 9:51pm

Miss Emma started the day off in a very energetic way this morning! 

The group are learning a range of dance routines during the breakfast dance club. 

Well done girls - your dance routine looked amazing this morning! 

Pentecost , by Mrs Platt

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 9:43pm

Thank you to our Year 6 worship monitors who helped to set up the hall today for our assembly about Petecost. 

Our Year 6 monitors do a wonderful job of organising the hall ready for worship each day and speaking to children from other year groups to seek their opinions about the collective worship assemblies. 

Enjoying playtime in the sun , by Mrs Platt

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 9:34pm

Our junior children enjoyed their break time in the sunshine today. They enjoyed taking part in a range of activities: football, basketball, sharing books, using the climbing wall, solving Rubik's cubes and much more. 

The Queen's Hat, by Miss Hope

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 7:52pm

In Q2 we have been reading The Queen's Hat by Steve Antony.

We have written recounts of the story, pretending we were the hat. We wrote some super stories with adverbs, time connectives, proper nouns and included details we had learnt on our special bus trip round London. 

We have changed our book corner into London Town, complete with Big Ben, Tower Bridge and lots of soldiers. We've even got a huge hat soaring through the clouds. 

We spent Friday doing lots of art work to transform our book corner.  

We think it looks fantastic now. 

Attack of the tiny lilies!!!!, by Miss Ellis

Date: 17th May 2016 @ 12:11pm

Year six are refocused and enthusiastic about getting ready for the science sample tests. Today we have been revising plant life cycles and growth. These tiny lilies didn't stand a chance when we started dissecting them!!! 

Beebots and Maths, by Miss McCormack

Date: 16th May 2016 @ 4:00pm

Over the past few weeks we have been learning all about angles in year 3 and today we put our knowledge to the test...


In pairs, we wrote a set of instructions explaining how to navigate the Beebot around a course on the iPads. Our instructions worked really well as we all managed to reach the finish point!

Tea party in Q1, by Miss Glover

Date: 15th May 2016 @ 9:11pm

Thank you to these helpful boys of Q1. They worked really hard setting up our afternoon tea for the Queen's birthday. Q1 had a lovely time eating yummy scones, cakes and cucumber sandwiches. We even had lemonade! 

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