Our blogs
Conjugation 'avoir', by Mrs Taylor
Date: 22nd Mar 2017 @ 6:32pm
Great work in French in Y5 today! We learned how to conjugate the verb 'avoir' which means 'to have ', looked up magical nouns in our dictionaries and then put them together to make sentences on a wizard's cloak. Fantastique!
Arts Week (13/3/17), by Mrs Potter
Date: 17th Mar 2017 @ 12:15pm
Hello all!
What a week it's been! Well done to everyone who came in fancy dress on Thursday! You all looked amazing!
In the theme of Shakespeare, this week we have looked at the Tempest. We love this story but we all have different favourite characters.
Congratulations to Liam McGuire for earning this weeks star badge for never giving up even when the work is tricky!
See you all next week!
Love poetry inspired by Romeo and Juliet, by Mrs Taylor
Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 6:54pm
As part of a fabulous carousel of Shakespeare activities Y3 and 4 decorated biscuits with a Shakespearean theme (led by Miss Gauld)before reading a love poem in French. I have to say I was very impressed with the translation strategies on show. The children were then equipped with a bilingual dictionary so that they could adapt the poem in their own way. If Romeo had seen the results he might have been tempted to send one to Juliet...
What an amazing array of Shakespearean activities!, by Mrs Platt
Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 5:26pm
Our children have enjoyed taking part in a wonderful range of Shakespeare themed activities today: making posies, canvas prints, drama workshops, baking, music, art, literature, ICT and much much more.
Tudor dance, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 5:22pm
A big thank you to Emma for a great Tudor dance session. Year 5 seemed to have dancing feet, they quickly picked up the routine and were fabulous at performing the dance.
Fancy footwork in year 5.
Shakespeare week, by Miss Stubbs
Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 5:20pm
The children are having an amazing time this week!
Year 5 loved the performance of Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, which was led by Sky Blue Theatre Company. Some even had the chance to become the characters, which they thought was ace.
The children also performed a Tudor dance, which was led by Emma. They really showed off their dancing and listening skills during this workshop, well done year 5.
Take a look at our pictures.
Shakespeare week., by Mrs Atherton
Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 5:17pm
The children had a great time performing and watching a Midsummers Night's Dream, lead by the Sky Blue Theatre Company. The children were so engrossed with the play and the perfomances.
Well done to the Year 5 budding actors, we will keep you in mind for our up-coming assembly.
What an amazing feast!, by Mrs Platt
Date: 16th Mar 2017 @ 2:50pm
A huge thank you to all of our school catering staff for preparing a serving such a wonderful Tudor banquet today...it was a real feast and enjoyed by all.
Queen's Park does Shakespeare, by Mr Curran
Date: 13th Mar 2017 @ 11:50am
Week beginning 6th March, by Mrs Potter
Date: 11th Mar 2017 @ 9:41am
Hello everyone!
This week in literacy, we have started learning about The Tempest by Shakespeare. We have been writing about our favourite characters.
In Maths, we have started looking at shaped along with lines of symmetry. We can use mirrors to determine if a shape has any lines of symmetry.
Happy Birthday to Lucianne Horsley who turned 7 this week!
See you all next week!
Shakespeare learning log, by Miss Stubbs
Date: 9th Mar 2017 @ 3:54pm
A huge thankyou for the learning logs that have been returned to school this week.
The children presented their work to the class and shared what they found out about William Shakespeare and his plays.
A big thank you to the families who worked together on their projects, the children were very proud.
Learning Logs, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 9th Mar 2017 @ 3:43pm
A huge thank for the Learning Logs that have been returned to school this week. The children presented their work to the class, we learned lots of facts about Shakespeare and his plays. Some children read us poems and showed us their magical stage creations. A big thank you to the families who worked together on their projects, the children were very proud.
Practical maths booster session , by Mrs Platt
Date: 9th Mar 2017 @ 3:39pm
Y6 are having a great time in tonight's maths booster session. They are practising how to measure angles using masking tape and a protractor.
They can also define each angle, e.g. acute, obtuse, reflex, etc
Week beginning 27th February, by Mrs Potter
Date: 3rd Mar 2017 @ 12:20pm
Hellp everyone,
This week, we have continued working with money and can solve more challenging problems. We can now find the same amount of money in multiple different ways.
We have also continued reading our book 'The Naughty Bus' and have been writing about our adventures as if we were the Naughty Bus.
Thank you to all the children who came into school with their beavers and rainbows uniforms.You all looked very smart!
Happy Birthday to Connor Wilson who was 7 on Wednesday.
Have a good weekend.
Why work? , by Miss Stubbs
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 5:32pm
Natalie Armstrong came in today to talk to the children about the world of work.
The children learned about what a job is and why people go to work. They discussed taxes and what they pay for in our society. Natalie explained the value of going to work and described employers expectations in the world of work. The children role-played how money travels through our communities. The focus was upon key transferable skills that the children would take with them through life and into the workplace when they are older.
A valuable life lesson, thank you Natalie.
Why Work? , by Mrs Atherton
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 5:32pm
Natalie Armstrong, came into today to talk to the children about the world of work. They learned about what a job is and why people go to work. They discussed taxes and what they pay for in our society. Natalie explained the value of going to work and described employers expectations within the world of work. The children role-played how money travels through our communities. The focus was upon key transferable skills that the children would take with through life and into the workplace when they are older.
A valuable life lesson, thank you Natalie.
Edge Hill University Healthy eating session, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 5:19pm
Sports and Development students, from Edge Hill University, came to teach our Year 5 children about healthy eating.
The children began the session by looking at sporting heroes, they then found out details about each personality, Jess Ennis, Sam Quek, Mo Farrah, Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps. Each group was then give one of these sporting heroes for their team name. After sharing the sporting facts, the children shared facts about themselves.
The next session consisted of the groups creating their ideal lunchbox. They then created a healthier lunch box using the Eat Well plate giving a more balanced lunch.
The final session was a Dragon's Den activity.
Each group had to use follow a set criteria to create a healthy smoothie.
They had to include:
- The name of their company
- The name of their smoothie
- A design for their bottle
- A label design for their bottle
- A list of ingredients
- The price of their smoothie
- A catchy slogan to help sell their smoothie
- They had to explain why their smoothie was special
- Finally they had to consider who their target audience was.
Each group then presented their product and to the 'dragons'. They were asked product specific questions from the 'dragons' which they answered confidently.
The best part of the day was the smoothie tasting session, all of the smoothies were delicious.
A special thank you to the Edge Hill students as Year 5 had a really enjoyable day.
P5's healthy eating day with Edge Hill students, by Miss Stubbs
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 5:18pm
Sports and development students, from Edge Hill University, came to teach our year 5 children about healthy eating.
The children began the session by looking at sporting heroes, they then found out details about each personality, Jessica Ennis, Usain Bolt, Mo Farrah, Sam Quek and Michael Phelps. Each group were then given one of the sporting heroes as their team name. After sharing the sporting facts, the children shared facts about themselves.
The next session consisted of the groups creating their ideal lunch box. They then created a healthier lunch box using the eat well plate giving a more balanced lunch. This was then followed by an obstacle course where the children had to compete against other teams from their class.
The final session was a Dragon's Den activity.
Each group had to follow a set criteria to create a healthy smoothie.
They had to include:
- The name of their company
- The name of their smoothie
- A design for their bottle
- A label design for their bottle
- A list of ingredients
- The price of their smoothie
- A catchy slogan to help sell their smoothie
- An explanation about why their smoothie was special
- Finally, they had to consider who their target audience was.
Each group then presented their product to the 'dragons'. They were then asked product specific questions from the 'dragons' confidently.
The best part of the day was the smoothie tasting session, all of the smoothies were delicious.
A special thank you to all of the Edge Hill students as year 5 had a really enjoyable day.
We are super Math Masters , by Miss Glover
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 4:29pm
We have been using our number bonds to ten to help us solve a 3 single digit equation. We are so good at explaining in Q1.
Fun and games in Squash , by Miss Glover
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 4:27pm
We can write algorithms... , by Miss Glover
Date: 2nd Mar 2017 @ 4:26pm
So much fun! This week we have designed a little Bee-Bot map and programmed our Bee-Bots to travel to specific places.
Maths booster class with Y6 , by Mrs Platt
Date: 1st Mar 2017 @ 8:26pm
Well done to all of the year 6 children who attended maths booster club tonight!
Remember that Y6 booster sessions are on each Wednesday and Thursday from 3.15pm to 4.15pm.
This evening, we worked through a selection of problems and used BODMAS to help us solve the equations.
St David's Day, by Mrs Platt
Date: 1st Mar 2017 @ 8:20pm
In order to mark St David's Day, our children were invited to come to school wearing the uniforms from organisations which they belong to such as Brownies, Scouts, etc. They wore their uniforms with pride and I'm sure you'll agree that they all looked very smart.
Caretaker in the making? , by Mr Gill
Date: 28th Feb 2017 @ 11:03pm
I think we would all agree that this final picture from our performance sums it up. We may have a new caretaker on our hands!
Pancake Party!, by Mr Gill
Date: 28th Feb 2017 @ 10:58pm
We hope that you enjoyed our Year 4 class assembly today. Here are a section of pictures from our performance. Thank you to all the adults who came to watch it. We were overwhelmed to see so many of you there.