Our blogs
Date: 2nd Feb 2017 @ 11:15pm
What an amazing day out some of our children had. A group of KS2 children visited Liverpool Empire to attend the launch event for Warhorse, we were the only primary school invited to this special event.
After travelling by bus and train the children were welcomed by Natalie, the Creative learning manager. We were able to eat our lunch in the Piano Bar, which had fantastic views of Liverpool.
After lunch we were taken onto the stage, where we were introduced to Joey the horse from the play Warhorse. The horse puppet was amazing, it was operated by 3 puppeteers. The children were given front row seats and were able to stroke Joey.
We listened to the puppeteers and were able to ask questions about Joey.
At the end of the presentation Natalie gave us a tour of the auditorium and let us sit in the best seats in the house.
All too soon it was time to go back to the station and catch our train back to St Helens.
The children all agreed this had been the best school trip ever.
All day long our children were complemented by people we met on the bus, on the train, in the theatre and at the bus stop. Their manners and behaviour was outstanding, every compliment made Miss Hope’s heart swell with pride.
An awe inspiring day out for us all- with lots of new experiences. This is what memories are made of.
Fencing education , by Miss Hughes
Date: 2nd Feb 2017 @ 9:22am
Katie from fencing education has been in this morning to speak to Queen's Park children about Fencing club which is starting in a couple of weeks. Some very brave children volunteered to demonstrate how to fence in front of the whole school! They did a great job 👍🏼 Letters will be going out to all classes this week.
Enterprise , by Miss Stubbs
Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 4:40pm
Today, the children played a business enterprise game about profits, loss and running a business.
The winners of this game were: Ava, Chloe, Nathan, Kara and Emily. Well done 😬.
They will be competing in the interschool enterprise game challenge on Wednesday 8th August.
Super MATHS, by Miss Glover
Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 4:25pm
We have been working really hard to explain our answers in Maths and speak in full sentences. Look at this outstanding problem solving.
AMAZING African writing , by Miss Glover
Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 4:18pm
Check out some spectacular writing from our Year One children. I am so proud!!
SEAL certificate winners , by Miss Stubbs
Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 8:27am
Well done to Chloe Nuttall and Sophie Ruscoe in P5.
Chloe was nominated by her peers for always treating everyone fairly.
Sophie was nominated by her peers for helping someone feel included.
This is fantastic girls, you should be proud of yourselves!
Gloop! , by Mr Gill
Date: 31st Jan 2017 @ 10:16pm
In today's lesson we made Gloop! The was done as part of our science topic, 'States of Matter'. Gloop is a mixture of cornflour and water.
Sound simple?!
Something amazing happens to this incredible mixture when it is disturbed. In its main state, the mixture is a solid. However, when you touch it it turns into a liquid! We had great fun investigating the Gloop, but most importantly, we were able to use scientific vocabulary to try to explain what was happening.
Although it was quite messy, some of us have taken the instruction sheet home and we are going to ask adults at home to have a go at making it with us! Mr Gill loves it when we take our learning home.
Doorways to Learning , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 31st Jan 2017 @ 9:06pm
I spent this morning in and out of classrooms. I saw some great maths work in year four - I was so impressed with their use of bar models to work out fractions of amounts. I was given a fantastic explanation on how to use the word 'splintering' from Q3. Year six were busy writing reports and calculating decimals. The school is looking fantastic at the moment. Each class has worked on their 'doorway to learning', The displays are fantastic and really show the broad and balanced curriculum we offer at Queen's Park. It really was a proud headteacher moment!
Seed dispersal., by Mrs Atherton
Date: 30th Jan 2017 @ 12:17pm
This week in Science, the children have written as though they were a seed and explained how they travel. The two writers that I enjoyed reading the most were Ruby's and Nathan's.
I thought that you might like to read them yourselves:
The Story of the Palm Tree.
This is my story.
First, I was just an unispiring soul of a seedling. I just sat there for days and days with my brothers and sisters. I never did anything. But then...the wind swept through my mother's branches and leaves and then I fell. It was just like a bad dream that I had dreaded would happen. It was mostly a black-out but I remembered most of it.
As the sun began to sweep across the sky, my eyes opened and then I realised that I was floating. But on what? It was water! I didn't know what to do. It was like I was a boat.
A few weeks had passed and then...I hurt my head, which really hurt by the way. Suddenly, I found myself under the ground. It was actually like a dream come true because...I grew into a giant coconut tree.
I guess time does pay off after all.
Ruby Friar.
I am a Maple Seed.
I am a maple seed. I was dangling on my tree when suddenly, a gust of wind swept me off my branch. I thought I was a goner but my wing shot me though the sky like a helicopter. Then a bird swooped past me and picked me up. I was at the edge of the park, the bird dropped me and I fluttered down to the ground.
After 20 -30 years, I grew into a maple tree (acer) and ever since then, I've been dropping my seeds ever since. My seeds will make the same journey as me each year, every new year.
Nathan Trainer.
I hope you enjoyed reading two of our seed adventures.
Mrs Atherton
Q4 HAVE TALENT!, by Mr Houltram
Date: 27th Jan 2017 @ 2:13pm
I'm sure the children will sleep well this weekend. Did they tell you about our circuit training session in PE this week? It was tough but fun keeping fit.
The children have been producing some excellent writing once again this week. We have immersed ourselves into our new text 'Flotsam' and the language we are producing from this great picture book has to be seen to be believed! Even Alan Peat has liked it on Twitter, go Q4!!
In Maths we keep going with our fraction work - the children can now work out fractions of amounts and know the formula for finding the answer, test them on it! We can also order and round decimals with two decimal places. Is there anything we can't do!?
States of Matter is our new topic in Science. We have a good understanding of solids, liquids and gases and next week we will be investigating if a gas has weight using fizzy pop! Can't wait for that.
We'll also get to grips with our new Geography topic which is rivers starting with the journey of a river.
Well done to Ryley, Zach, Jacob, Megan and Ethan who attended the Highland Games at Lansbury Bridge and WON the whole thing (pics on Twitter) Very proud of them! Codie topped our Dojo chart and won our Star of the Week! What a superstar.
See you next week.
Week beginning 23rd January., by Mrs Potter
Date: 27th Jan 2017 @ 12:54pm
Hello everyone,
What an exciting week we have had! We visited the Save the Elephant research camp in Samburu, Kenya on Google Exhibition to have a look at how Africa differs from where we live. We have learned about different landscapes including Mount Koitogor and rivers. We have also looked at different wildlife we might find if we were to visit and Acacia trees as well. We were shocked to find out that some children have to walk for over an hour to get to school!
We have also been learning about the time this week. We know how to tell the time and solve problems invilving jumping forward in time to work out when something will be finished.
Our star badge winner this week is Lexi Hand for being a super sensible member of class! Well done Lexi!
Have a good weekend everyone!
States of Matter , by Mr Gill
Date: 26th Jan 2017 @ 7:49pm
This week we have been exploring different states of matter. We've been very inquisitive and are looking forward to finding out more.
Some of us have already taken our learning one step further and have been exploring different states of matter at home - even explaining the different particle formations! Mr Gill is very proud of the work that is going on in P4 at the moment and we are desperate to keep this up.
Check back later on this half term - we are going to be doing some scientific experiments to explore our topic further!
Highland Games , by Mr Gill
Date: 26th Jan 2017 @ 7:47pm
Congratulations to a select group of Year 4 pupils who won the overall title at 'The Highland Games' event which was held at Lansbury Bridge on Wednesday. Your fellow peers and your teachers are very proud of you all - well done!
They will be presented with their trophy and medals in assembly on Friday.
Holocaust Memorial workshop, by Miss Ellis
Date: 26th Jan 2017 @ 10:37am
Earlier this week P6 walked to Peter Street library to participate in a workshop run by the library services, commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day (Friday 27th January). It was a very difficult and mature subject for the children to engage in but they thought carefully and responded appropriately. It was clear from their answers how much they had learnt from our World War Two topic. Well done P6 👍🏻
Holocaust Memorial Day , by Miss Hughes
Date: 24th Jan 2017 @ 7:04pm
Year 6 went to the library today to extend their learning about the holocaust. The children have been studying World War 2 and we finished our topic with a visit to the library to commemorate the lives lost. Year 6 were very sensible, engaged and respectful and approached their workshop sensitively and inquisitively. We are very proud of you!
Never fear, Q6 are here! British Red Cross first aid training, by Miss Hughes
Date: 24th Jan 2017 @ 6:58pm
Q6 had a great time on their first aid training. Thank you to Carmel from the British Red Cross for providing our children with such valuable life skills AND potential life saving skills!
World Religion Day, by Miss Stubbs
Date: 23rd Jan 2017 @ 7:52am
Last week, Year 5 have looked at different world religions. Using compasses, the children recreated Islamic Art by creating a repeating pattern. The children found it difficult at first but persvered until they had some beautiful art work. Once completed, we will display in the windows, where it will best reflect the light.
World Religion Day incorporating British Values, by Mr Gill
Date: 22nd Jan 2017 @ 10:29pm
Throughout this week we have been exploring a range of religions within our school community and beyond. We focused particularly on the religion of Islam. During the week we discussed some of the beliefs of the Muslim people and learned about the faiths place of origin, its sacred text, the sacred building and also the major festivals.
We had a particular focus on Islamic art and had a go at making our very own patterns. We discovered that the use of patterns is part of the way that Islamic art represents nature and objects by their spiritual qualities, not their physical and material qualities.
Some examples of our art work will be displayed in our classroom when it is finished.
We also took this opportunity to explore our British Values, in particular discussing the importance of tolerating those of different faiths and beliefs. We are in the process of making our new British Values display. Pictures of this will be uploaded upon completion.
Week beginning 16th January, by Mrs Potter
Date: 20th Jan 2017 @ 12:08pm
Hello everyone,
This week we have been reading Handa's Surprise in our English lessons. We also learned a bit about Kenya. We looked at traditional clothing and how it helped keep the people cool in hot weather.
We have also had a visit from both the NSPCC and the Anthony Walker Foundation this week. We know it's never okay to call people names or hurt them, just because they might look different in some way.
Congratulations to Harley Smith for winning this weeks star badge! Well Done Harley!
See you next week!
Bananagrams 🍌 , by Miss Ellis
Date: 20th Jan 2017 @ 12:04pm
We have been furiously revising root words, prefixes and suffixes this morning. Ideal preparation for a round of bananagrams before lunch. Who said SATS can't be fun!!
100% Attendance Winner , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 20th Jan 2017 @ 10:38am
Look at my shiny new pink bike! Well done Leah - 100% attendance in the Autumn Term
British Values, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 19th Jan 2017 @ 5:11pm
In Year 5 this week, we have been discussing values, looking at our own values and British Values. The five main British Values are:
- Democracy
- The rule of law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual respect
- Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.
We then thought about how those values are represented within Queen's Park School. We have very interesting ideas. We will use our thoughts to create a class display. Photographs to follow upon completion.
World Religion Day, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 19th Jan 2017 @ 4:58pm
This week Year 5 have looked at different world religions. Using compasses, the children recreated Islamic Art by creating a repeating pattern. The children found it difficult at first but persvered until they had some beautiful art work. Once completed, we will display in the windows, where it will best reflect the light.
La ville, by Mrs Taylor
Date: 18th Jan 2017 @ 8:20pm
Wow! I was so impressed with the triaramas produced by P4 today. The children explored new vocabulary using their bilingual dictionaries and designed their own town made up of masculine only or feminine only buildings. This proved a fascinating challenge which the children enjoyed rising to. I let them add other details of any gender so long as they stuck to masculine or feminine for the buildings. Look at our photos to see who successfully met the challenge...
Anthony Walker Foundation , by Mrs Kellett
Date: 18th Jan 2017 @ 8:12pm
Tom, from the Anthony Walker Foundation, came to school today. He delivered a whole school assembly on differences and how we should view difference as a chance to learn. He worked with three year groups: year two, year five and year six.
The workshops in year five and six were thought-provoking and emotive. He taught the children that all our thoughts and actions should be grounded in love, respect and equality. Please ask your child about the workshops. Thank you Tom and to Mrs Platt for organising the morning.