Our blogs
Putting us through our paces, by Mr Gill
Date: 18th Jan 2017 @ 7:34pm
Mr Gill introduced us to circuit training today. It was so hard (as you can see from our pictures).
Over the next few weeks, we will be designing our own circuit to focus on a certain area of the body. Mr Gill will try some of the stations out - we can't wait for that!
Why don't you ask a member of P4 what type of exercises we have been doing. We will be more than happy to show you.
Remember: we should be doing 60 minutes of high intensity exercise each day. We do 30 in school during playtime, it is so important that we are doing another 30 minutes at home on days the we don't have PE. It will dramatically improve our chances of leading a healthy and active lifestyle.
Tobacco Education , by Mr Gill
Date: 18th Jan 2017 @ 7:05pm
Today we had a visit from two ladies from SmokeFree St Helens - part of the NHS. The ladies made us aware of the dangers of smoking and also some of the effects it can have on our body. It turns our teeth brown, our gums bright red and sore, our finger nails yellow and makes our breath smelly. I don't know about you, but P4 were not impressed this. It has a big effect on the way we breathe as well! Choosing to smoke is not a wise choice at all.
We were given the opportunity to look at the Tar Jar which showed the amount of tar in people's bodies if they smoked 20 cigarettes a day. Speaking of smoking 20 cigarettes a day, if you did this for one year it would cost you over £3000! I'm sure you would be able to find a better way of spending this money!
Our final activity was to guess some of the chemicals that put into a cigarette by the tobacco companies. There are over 4000 of them and they were not very pleasant at all. Ask a member of our class and they will share with you some of the disgusting things.
Our mission is to pass on the message that stopping smoking is a very wise choice indeed.
Anthony Walker Foundation, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 18th Jan 2017 @ 5:07pm
Tom, from the Anthony Walker Foundation, delivered an assembly and class workshop today. The children watched a video that portrayed the effects of racism on families. Year 5 then had a frank and open discussion about the video and how it made them feel. The children commented about what we could do as a school to have a positive impact and ensure hate crime never has a place in our school.
Reading for pleasure, by Mrs Platt
Date: 17th Jan 2017 @ 8:43pm
Demi-Lea is such an avid reader and gets so much enjoyment from reading a range of books. It's always a pleasure to chat about books with Demi-Lea!
Keep up the excellent work Demi-Lea!
What have you done today to make you feel proud? , by Mrs Platt
Date: 17th Jan 2017 @ 8:34pm
During today's worship time we explored the question 'What makes you proud?'
Please take time to talk to your child about the theme of today's assembly and about what they are proud of.
NSPCC, by Miss Glover
Date: 16th Jan 2017 @ 8:19pm
Today we had a vist from the NSPCC.
For further information visit https://www.nspcc.org.uk.
Children were told how they can stay safe, who to speak to and how to contact the NSPCC if they need to.
The childen also remembered the phone number for childline 0800 11 11 11.
Thank you to the NSPCC for the very important and useful visit to Queen's Park.
World Religion Day! , by Miss Glover
Date: 16th Jan 2017 @ 8:10pm
Happy World Religion Day!
Today we recognised the range of religions within our community. We discussed the importance of our British Values particularly showing equality to everybody no matter what religion or faith.
We focused particularly on Islam; we discussed some of their beliefs today and viewed some Islamic art. We really liked viewing the art and valued the creativity of the shapes and patterns used within the Islamic religion.
We enjoyed looking at it so much we decided to make our own! We selected some colours, picked a group of shapes and covered the shapes in coloured tissue paper. We then arranged the shapes in patterns and added to gold paper for an extra special look.
World Religion Day, by Mr Warner
Date: 16th Jan 2017 @ 7:53pm
This afternoon the children explored world religions and how faiths around the world can vary greatly. The work ended with a focus on Islamic Art and also Rangolo patterns. This bought in lots of Maths work in considering symmetrical patterns and shapes. Pictures of our fabulous work will be up on our blog as soon as they have been completed.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed finding out about various faiths.
World Faith Day, by Miss Ellis
Date: 16th Jan 2017 @ 4:28pm
We had a really interesting lesson today to commemorate World Faith Day. The children have been investigating Early Islamic art and have begun to create their own design following the traditional geometric pattern making. It also gave us chance to recap how to use a compass!! Well done year six. What wonderful open minds you haveππ»
NSPCC, by Miss Stubbs
Date: 16th Jan 2017 @ 4:19pm
Today, Carol and Anne from the NSPCC delivered a whole school assembly.
The children in year 5 were lucky enough to undertake an NSPCC workshop. They were taught that all children have the right to speak out and stay safe. Within our workshop the children discussed possible worries and who they could talk to if they were worried, including childline.
A very informative session for all of the children.
P6 'Art Week' events, by Miss Ellis
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 3:55pm
Well, what can I say! We have had an amazing week this week with our extra lessons focusing upon musical theatre as part of our whole school arts week. We have sung, created drama, danced, made props, played instruments and performed in front of the whole school under the guidance of Natalie, Haley and Alan from the Liverpool Empire teaching team. P6 have loved every second and the week has uncovered some future stars of the stage. I've been really proud of my class with their excellent participation attitude and we've all enjoyed watching the work of our other classes too. π€ππ»ππ»π€πΌπ¬ππΊπ»
Arts Fortnight, by Mr Houltram
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 3:32pm
Well what can I say. Arts Fortnight truly has been AMAZING! Q4 really have excelled in the arts and I'm very proud of their achievements. We've been singing, dancing, acting and have produced some excellent artwork. We are very lucky to have worked with the Liverpool Empire all week and it's safe to say that our children have talent, and lots of it! I have attached some collages of our experiences but please look at my twitter page @mrhoultramqp and check out the videos too.
It might have been Arts Fortnight but there is always room for some English and Maths. In English we have been writing a film review for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Our finished pieces are fabulous. In Maths we have been introduced to fractions. We have been using diagrams to recognise families of common equivalent fractions. We can add fractions with the same denominator and can even turn improper fractions into mixed numbers. Next week we will be solving some problems involving fractions and looking at tenths and hundredths.
We will begin our Science topic next week also which is 'States of Matter'. We will begin by describing properties of solids, liquids and gases and will be sorting them too. We will also continue with our new text for Guided Reading which is 'Beetle Boy.' It's very mysterious - ask the children all about it.
That's it for now but check back next week to see what we've been up to, and don't forget to check out those videos on Twitter!
See you next week
Arts Week ... The Show Must Go On , by Miss Fisher
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 3:25pm
After a busy first week back in school our arts extravaganza continued this week with Samba, drama, dance and a singing workshop.
We had a fantastic musician visit us to teach us all about Samba music. He told us Samba comes from a country called Brazil and it is good to dance along to. We found out about the different instruments used in a Samba band and the rhythms they play. By the end of the session we were performing just like a real Samba band.
Our dance and drama sessions were both based around the musical Oklahoma! and culminated in a brilliant barn dance.
Through our singing workshop we learnt a song to perform at the Celebration of the Arts assesmbly with the whole school.
Sea lion fun!, by Miss Glover
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 1:28pm
Our Safari trip..., by Miss Glover
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 1:24pm
On Thursday we went Knowsley Safari Park. It was FANTASTIC!! We had so much fun. We saw all different types of animals. From the day we leant which animals were carivores, herbivores and ominvores. We had a walking tour, a session to feel some different reptiles, we watched a Sea Lion show and had a birds of pray show. It was amazing.
Check out all our pictures!
Arty antics continue.., by Miss Glover
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 1:04pm
Singing and Dance
This week in Art’s Week the children have loved working with staff from Liverpool Empire. We have had a dance workshop, learning some barn dancing from the musical, The Farmer and the Cow Man. We have also had a special drama session, learning how to mime! It was great fun. Check out our pictures from the week.
Click on the white tab to view the videos! J
Week beginning 9th January 2017, by Mrs Potter
Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 12:23pm
Hello all,
What an exciting week we've had! We have enjoyed Dance, Drama and Art with the Liverpool Empire. Today, we performed for the whole school.
Here are some photographs of what we have done.
Just a reminder that P.E. kits shpild be in school at all times. We needed them this week.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday for this term.
Have a good weekend!
From here to Broadway, by Mr Warner
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 9:15pm
With the help of Liverpool Empire, the children have been learning a song throughout the week. It is so catchy that they've been singing it on the playground, in other lessons, in the dining hall and I even heard some children singing it as they walked down the road with their parents on the way home tonight.
Even those children who are reluctant to perform in front of the class have really enjoyed this and have come out of their shells during the last two weeks. It has been lovely to see the confidence that the children have gained from all the wonderful activities they have taken part in.
Ben Johnson Cityscape and Shrek Batik, by Mr Warner
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 9:06pm
Our art topic this half term has been all about Merseyside and we have linked the work of Ben Johnson, who created a Cityscape made up of famous Liverpool buildings. The children explored the work and the artist. They then went on to research iconic St Helens buildings and attempted a St Helens Cityscape with their drawings. this was displayed as a part of our art exhibition.
The children also created a class piece using the Batik method, using hot was to make marks on fabric. They then painted the fabric with special paints. This work is now proudly displayed in our classroom.
Mask making , by Mr Warner
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:55pm
As a part of the build up and preparation for the grand performance on Friday, Q3 have created Cat masks with an Artist from Liverpool Empire. Each child created their own very personalised performance mask. Lots of thought went into the process and the results were most pleasing.
Dance. Cats The Musical, by Mr Warner
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:48pm
During the week e ahve worked with the Liverpool Empire Theatre. The children toook part in a most enjoyable dance session based around the musical Cats. It was a most engaging session and every child was thoroughly involved throughout. It was fast paced and within an hour they had put together a whole class dance sequence. During the final activity it was wonderful to see the expressions on childrens faces and their movements as they transformed into cats.
Ukulele Taster, by Mr Warner
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:38pm
One of the most popular activities amongst Q3 pupils has been the Ukulele session. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and made a huge effort to learn several songs that were new to them.
Shrek Themed Arts Fortnight, by Mr Warner
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:24pm
We focused on 'Shrek the Musical' and took part in lots of activities based around the story. We had several drama sessions linked to the story, created both group and individual artwork linked to the musical and even wrote our own song for the musical (with help from St Helens music services).
The results were fabulous and we would like to thank all the parents who came and viewed their children's art work in the exhibition.
Arts Celebration drama, by Mrs Atherton
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 4:53pm
So far, the children have had singing, arts and dance with the Liverpool Empire. Today, they had a drama session.
The children were shown how to warm up their bodies and their voices and were introduced to dramatic tension!
In groups, the children had to perform, in a style of their chosing, creating an advert to sell the people in their group and say why they were individuals. The performances used a range of drama, singing and dancing and they all collaborated effectively for a great final performance to the class.
Well done Q5, I really enjoyed seeing your creativity today.
Drama with Natalie from The Liverpool Empire, by Miss Stubbs
Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 4:49pm
P5 have had a marvellous Arts fortnight. The children have been lucky enough to participate in drama, singing and dance workshops with Natalie and Hayley from the Liverpool Empire.
The children loved the drama workshop today. First, the children were shown how to warm up their bodies and voices. Then, In groups the children had to create their own advert to sell the people in their group and perform it to the rest of the class.
Well done P5!