Our blogs

Q4 put to the test, by Mr Houltram

Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 6:46pm

Test week this week for Q4. All the children took them in their strides and I can say I wasn't  surprised with our results because the children never cease to amaze me. It's been a long term and the children have worked incredibly hard but it sure is paying off. 

We still managed to squeeze some Maths in and tackled perimeter. The children now know the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes. We spent Friday with some challenges such as 'Can a shape have the same area and perimeter?' The children even created their own challenges and enjoyed investigating. 

For our English I introduced the children to 'Coming Home' by Michael Morpurgo. We enjoyed listening to Michael himself telling us the story. We had some discussions about the text and created an information poster all about Robins. Did you know that the robin was declared Britain's National Bird on December 15th, 1960? The children did a great job using lots of organisational devices for their posters. Next week, we will be comparing the story to an advert - can't wait for that! 

Well done to Josh who won Star Badge and Deborah who topped our Dojo chart. We wish Enola lots of luck this weekend who auditions for Britain's Got Talent! How exciting is that. We know you'll do Q4 proud. Good Luck! 

See you next week!

Christmas writing fun, by Miss Glover

Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 5:50pm

Today we posted our final letters to Santa! We had a secret message from the postman and he said hurry up and get the letters in the post. Check out our pictures..

Achievements in P5, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 4:46pm

Ian Frodsham was chosen (out of the whole of the U.K) for his design to be displayed as the month of October in the calandar. Well done, Ian 😃


Ellie-May was nominated for the Love trophy for being reliable with her monitoring job and for always being kind. 

How wondeful, Ellie 😊

Week beginning 4th December 2016, by Mrs Potter

Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 12:24pm

Hello all,

Thank you all for supporting us this week with our Nativity. We hope you enjoyed it! All of your super hard work really payed off with two great shows! Well done to all children involved - It takes a lot of confidence to get up on stage and perform!

Happy Birthday to both Leah Cannon and Ryley Newman who both turned 7 this week!

Congratulations to our Star Badge winner, Amber Walsh gor having a 'can do' attitude toward everything and being a fantastic midwife in our Nativity! Well Done Amber!

Enjoy your weekend!

A Midwife Crisis, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 9th Dec 2016 @ 8:46am

What a fantastic performance from our KS1 children!  They did tremedously well and we are all so proud of each and every one of them. 

Read for pleasure this Christmas , by Mrs Platt

Date: 8th Dec 2016 @ 9:06pm

This is a selection of some of the Christmas themed books our children will  be enjoying in school on the run up to Christmas. Please take time to ask your child about these stories and find out what they enjoyed about the books. 

Christmas Tree Festival at The United Reformed Church in St Helens , by Mrs Platt

Date: 8th Dec 2016 @ 9:03pm

A huge well done to Queen's Park choir for their wonderful performance at church this morning!

The children viewed all of the wonderfully decorated Christmas trees on display from local schools, community groups and businesses. 

They proudly shared the Queen's Park tree. 


Date: 8th Dec 2016 @ 5:40pm

Our school choir has done our school proud yet again.

We were invited to open The United Reformed Church Christmas Tree Festival.

The congregation and spectators happily joined us in song and they even requested an encore. We were also very lucky to be able to view of all the local Christmas Trees. Our children had worked hard to make decorations and produce a very splendid, Queen's Park tree of our very own.  




All set for this year's nativity , by Mrs Platt

Date: 7th Dec 2016 @ 1:49pm

We're all ready and excited for this year's Key Stage 1 nativity . 

Stone Age inspire day, by Mr Warner

Date: 6th Dec 2016 @ 10:09pm

What a fantastic day was had by all during our Year 3 inspire day. The learning that took place today involved Maths in naming and understanding of 3D shapes during the planning stages of den design, lots of Design Technology work with structures, the History element in the children becoming emersed in Stone Age ways of life. Teamwork and cooperation was required throughout the day. The children even sampled a selection of Stone Age food when inside their dens. Their structures were tested with water thrown over them, with all proving to be both sturdy and waterproof.

Thanks to parents for the fabulous turnout and support. Also for getting involved in helping cover the dens and joining in with the fun.

It was a wonderful way to finish off our Stone Age topic. Thanks to Chris for running the day and to all staff involved in making this day possible for the children.


Year Three Inspire Afternoon , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 6th Dec 2016 @ 8:56pm

Thank you to all our parents who came along for our Inspire afternoon. It was a great success even though it was really cold outside. This activity ended the topic on The Stone Age. Thanks to our year three staff for planning it

Monday morning worship, by Mrs Platt

Date: 5th Dec 2016 @ 12:07pm

Thank you to Reverend Peter who led this morning's worship. We learned about the importance of working together and took time to reflect on how we can all make the right choices. 

We also lit the second candle on our school's Advent wreath and talked about its meaning. 

Christmasaurus, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 5th Dec 2016 @ 10:15am

Year 5 had a really enjoyable session watching Puffin Virtually Live to introduce our Christmas novel; The Christmasaurus By Tom Fletcher. They discovered how the elves look after the reindeers and how to draw the Christmasaurus. We ended the session by singing along with Tom and the other schools.  


Christmas is on the way.

Festive fun, by Mrs Platt

Date: 2nd Dec 2016 @ 5:27pm

Week beginning 28/11/16, by Mrs Potter

Date: 2nd Dec 2016 @ 12:40pm

First Aiders to the rescue 🚑, by Miss Ellis

Date: 2nd Dec 2016 @ 11:07am

The Red Cross Society came and conducted a first aid workshop for P6 this week. They learnt some everyday first aid skills and demonstrated a very sensible attitude to the practical tasks. Well done P6 👍🏻🚑🏥

Willowbrook fundraising event , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 1st Dec 2016 @ 5:58pm

Today year 5 had a visit from Pam Williams and Diane Humphreys who work for Willowbrook Hospice.

The children discovered facts about the hospice such as: how many patients can be looked after there, how much money the hospice needs per year, which is an incredible 4 million pounds, what the staff and volunteers have to do in order to raise that amount of money because they only recieve 1 million per year from the government and how many charity shops they have located around St Helens and Knowsley. 

The children must plan a fundraising event in order to raise as much money as possible to support Willowbrook hospice. 

The children are very excited and would like us to pass on the message about our events to support the hospice, which will be taking place after Christmas. Details to follow. 


Date: 30th Nov 2016 @ 11:33pm

Queen's Park Choir have put out an admirable start to the advent celebrations tonight.

Our festive performance at the Parish Church was second to none. The singing was amazing, as was the behaviour, and I'm sure we left the audience feeling very, very christmassy.

Thanks to all our amazing parents, grandparents, carers and family members for your wonderful support.

Also, a special well done to Anu who provided the audience with an impromtu reading. She demonstrated amazing control and confidence. Fabulous skills Anu.

Proud of you all!

Mrs Roberts and Mr Houltram




Date: 30th Nov 2016 @ 4:46pm

Come they told me pa rum pum pum pum.


We have had a great afternoon practising for our Christmas Performance that is tonight.  We worked with Mr Sleith as a conductor and an amazing pianist.

All welcome to watch. PARISH CHURCH, ST HELENS AT 5.45pm-7.45pm. TICKETS on the door £5 adults £3 children.

QUEEN'S PARK CHOIR, by Mrs Roberts

Date: 27th Nov 2016 @ 2:07pm

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, fa la la la la, fa la la la! Christmas is nearly here for Queen's Park Choir.

Our choir have been working hard with a School Music Service vocal coach to finely tune our voices and songs for the up and coming Christmas Concert on Wednesday, 30th Novemeber at the Parish Church Hall, St Helens.

Tales of our festive singing sucess to follow.  

Please keep an eye on our school newsletter for other dates for our amazing choir performances.


Sports galore!, by Mr Gill

Date: 26th Nov 2016 @ 11:12am

This week has been a very busy week here at Queen's Park. There have been lots of different sporting activities going on throughout the week. 

On Thursday, Mr Ward organised a inter school benchball tournament which saw 3 of our network schools come to Queen's Park to battle it out to become Year 3 benchball champions. After some closely contested games, Queen's Park eventually came out on top and won the tournament! It must have been all that practising in PE! The games were played in great spirit and it was great to see so many children with smiles on their faces! 

A special mention goes to our Year 6 sports leaders who refereed the games and ensured the tournament ran smoothly. Well done and thank you! 

On Friday, the Year 3/4 football tournament came to an end with a nail biting penalty shootout in the final after a 2-2 draw in normal time. The final was contested by Real Madrid and Barcelona and after 9 saved penalties, Barcelona came out on top after slotting the winning penalty in the bottom left hand corner of the goal. Congratulations Barcelona. Look out for the next lunchtime tournament which will involve our Year 4 and 5 children. 

Friday also saw our Year 5 children take part in an intra-school handball tournament! Well done to all involved. 

We are already looking forward to another week full of sport here at Queen's Park. Check out our pictures to see what's been going on! 

French Yoga, by Mr Gill

Date: 26th Nov 2016 @ 11:01am

P4 were treated to a session of French yoga on Friday.  They were put to the test with their knowledge of body parts - Mrs Taylor has taught us well! It was a very relaxing way to end another hectic week. Hopefully the children will be able to teach people at home some of these relaxation techniques.

The children absolutely loved it as you can tell from our pictures!

Algebra fun! , by Miss Hughes

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 3:55pm

We love using practical equipment in Q6! We used cubes to make sequences and predict what the nth term is. We are getting more and more confident with linear equations and understanding formulae. Not only are Q6 algebra experts , they are also great at working together. Well done all! 


Tres bien!! French Yoga in Y6, by Miss Hughes

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 3:51pm

Huge thank you to Steph from Primary Languages who came to deliver a French yoga session to our year 6s. They absolutely LOVED it! Here they are in action.....

Y6 Governors & PTFA members , by Miss Hughes

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 3:45pm

In Year 6, we are so lucky to have Karen Devine & Cath Cairns as our governors. Not only do these lovely ladies work so hard to help make Queen's Park the best it can possibly be; they also come to visit us and help us with our learning. Today, Year 6 children had to tell Cath & Karen all about how to find the nth term in our algebra lesson! They spent all morning sorting out the PTFA Christmas fair then came to spend the rest of the time with Y6. 

Cath claimed she is not as clever at maths as she thought. Owen Lewis helped her solve the equations! Karen as really impressed with the speed of Katie Hamilton's reasoning. Well done you two!

Thanks for coming to visit us, for helping us with our maths and hearing us read. See you next week!


Miss Hughes, Mrs Harrison & Q6 x

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