Our blogs

Christmas reading with Ian Thomas (school governor) , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 11:38am

Mr Thomas (our school governor) gave up some of his time on Tuesday to read P5 two chapters from the Christmasaurus. The children have absolutely loved this book and they said they would recommend it to everyone, children and adults. 


Upper KS2 Party, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 11:35am

Years 5 and 6 had a great time at their Christmas Party. Great dancing, super games and the highlight of the party was the inter-class Lip Sync battle. Our worthy winner was Izabel Martin. Well done to all the children who took part (Maisie Roberts, Josh Edge and Harrison Latta, Nathan Forber) you all did really well. 


Have a lovely family Christmas, we will see you in the new Year. 

Google Expeditions, by Mr Houltram

Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 8:41am

Q4 had a trip to the Arctic to see polar bears. Not only that, we were whisked into space! The children absolutely loved it, as did I! Some of their reactions were a picture. 

Flying home for Christmas, by Mr Warner

Date: 20th Dec 2016 @ 12:55pm

During the last week we have been reading a Michael Morpurgo book, Coming Home. The children have done some excellent work. They have carried out a range of activities based on Robins, poetry, non fiction writing and comparing different interpretations of the story. They even changed the lyrics of Chris Rea's Driving Home for Christmas, linked to the Robin coming home and then performed the song.   

I'm flying home for Christmas
Oh, I can't wait to see those feathers
I'm flying home for Christmas, yea
Well I'm moving down that river
And it's been so long
But I will be there
I tweet this song
To pass the time away
Soaring by a star
I'm flying home for Christmas

It's gonna take some time
But I'll get there
Beak to tail in snowflakes
Oh, I got raging seas on the run
But soon I’ll get some shelter yeah
Get my feet on leafy ground

So I tweet for you
Though you can't hear me
When I get through
And feel you near me
Soaring by a star
I'm flying home for Christmas

I'm flying home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take look at the fieldfare next to me

He's just the same
Just the same

Beak to tail in snowflakes
Oh, I got raging seas on the run
I'm flying home for Christmas, yea
Get my claws on leafy ground
So I tweet for you
Though you can't hear me
When I’m wet through.
Oh and feel you near me
Soaring by a star
Flying home for Christmas
Flying home for Christmas
With a thousand memories

I take look at the fieldfare next to me
He's just the same
He’s flying home, flying home
Flying home for Christmas

Flying home for Christmas

By class Q3

Santa visited our class, by Mr Warner

Date: 20th Dec 2016 @ 12:43pm

We had a flying visit from Santa last friday. He was rushing around dropping presents off for all of the Q3 children. The children were then busy writing letters to him. 


Christmas Party, by Mr Warner

Date: 20th Dec 2016 @ 12:28pm

On Friday Lower Key Stage Two had their Christmas party. We played lots of Christmas themed games and danced. The childrens behaviour was excellent throughout and it was lovely to see them having lots of fun after working so hard throughout the term.

Well done and a massive thank you to all of the fabulous Lower Key Stage Two team, especially Miss Kean who is a brilliant party planner.   

Google Expeditions, by Mr Warner

Date: 20th Dec 2016 @ 12:10pm

Today we have been learning all about Volcanoes and were able to go inside a virtual reality world using Google Expeditions. Alex bought us enough headsets for one each. The children were able to consolidate their learning about Volcanoes and it was a fitting end to the topic. We were also able to visit volcanoes in places as far away as Borneo. We had enough time during the session to go to space, explore underwater and view sharks. We were even able to take a trip to Lapland and go inside Santa's home and his workshop.

The volcano view made me quite scared. 


Santa Visit and Christmas Party, by Mr Houltram

Date: 20th Dec 2016 @ 11:39am

Google Expeditions, by Miss Ellis

Date: 20th Dec 2016 @ 10:34am

We have just come back to class from experiencing the amazing world of Google Expeditions! In the last half hour, we have visited the National History Museum, The Great Barrier Reef, The Solar System, and The Grand Canyon. We've also swam with sharks, petted a dinosaur and rode on Santa's sleigh...all without leaving the school hall😀👍🏻⭐️

Christmas Stories read by our Governors. , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 19th Dec 2016 @ 5:30pm

Today, four of our Governors came into school to read our children a Christmas story. Mrs Glover went to Reception and they loved hearing all about 'Ollie-the Christmas Reindeer'. Mr Thomas visited P5 and Q1. Q1 loved the Polar Express and P5 couldn't wait to read another chapter of their book 'Christmasaurus'. Mr Quinn, our Chair of Governors, loved reading about Christmas poo with P1.  Rev Peter couldn't make it but his wife Bridget loved reading to year two. Thank you for giving up your time to expose our children to even more stories. 

Christmas Carol Concert at St Lukes, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 18th Dec 2016 @ 8:35pm

It was a real pleasure for our school to take part in St Luke's Carol Service. Mackenzie and Ellie did an amazing job  with their readings. I was so proud. It was lovely to see Mr Thorpe there too. 

Letter to Mrs Christmas, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 17th Dec 2016 @ 3:13pm

Following Reception's lovely Breakfast with Santa where we were joined by our Y6 buddies, Ella was inspired to write a letter to Mrs Christmas and wanted to give it to Father Christmas to pass it on to her. Luckily he hadn't yet left on his sleigh and we managed to find him. Super sounding out by Ella!

Y5 penpals, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 16th Dec 2016 @ 9:49pm

Due to the timing of when we estimate our letters will arrive in Velles, France we have added our best wishes for the New Year and the French celebration of Epiphany.   

Week beginning 12th December, by Mrs Potter

Date: 16th Dec 2016 @ 12:22pm

Hi all,

This morning, we have enjoyed our breakfast with Santa. Some of us even tried cereal for the first time and we loved it!

We also planted our bulbs with Mr Ward this morning too. We are looking forward to seeing them grow in the Spring!

Happy Birthday to Sophie Crosbie who turned 7 this week! Also, congratulations to Evie Hull and Liam McGuire who won our SEAL Certificates for this half term and to Maisie Ashton for winning our star badge this week! Well done to you all!

We hope you have a lovely christmas, from all in P2!

Breakfast with Santa, by Miss Ellis

Date: 16th Dec 2016 @ 10:06am

Year six really enjoyed getting together with their buddies for breakfast and a hello from santa this morning.🎄🎅🏼☃️⭐️

Superb design and technology work from Year 5, by Mrs Platt

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 5:56pm

Year 5 invited me to their classsrooms to look at their excellent design and technology work. I was really impressed with their skills and the mechanisms they have constructed. Well done  Year 5! 

Christmas dinner, by Mrs Platt

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 5:47pm

We all had a lovely lunchtime together today. 

Thank you to our office staff for all of their organising and kitchen staff for preparing and serving up our festive treats! 

Seal Certificates, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 3:57pm

Alisha and Jessica have been nominated by their peers for being a good friends and for understanding how others are feeling. We are very proud that we have such special people in Q5. 

Well done girls. 

SEAL certificate winners, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 3:51pm

Chloe Nutall has been nominated by her peers for showing that she can understand other people's feelings. 

Evie Desmond has been nominated by her peers for showing she is a good friend.

You should be extremely proud of yourselves girls. 

The choir entertain Grace Court, by Mr Houltram

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 1:56pm

The school choir performed to Grace Court on Wednesday and entertained all their staff, residents and relatives with some beautiful singing. The residents were moved by performances including Silent Night. Aanu Abe played keyboard whilst Emily Bairstow performed the cornet. The children really did Queens Park proud and left their audience feeling very Christmassy! Their behaviour and professionalism were impecable. Well Done choir! Hope you enjoy the photos and videos. 

Christmas Dinner, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 1:37pm

We had a very festive Christmas dinner with the children today. All our children and staff had a lovely time and tucked into a lovely Christmas meal prepared by the kitchen staff. The children particularly liked the sausages and Kyle from year five has put in a special request to have them every week on the roast dinner. 

Christmas Counts , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 13th Dec 2016 @ 9:43pm

Fantastic performance from our EYFS children today. We are all so proud of you. 

ACE assembly led by Sue and Ron, by Mrs Platt

Date: 13th Dec 2016 @ 10:18am

We all thoroughly enjoyed this morning's assembly led by Sue and Ron. Our Year 5 children had written letters and they received their reply letters this morning. We also watched videos of the children in Africa wishing us all a Merry Christmas. 

Sue and Ron would like to pass on their thanks and gratitude to all children, parents / carers and staff of Queen's Park for their continued efforts in supporting ACE (Africa's Children in Education) charity. They would also like to wish everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas. 

Q1 trip to the Libary , by Miss Glover

Date: 12th Dec 2016 @ 8:04pm

Q1 have had a lovely afternoon today at the Peter Street Libary. We sat very well and listened to some lovely books. I am so proud at how sensible you all were. Outstanding behaviour all afternoon, especially when walking there and back- well done!😀😀😀😀 The children loved exploring all the different types of books that the Libary had to offer. Membership is free so why not join? We will be returning after Christmas for another session and we will be voting for our most popular book. I wonder which one it might be? Check out our pictures from our afternoon and the books we enjoyed today. 

Christmas Tree Festival Celebration Service, by Mrs Platt

Date: 11th Dec 2016 @ 8:30pm

Members of the school and ethos council worked alongside Reverend Gwynfor to lead this morning's special service at Ormskirk Street United Reform Church. 

The children helped to light the Advent wreath, read aloud and sang beautifully. 

The congregation commented on the children's smart presentation, confident reading and as always their wonderful behaviour. 

Well done children - you are a credit to your families and Queen's Park School. 

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