Our blogs

Where did the week go?, by Mr Houltram

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 1:14pm

So what have we been up to? What haven’t we been up to more like. We sure know how to cram a week of learning in!

For our English we have been planning a biography all about famous poet, William Wordsworth. The children are really making a conscious effort to create their own style of writing which is pleasing to see. Their finished pieces are just great!

In our Maths lessons we turned our attention to division. It sure was tricky but Q4 are very resilient and stuck at it. For our Maths Meetings this week our focus has been Roman Numerals. We are very close to knowing them all up to 100.

Science saw us explore teeth. They have some interesting names like incisors and molars. We looked at the different types of teeth and their functions and managed to compare our own to those of carnivores and herbivores. 

In our History we found out what the Romans liked to do for entertainment. Ask the children all about it. We also found out about Roman Gods and Goddesses such as Venus, Juno and Minerva. 
In Geography we researched the country Italy and came up with a fact poster. The children worked in pairs to produce some excellent informative posters. 

Well done to our Star Badge winner this week, Codie Start, who has really impressed me with her writing. Ruby, Alexia, Jia, Matthew and Kacey all scored 100% on their spelling whilst Alexia and Hayden topped our Dojo charts. A huge Well Done to all. 

See you next week!

Week Beginning 21st November, by Mrs Potter

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 1:11pm

Hello everyone,

This week we have been looking at a poem called 'the star' by Jane Taylor. We have also been getting into the Christmas spirit today by writing our letters to Father Christmas.

In Maths, we have been learning how to measure different objects as well as each other.

Congratulations to Ethan Austin for earning our star badge this week for a super improvement in his attitude towards schoolwork and being an all round superstar! Well Done Ethan!

Happy Birthday to Ethan Clarke and Emma Frodsham who turned 7 this week!

Have a good weekend!

Year 5 Handball, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 12:53pm

Mr Ward gave Year 5 the opportunity to take part in a Year 5 Handball Tournament. The children had a great morning in their teams. The winners overall were Jamaica with 26 points due to their excellent passing skills. Well done, great teamwork. 

The joint runners-up were Spain and France with 24 points.


All the children had a super time and their skills really improved during the session, especially team work and tactics.

BASH awards, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 12:30pm

Q5 had a super afternoon at Peter Street Library, they looked at the books that they would be reviewing for the BASH awards. The children investigated the texts and had to match the correct paragraph to the correct novel.

The children have brought some of these books home this week to read. There are some great stories, why don't you ask your child to read them to you? I really enjoyed reading them.


Mrs Atherton

Maths investigators , by Miss Ellis

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 11:54am

P6 really enjoyed making algebra come to life this morning. Well done you algebra experts👍🏻

Worship, by Mr Warner

Date: 24th Nov 2016 @ 8:27pm

Thanks to Ava and Demi for leading Class Worship this week. A great choice of song and some lovely reading from the Bible. Thank you. 

Benchball Champs, by Mr Warner

Date: 24th Nov 2016 @ 8:23pm

Year 3 represented the school in a Benchball tournament today. It was held in our school and the children ended up winning it. They returned to class in great spirits and celebrated with the rest of the class. 

Thanks to Mr Ward for both organising the tournament and getting the children ready to compete. 

We are very proud of you all.

Where do leaves go in Winter?, by Miss Glover

Date: 23rd Nov 2016 @ 2:16pm

Today we shared our ideas about where leaves go in Winter. We had some interesting thoughts, my favourite one was that they go on holiday. So....we decided to investigate and go on a leaf hunt. We used a leaf identification sheet and found lots of types of leaves belonging to different trees.  We found leaves on the ground and leaves on the trees! They have not gone on holiday after all..... 

Have a look at our snaps... 

Go Go Go!, by Mr Houltram

Date: 19th Nov 2016 @ 1:02pm

Q4 have worked so hard this week. I introduced the children to Lucy Gray, a poem written by William Wordsworth. We spent time simplifying some of the language - it was written in 1799 after all! 

Our aim was to write a story opening and my oh my... the results were fantastic. I'm so proud of everyone for their efforts in writing this week. 

In Maths we looked at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We also tackled associative law. I think we've covered just about every way of multiplication there is! It will certainly go a long way to making us much more fluent in our Maths. 

Did the children tell you about our bulb planting? We also focused on the song 'Man that can't be moved' by The Script in our Guided Reading. The children's interpretations were excellent. Amazing imaginations. Ask them all about it! 

If that wasn't enough, we managed to describe the journey of the digestive system. We did this as a shared write and embedded our understanding with a very tense game of 'Who wants to be a Millionaire'. Lots of the children mistook Chris Tarrant for Donald Trump!! Needless to say, Q4 reached a million, (phone a friend and 50/50s came in handy!)

A special mention to Enola, who has really made a huge effort to improve her handwriting this week, you've made me and Miss Monsvoll really proud! 

A huge well done to Sophie, Ruby, Boo, Maddison, Rory, Enola, Abigail, Alexia and Jia with 100% on their spellings! 

Abigail was a very worthy winner of our Star Badge! A great role model for Q4. A huge well done to all! 

We'll be writing a biography all about William Wordsworth next week. Teeth in Science, Italy in Geography and division in Maths are all on the agenda. Go, go, go!! 

See you next week! 

A very international afternoon, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 18th Nov 2016 @ 3:46pm

Here at Queen's Park we have just had a thoroughly international afternoon! Y6 enjoyed French Yoga with Steph from Primary Languages Network and P3 have been watching a video made by our Tasmanian partner school, St Brigid's. In the video we were able to see what their classrooms and playgrounds are like, as well as enjoying the drama that they acted out. Then we looked at our project with our Italian and French partner schools ( La Strada della Magia/ La Rue de la Magie/ The Magic Road) in which we are on a magical journey with our European friends. The children prepared to become magicians by making hats and wands. I heard some great language from them as they played at casting spells.

Week beginning 14th November 2016, by Mrs Potter

Date: 18th Nov 2016 @ 12:37pm

Hello again,

This week we have been learning about Armstice Day. Well done to our Beavers who went to the Town Hall to remember the soldiers who died in both world wars, and in more recent conflicts.

In Art we have been learning how to add tints and tones to paint. We looked at the artist Paul Klee and his painting Separation in the Evening. Here are two examples. Google Paul Klee to see what a good job they have done!

Q5 penpals , by Mrs Taylor

Date: 17th Nov 2016 @ 7:50pm

Q5 received letters from their new penpals in Velles, France. We planned what we would like to say to them and next week we will make a start on making cards ready to post.

Catalyst Museum Sleep-over , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 16th Nov 2016 @ 3:45pm

P5 had a lovely sleep-over at the Catalyst Museum. The children were so excited for the workshops and the sleep-over. They were over the moon with their key chains and loved seeing the plastic change texture, size and shape. 

Thank you Mrs Ashton, Mr Curran and Mrs Baskett who gave up their own time away from their families to support your children. 

The children also enjoyed the mannequin challenge, started by Mr Curran. 

Take a look at our pictures. 

Dig for victory!, by Miss Ellis

Date: 15th Nov 2016 @ 1:24pm

This morning, Abigail and Abbie helped Mr Ward plant trees on the school field. They did a fantastic job and really worked hard. Let's hope their trees grow as well as they have during their years at Queens Park 🌱🌲🌳🍃

Lunch time golden table , by Mrs Platt

Date: 15th Nov 2016 @ 12:16pm

Children are working hard to demonstrate their excellent table manners in the hope of being chosen to join our 'golden table'. Our weekly winners will be shared on the newsletter. 

Switch Off Fortnight , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 14th Nov 2016 @ 10:30pm

Our worship was led this morning by our Eco Council.  They explained to all the children how we can conserve energy by switching different things off.  We all learned about the 'standby' button on most electrical items and how this means it is still using electricity - thank you for teaching me this.  We were shocked and surprised to hear that we could save up to £80 a year on our bills if we just switch off.  Over the next two week, the Eco council will be focusing on conserving energy.  I have spotted some handy stickers around school (and on my computer) to help remind us to turn things off when they are not in use.  Well done to the Eco Council. 

Chamber of Commerce, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 14th Nov 2016 @ 8:18am

Last week, year 5 had the Chamber of Commerce in showing them how to run a business. The children were really inspired by Natalie's presentation and they cannot wait to start their own project. 

Music, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 13th Nov 2016 @ 5:27pm

Q5 had a super afternoon performing and composing with the School's Music Service. 

It sounded almost professional, well done. 

Q5 caught reading, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 13th Nov 2016 @ 5:12pm

Even on our sleep over some of Q5 were caught reading. A great end to the day before we settled down. 

Catalyst Museum Sleep-over., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 13th Nov 2016 @ 4:51pm

Q5 had a wonderful sleep-over at the Catalyst Museum. The children were so excited all day and even managed some sleep at night. The behaviour and manners or the children were excellent  throughout the day. A personal note of thanks for the staff who gave up time away from their own families to support your children: thank you Mrs Ashton, Miss Fishwick and Mrs Connor. 

It was a little cool over night but other than that it was a great trip from beginning to end. Feedback from the children has been 100% positive.   

Thank you to Mrs Kellet, who at the end of her long day came a read a bedtime story to the children until 9.00. pm.

See if you can spot your child sleeping.


Non-stop learning!, by Mr Houltram

Date: 12th Nov 2016 @ 5:53pm

What a week! So where do I start? Let's start with English. The children have been looking at lots of different poems all week; Kennings, Haikus and Tankas. We finished the week producing some thoughtful Cinquain poems to commemorate Remembrance Sunday. Ask the children all about the different syllable patterns.

In Maths we have been delving even deeper into our multiplications. We now know all about commutativity and distributive law - sounds tricky but the children excelled! The children also looked at factors and products whilst we focused on fractions in our Maths Meetings - ask the children all about it.

In Science we have been exploring the digestive system. The children were able to identify the parts of the digestive system and produced an interactive worksheet to learn the functions of each part.

We have started our new text 'Bill's New Frock' for our Guided Reading. Poor Billy has woken up as a girl and his Mum has sent him off to school in a frilly pink dress! Goodness knows what's in store for him.

Well done to Alexia, Abigail, Deborah, Emily, Kacey, Maddison, Matthew, Rory, Ruby and Zach who all achieved 100% on their spellings. Jayden topped the dojo charts with a huge 18 dojos whilst Zach was a worthy winner of our Star Badge award. A special mention to Hayden too who has achieved yellow belt in Kickboxing. Well done Hayden!

Next week we will be exploring a poem by William Wordsworth called Lucy Gray. It tells the story about a young girl who went out one evening in a storm never to return. We will turn our attention to division in Maths, looking at teeth in Science, (open wide!) and will be producing a fact file all about Italy in Geography. Not sure how we'll fit it all in but Q4 never cease to amaze me.

I'll upload some pics very soon so keep checking back.

A week to remember, by Mr Gill

Date: 12th Nov 2016 @ 3:32pm

This week has been a week to remember in so many different ways.

Friday saw our whole school remembrance service which gave us all time to reflect and remember the fallen. Our two minute silence was impeccably observed by all. The children had many questions to ask about Armistace Day and we had a thought provoking discussion about it. For their homework, the children have been asked to write a poem designed to remember the fallen. I am looking forward to reading them on Monday morning.

In our maths lessons this week we have been looking at multiplication. If anything, this series of lessons taught us that it is vitally important to know our tables. It would be great if adults at home would complement the work we are doing in school by helping us learn our tables.

English has been a particular highlight of the week. We have been exploring different types of poems. The 3 types of poems we have looked at in depth are; Kennings, Haikus and Tankas. The children have written some fabulous poems and had the chance to read them out loud to their peers!

Our new guided reading book is Bill's New Frock. The children are really intrigued to find out how Bill has ended up wearing a frock!

We have been learning about the digestive system in Science. Where does our food actually go after we have put it in our mouth? We are looking forward to exploring this in more detail in next Wednesday's lesson.

In Geography, we have been focusing on the country Italy. We now know which continent it is in, its capital, what countries it borders and what oceans surround it!! We have been busy.

Congratulations to Harvey who won out Star Badge award this week for his brilliant times tables knowledge. A big well done to Ruby and Charlie who topped the Dojo charts this week!

That's all for now! Have a great weekend.


French Yoga, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 3:53pm

Well, I must say I'm feeling very calm and relaxed! Not just because it's Friday , but because I have been doing Yoga all afternoon with Y3. Steph from Primary Languages Network delivered lovely sessions where we were given our Yoga instructions in French. This gave us the chance to revise words for body parts and animals as well as learning lots of new vocabulary. It was a truly special way to round off the week and I hope your children are all feeling as good as I do.

Outstanding writing , by Miss Glover

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 3:01pm

Well done to Amelia for her writing today and congratulations for receiving a Headteacher award . She wrote a newspaper report recounting the events of the Gunpowder Plot.  

Outstanding OUTSTANDING independent work well done! 

Star badge winner, by Miss Glover

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 2:54pm

A huge well done to Thomas for winning a star badge last week. Super role model to our class showing outstanding behaviour at all times. Well done! 

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