Our blogs

Guy Fawkes, by Mrs Potter

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 12:26pm


This week we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot. We had some wonderful writing during Big Write. Lots more children are doing their Big Talk homework. Great news!

We have also been doing painting this week and have been learning to mix primary colours to make secondary colours. At the moment, we're in the middle of making bonfire pictures and we'll upload some photographs when we're finished.

Today we went to a special assembly for Armistice Day. We observed two minutes silence. The children displayed excellent behaviour and I was proud of them.

I apologise for no blog last week, I did do one but it didn't appear.

See you all next week.

Pirate Writing Crew, by Mr Warner

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 10:04pm

Miss Gauld has been working hard with two groups of four children, leading a themed writing intervention called Pirate Writing. There are encouraging signs of good progress being made already after two weeks. 

The room looks amazing and the groups are really motivated throughout each task.

Thank you Miss Gauld for all your wonderful work with these children. 


Column addition , by Mr Warner

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 9:54pm

We have worked very hard all week and used a range of concrete resources to learn about column addition. The children have used rounding, estimating and lots of mental strategies, leading to the more formal methods of column addition and subtraction.  

Class Worship, by Mr Warner

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 9:50pm

Grace and Anthony led our class worship this week. They read confidently, clearly and fluently, combining singing, with great use of technology. So well organised and lovely to see the other children really appreciating their efforts.

Well done. 

P.E. (Handball), by Mr Warner

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 9:37pm

A great session with Mr Ward in preparation for tournaments coming up in the next few weeks.

Children were taught a range of passes and quickly picked up the rules of handball. The games were extremely competative throughout the lesson. 


Haven't got a clue ... to experts! (In just one week) , by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 5:49pm

We have been learning how to use the active and passive voice in English and we have been using Miss Hughes' favourite game to help us... cluedo! We can now confidently create sentences using both active and passive and we really enjoyed writing descriptive sentences about those sneaky cluedo characters. They've  been getting up to no good in Dr Black's house. 

Q6 are very "bright" - Science , by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 5:43pm

We have spent the past couple of weeks studying light in our science lessons. We have looked at how light travels in straight lines, how light travels into our eyes to allows us to see and how light is reflected. Look at us modelling how light is reflected in the pictures below. We had loads of fun using a periscope and looking around corners and over objects! We had a go at making our own periscopes too. Cereal boxes and mirrors worked a treat! 

Chamber of Commerce project at Gullivers World!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 5:26pm

Additional pictures from chamber of commerce innovation & enterprise project. We are so proud of you Year 6! X

Determined to sort our determiners, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 4:48pm

In French this week Y4 have delighted me with their ability to sort nouns according to masculine, feminine or plural by looking at the determiner. The children did this so well they were then challenged to put the words into alphabetical order. Having recorded their new vocabulary in their books they used bilingual dictionaries to find other classroom object vocabulary to add to the list.

Year 6 Apprentice....You're hired!!, by Miss Ellis

Date: 10th Nov 2016 @ 1:14pm

Yesterday ten pupils from our year six classes took part in the grand final of the St Helens Chamber of Commerce Enterprise competition. Since mid September, all the children have been designing a theme park based on the Gullivers World complex and creating press releases, posters,powerpoints, leaflets, budgets and environmental reports in preparation for the final. We sent two teams to the final after the judges visited us before half term and they both did incredibly well. Sadly we didn't win overall but both teams were highly commended by the judges and more importantly the children themselves were very proud of the work they had presented. Miss Hughes, Mrs Baskett, Mrs Harrison and myself were impressed by the all of the children's efforts and would like to thank them for all their hard work.🕴🏅🏆

P5 Penpals, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 9th Nov 2016 @ 10:54am

Today P5 were matched up with their new French penpals. They did a brilliant job of introducing themselves and giving personal information in French. We also saw some lovely designs for the front covers showing the relationship between our two nations. We hope our new friends in l'Ecole de Velles enjoy reading them.

MacMillan Coffee Morning , by Mrs Platt

Date: 8th Nov 2016 @ 5:57am

We have received a certificate from the Macmillan team saying thank you for supporting the coffee morning. We raised £376.24 for a great cause! 

Action packed!, by Mr Houltram

Date: 5th Nov 2016 @ 1:38pm

..... and breathe.. Wow we have had one action-packed week. We got our Geography off to a terrific start and now know all seven continents. The children can also tell you where some of the European countries are located - their atlas skills were great!

We kick-started the week with a performance of the story of Rama and Sita, we hope you enjoyed the photos. Q4 are brilliant performers and they never cease to amaze me!

In English we have been looking at segregation in the 1950's. We focused on 'The Little Rock Crisis', which occurred in Arkansas in the USA. The children have written some excellent persuasive pieces arguing why segregation is wrong. It tied in perfectly with our Black History Week. The children showed sympathy, empathy and thoughtfulness in their writing which was most pleasing. Please ask the children all about it. 

In Maths we have been looking at representing multiplications. This week we have been able to represent our answers using bar models as well as with place value counters. It will certainly help us to become more fluent in multiplication - column method and distributive law next week! 

Next week we look forward to our new text, 'Bill's New Frock' by Anne Fine for our Guided Reading sessions. Can't wait for that! We will also be exploring poetry in our English lessons and we'll be looking at the digestive system in science. Lots to look forward to! 

Well done to Kacey, Izzy, Sophie, Josh, Emily, Alexia, Boo and Abigail who shone in their drama production - Q4 are very proud of their talents. Izzy topped out dojo chart whilst Deborah, Sophie and Boo won our Secret Student prizes. Ask the children all about it! 

See you next week! 


How please he was!, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 5:43pm

Tyler was so pleased with his effort today. Miss Hope was delighted with his work and sent him to see me. Well done Tyler. Keep up the good wo

Year two football team. , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 5:39pm

We heard all about our year two football team today from Mr Ward in assembly. They all received certificates for their participation.  

Outside Achievements, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 5:36pm

Every week, we celebrate the achievements of the children outside of school. This week we had Summer reading challenge certificates, rainbow badges, spooky welly walk medals and swimming badges. Well done to you all.  We love hearing about all the things you do outside of school 

Stars of the week , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 5:30pm

This week's star badge winners. Well done everyone 

Comparing Schools, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 5:13pm

We've just had a lovely afternoon in P3. I was introducing the children to the new Etwinning project we are taking part in with our partner schools in France and Italy by showing them photos of San Giorgio Catania (the school in Sicily) when we had a lovely coincidence! Anna and Ellie from Y6 brought me a copy of The Jolly Postman (il postino) in Italian! I can't wait to look at it properly. We had a super discussion comparing the Italian school with Queen's Park. We then decided what would interest our partner schools about our school and took photos near the office, in the playground and by the international displays. These will be posted on Etwinning as part of the project. We finished the afternoon by looking at photos of St Brigid's in Australia.

Diwali, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 1:39pm

The children in Year 5 acted out the story of Rama and Sita to begin our Diwali celebration. The children loved getting into role as part of our 'whoosh' story. 

We loved Vaughn as the ten headed demon, Ravanna. 



Our first week back after half term., by Mrs Potter

Date: 4th Nov 2016 @ 12:29pm

Black History, by Mr Warner

Date: 3rd Nov 2016 @ 9:46pm

Throughout the week Q3 have been learning all about the importance of equality. Debates have taken place and work based on discrimination, where the girls were given preferential treatment compared to the boys for a short time (this caused outrage amongst the boys, but was essentail to demonstrate inequality). We have looked at segregation, the slave trade and how we need to remember the history of black Americans.

In Guided Reading the class have celebrated the songs and looked closely at the lyrics of several black artists. Music has ranged from The Black Eyed Peas to John Newton (lyricist of Amazing Grace) who we found out was originally a slave trader.

It has been a most enjoyable week, ending with team tasks to research about significant black people from history.   

Class worship, by Mr Warner

Date: 3rd Nov 2016 @ 9:26pm

What a wonderful way to start our day on Wednesday. Michael and Liberty led our class worship. They used the bible story Noah's Arc to demonstrate the Year 3 value of respect. They confidently read the story and used the whiteboard to share a song linked to the story. The rest of the class listened carefully and also demonstrated great respect. Two more children will lead class worship next week.


Black History Week, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 3rd Nov 2016 @ 4:41pm

This week as part of Black History week, the children have discussed why it is important to teach Black History and to learn about people who played a part in Black History. On Tuesday, the children learned about the history of jazz. Wednesday, they looked at songs sung by Aretha Franklin and Louis Armstrong and commented on how the lyrics could be used to combat racism. Thursday, the children explored The Bare Necessities song and thought about basic human rights. 


P5's learning log projects , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 3rd Nov 2016 @ 3:40pm

The children from P5 have shared their learning log projects today to kick start or Earth and Space topic in Science.

Well done to all the children who completed the project over the half term. You have all worked extremely hard! 

Take a look at our fabulous projects. 


International Partner Schools, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 2nd Nov 2016 @ 9:08pm

We have two lots of international news to share. Firstly a parcel arrived from our friends in Velles, France. The children have written in English to describe themselves and they have also given us a challenge to complete French crossword puzzles. What a great idea!

Secondly, St Brigids in Tasmania have sent us photos of their school so that we can compare it with Queen's Park. We are waiting for photos of our French and Italian partner schools to arrive too-how exciting!

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