Our blogs

Welcome to P2, by Mrs Potter

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 3:46pm

Welcome to P2.  We have had a lovely week in our class this week. We have been learning about the countries of the U. K. Ask your children, I bet they can tell you. Also we're learning a new handwriting style. The children will be able to show you this too.

Here is a picture of us at the end of our first week. We'll take one at the end of the year to see how much we have grown!

Well done to Grace Abel for getting the first star badge in P2! Also Happy Birthday to James Jones on Sunday!

It's all happening in P4, by Mr Gill

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 3:41pm

What a week it has been in P4. It has been very busy indeed. The children have settled really well and looking forward to meeting the challenge of Year 4 head on! During this week, the children have been showing off their maths skills and have really impressed me with their knowledge of place value of 4 digit numbers.

Thursday was a great day. In the morning the children were introduced to their new text ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’. If you ask them about it you can tell that they are so excited to start reading it on Monday. Thursday also saw us take part in our first PE lesson of the year with Mr. Ward. He was showing us how to pass the ball correctly when we play Rugby League – James Roby eat your heart out!

This afternoon, the children had their first music lesson of the year. They are going to be learning how to play the clarinet. I am looking forward to their end of year performance already!

Congratulations to our Star Badge winner Jake and a big Well Done also to Lucy and Troy who earned the most Dojos this week. 

What a brilliant start to the year!


What a start to Q4!, by Mr Houltram

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 3:08pm

Well what a week it’s been in Q4 this week. Learning has literally not stopped!

In English we have been introduced to our new text ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt. We haven’t read it yet but we have been exploring the front cover to predict what it may be about – one thing’s for sure, those crayons are pretty grumpy about something!

In Maths we have been working with four-digit numbers. We can now recognise the place value of each digit and can even order and compare numbers beyond a 1000. Check out our photos to see us in action!

In Science we have started our topic ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. Using the mnemonic ‘MRS GREN’ we now know the seven life processes. We started our topic by grouping living things (this is called classifying) We can now group organisms in a Venn or a Carroll diagram. We have also been looking at vertebrates (organisms with a backbone), and we were able to classify different organisms using a classification key– aren’t we clever!

After all our hard work, sometimes it’s nice to chill and some of us got the chance to read in Mr Houltram’s new ‘chill-out zone. 

A huge well done to Kacey who was our Star Badge winner. Maddison topped our Dojo chart. It truly has been a super start to Q4 - well done everybody! 

The week has gone so quick but we can’t wait for next week to learn so much more!

predict what it may be about – one thing’s for sure, those crayons are pretty grumpy about something!

On Friday we read the blurb and learned a bit more about the crayons and why they’re so cranky! We enjoyed empathising with the crayons and Mr Houltram filmed some of our responses. It will certainly help us next week when we finally get to hear what the big fuss is all about.

In Maths we have been working with four-digit numbers. We can now recognise the place value of each digit and can even order and compare numbers beyond a 1000. On Friday we were able to solve some problems involving four-digit numbers. Check out our photos to see us in action!

In Science we have started our topic ‘Living Things and their Habitats’. Using the mnemonic ‘MRS GREN’ we now know the seven life processes. We started our topic by grouping living things (this is called classifying). We can now group organisms in a Venn or a Carroll diagram.

We have also been looking at vertebrates (organisms with a backbone), and we were able to classify different organisms using a classification key – aren’t we clever!

After all our hard work, sometimes it’s nice to chill and some of us got the chance to read in Mr Houltram’s new ‘Chill-out Zone’.

Congratulations to our Star Badge winner Kacey Zhelyaskova and a big Well Done also to Maddison Howard who earned the most Dojos this week. 

It truly has been a super start to our brand new year of learning! 



Our first week in P3, by Miss Kean

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 2:54pm

First of all I would like to say thank you to all of our wonderful Year 3 children, you have found your feet in the juniors so well and already are a fantastic example to our KS1 children.

This week has been lots of fun as we settle back into the routines of school life and get used to our new timetable.  P3 are already working extremely hard and have begun to explore our new book “The day I swapped my dad for a goldfish.” by Neil Gaiman. We have even bought our own robotic fish!

I am really looking forward to next week when we begin our topic work on The Stone Age.

First week , by Mr Warner

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 2:46pm

It has been a very busy week for the children's first experience of Year 3. They have settled really well and are adapting to life in Key Stage 2. The children have worked extremely hard and have begun to explore a new text about exchanging a dad for a goldfish, with some interesting predictions. They have been impressing me all week with their Maths Mastery transitions. Mrs Potter has obviously worked really hard on this area of the lesson. 

I'm looking forward to getting our topic work started, looking at Volcanoes and the Stone Age. Many children have already shown an impressive knowledge as part ofa  brainstorming session. 


Maths fun! , by Miss Glover

Date: 9th Sep 2016 @ 2:34pm

Welcome back 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀.  The children are all excited to be in Year One. This week Year 1 have loved their Maths lessons, we have been busy using cubes and tens frames. Today children learnt to represent numbers in different ways. Check out our pictures. 

Playing cards?, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Sep 2016 @ 8:10pm

Of course we are not just playing cards!

Yesterday, P5's place value knowledge was challenged. 

The children were given a certain number of cards to use in order to create the largest or the smallest possible number. 

You can see some happy faces when the children beat their partner. 

Our own sculptures in the style of Antony Gormley, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Sep 2016 @ 8:00pm

P5 have been learning about Antony Gormley and his sculptures over the last two days. Today, we focused on creating our own sculptures in the style of The Field for the British Isles.

Did you know that the people of St.Helens were part of this artwork?

Ask your children to tell you more about it.

The children created some super sculptures, have a look at our talent. 

Antony Gormley, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 8th Sep 2016 @ 5:45pm

For the last two days, Q5 have been learning about Antony Gormley and his sculptures. Today, the children created their own sculptures in the style of The Field for the British Isles.

Did you know that the people of St.Helens were part of this artwork?

Ask your children to tell you more about it.

The children created some super sculptures, have a look at our talent. 

Mrs Atherton

Breakfast and after school clubs available, by Mrs Platt

Date: 8th Sep 2016 @ 3:29pm

The following clubs are available to book via the school app:


Back to school and already working hard! , by Miss Fisher

Date: 7th Sep 2016 @ 11:13pm

Welcome Back , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 6th Sep 2016 @ 11:14pm

It was so lovely to see all the children back after our summer holidays.  We began the day with worship where we looked at the story 'The Giving Tree'.  The children were set a challenge to accepted the gift of learning and education this year and work with the staff to develop their talents.  

We are so excited for the coming year at Queen's Park.  Don't forget to follow us on Twitter too.  

SEAL certificate winners, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 21st Jul 2016 @ 2:59pm

Congratulations to Katie Hamilton and Tyrese Daley for winning the SEAL certificates. 

Kate achieved the certificate for encouraging others and Tyrese achieved the certificate for showing good manners. 

Well done you two laugh

Goodbye P2., by Mrs Potter

Date: 21st Jul 2016 @ 11:26am

Well I have to say this class might have made me work for my money, but how I'm going to miss you all! Take care over the summer, believe in yourselves, you really are amazing!

Last day in P4, by Mr Warner

Date: 21st Jul 2016 @ 11:23am

P4 enjoyed their last day playing games and having fun.  Mrs Taylor seems to be enjoying herself too.

Mr Warner, Mrs Heavey and Mrs Cafferty would like to wish everyone a fabulous summer break and all the best in Year 5.  You will all do great.  

See you in September.  

Super Hero Award!!!, by Miss Glover

Date: 21st Jul 2016 @ 10:58am

Well done Maisie! She has won a super hero award for excellent sports. She collected the most points out of the whole of the infants. Well done!!!! 


Attendance Certificates, by Miss McCormack

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 10:19pm

Congratulations to all of our attendance certificate winners today!

Ashleigh, Troy and Morgan were all awarded a 100% attendance certifcate today and Connor, Peter and Aiden were also awarded certificates as they have only missed one day of school! All these children were invited to a cinema afternoon today where they watched the Minions movie and had sweets and popcorn. 

Keep up the excellent work!

SEAL certificates , by Miss McCormack

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 10:15pm

Congratulations to our SEAL certificate winners today, Yasmin Glover, Sophie Nuttall and Charlie Martindale!

Yasmin was voted for by her classmates for always having fantastic manners and Charlie and Sophie were chosen for supporting their classmates and encouraging others. 

Summer reading challenge , by Mrs Platt

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 3:21pm

We had a visit from Mary, who works for St Helens Library Service during today's assembly. Mary talked to the children about this year's summer reading challenge. This year's challenge is based around Roald Dahl and is called 'The big friendly read'. 

Please encourage your child to take part in the event. There are reward incentives in place for children who particpate, which include an award ceremony with the mayor and mayoress of St Helens. In addition to this, school will be holding a prize draw for children who complete the challenege - the prize will be a book voucher! 

Happy reading! 

100% and 99% attendance in P5, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 12:00pm

Well done to Jacob and Jamie for achieving 100% attendance laugh this is amazing! 

Well done to Josh, Jessica, Mackenzie, Ebbonie and Logan for achieving 99% attendance this year. 




Go for Goal ⚽️⚽️⚽️⚽️😃, by Miss Ellis

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 9:06am

On Monday and Tuesday, year six performed their end of year production, 'Go for goal'. The children were tremendously good with fantastic singing, dancing and acting. We were all so very proud of them, especially as they've had such a short amount of time to rehearse and learn their parts. Not a single word, step or action was out of place and you could tell by the children's faces how much they enjoyed doing it. What a fantastic way to end their final week at Queen's Park. Well done year six 👍🏻🏆

Knowsley Safari Park, by Miss McCormack

Date: 18th Jul 2016 @ 9:51pm

Today was our end of year school trip to Knowsley Safari Park!

First, we got involved with a workshop where we learnt about a variety of animals who live in Africa and we even got to see some and feel some of them, including: the giant African snail, a hissing cockroach and the ball python. After that, we went to see the giraffes, elephants and meerkats before seeing the spectacular sea lion show! Roger and Arthur showed off their fantastic skills for everyone and we even learnt how to tell the difference between a sea lion and a seal. 
Afterwards, we jumped onto the coach to drive around the rest of the safari park where we saw a variety of animals including lions, monkeys, camels and zebras before finally stopping off at the bat cave where a couple of children got covered in a certain orange bat substance!

The weather was extremely hot but the children throughly enjoyed the trip and represented our school excellently!

Amazing additions to our playground , by Mrs Platt

Date: 18th Jul 2016 @ 9:28pm

Check out the enhancements to our playground!

Our playground is looking fantastic and offers lots of opportunity for creative play. 

Recycling , by Mrs Platt

Date: 18th Jul 2016 @ 9:25pm

Our eco club monitors work hard each week to ensure that all of the waste paper is collected and stored ready for recycling. Well done girls, you're doing a great job! 

Mrs Heavey, by Mr Warner

Date: 15th Jul 2016 @ 4:03pm

Mrs Heavey has been getting herself fit for an upcoming event which she is being very secretive about. One of the children came into school with a magazine showing images of the secret training she is doing. Watch this space for more news 😃

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