Our blogs

Transition, by Mr Warner

Date: 15th Jul 2016 @ 3:55pm

We have had a wonderful productive week, getting to know each other. I'm really excited about next year and getting started.

Thank you 

Mr Warner

Farewell to our new friends, by Mrs Platt

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 9:31pm

Today we said goodbye to our visitors and new friends- Peter and Nana. 

We have enjoyed a wonderful week learning from each other!

The staff and children of Queen's Park presented Peter and Nana with gifts to remind them of their visit to Queen's Park. During the assembly, Peter talked to the children about life in Chongqing and how it compared to life in England. 

We wish them a safe journey home and look forward to hearing from them soon. 

Squash Tournament , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 9:20pm

Well done to our year four and five children who took part in a Squash tournament this week.  They showcased their skills they have been learning all year with Jim and John and as usual their behaviour was impeccable. 


Esafety Day, by Miss Hope

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 4:52pm

On E- safety day we discussed the good things we use the Internet for and then watched a short film about staying safe online. Miss Gray then asked us some questions that we had to answer true or false by using red and green cards. We then signed a pledge to always be kind when using the Internet.  

Miss Gray

Calligraphy lesson delivered by our Chinese visitors , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 4:47pm

P5 have loved having a calligraphy lesson delivered by Peter and Nana (our Chinese visitors). 

The children were eager to find out about how people live in China. They were also amazed at the Chinese symbols, they even had the chance to use a Chinese pen, which looked like our paint brushes, to create their own symbols on bamboo paper (these symbols disappeared within 15 minutes, it was like magic 😃). 

Take a look at our fantastic day. 

Superhero Day!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 2:58pm

Yesterday, the children had the opportunity to have a go at some superhero activities!

Chinese Calligraphy, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 14th Jul 2016 @ 2:07pm

Today Peter and Nana took P4 in their new Y5 class for a fascinating session on how the characters in Chinese calligraphy developed. The children and staff alike really enjoyed working out what each 'glyph' represents. We were then challenged to communicate using our own symbols which we wrote on bamboo. Another brilliant lesson from our Chinese friends!

Counting in Mandarin, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 13th Jul 2016 @ 9:34pm

Today Q4 who are having their transition week in year 5 were taught by our visiting teachers, Peter and Nana. It was fun learning how to count to ten in Mandarin using actions.

A book gift for Chongqing, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 13th Jul 2016 @ 9:27pm

We gave Peter and Nana from Qinglong Lu Primary in Chongqing some English books to show the children in their school. Y5 children wrote a message at the front of the books so that they will think of us whenever they read them.

Adventures into the future!, by Miss Ellis

Date: 13th Jul 2016 @ 12:37pm

Year five have been very busy during their transition activities with Miss Ellis this week....just don't mention the broken pasta all over the floor to the cleaners!!!!😳🍝

Welcome to Peter and Nana, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 12th Jul 2016 @ 8:53pm

On Sunday evening, I met Peter and Nana at Chalon Court.  They had travelled all the way from Chongqing in China.  Peter is the deputy head of our partner school and Nana is the mathematics teacher.  They have come to Queen's Park to see how our education system differs from theirs.  They are very interested in our creativitiy and how we teach the children the Arts.  They have a extremely busy schedule as we are trying to feel as much as possible into their day.  Mrs Taylor has taken them to Langtree Park today and we are off the World of Glass tomorrow. 

Welcome to Peter and Nana, by Mrs Platt

Date: 11th Jul 2016 @ 9:39pm

This morning, we welcomed Peter and Nana in to our school. Peter and Nana have travelled all the way from Chongqing, which is a city in China. They will be spending time with us in assemblies and plan to do lead some language and calligraphy sessions with some classes. 

This morning, Year 4 children started our week off wonderfully with a retelling of the traditional story about the creation of Chinese New Year. 


R.E singing , by Miss Glover

Date: 10th Jul 2016 @ 7:16pm

Internet Safety Day, by Mr Warner

Date: 8th Jul 2016 @ 3:21pm

As a part of the whole school Internet Safety Day on Monday we looked at various aspects of staying safe online. Pupils looked at a range of issues and possible dangers around various uses of the Internet. 

The class ended the day by creating Internet Safety information booklets using Purple Mash, with some very pleasing results. 

Will Eskrick- MMA fighter of the week , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Jul 2016 @ 1:44pm

Well done Will Eskrick in P5 for being awarded with the coaches trophy for MMA fighter of the week! 

What a fantastic achievement! We look forward to seeing your trophy, Will laugh


P5 have been using their mapping skills, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Jul 2016 @ 11:57am

P5 have been using their geography skills to read and interpret maps. They have found out about their locality and a contrasting locality. 

Take a look at the pictures to see how engrossed they were! They absolutely loved creating questions about the maps for their partners, they were also very supportive! 



Careers Carousel, by Miss Ellis

Date: 7th Jul 2016 @ 3:41pm

After working alongside The St Helens' Chamber of Commence all year on a variety of different projects, Year Six ended their primary experience today by participating in a careers workshop. Twenty-three local business' gave up their time and expertise to come to school and talk to all the year six pupils about their workplaces, how they have achieved success and aiming high to achieve aspirations. All of the pupils really enjoyed the morning and many of our visitors commented on the children's manners, attitude and engagement. They were a credit to our school. Hopefully some children will find that a seed of an idea has been planted about their future vocation... maybe some will come back in the future to talk about their work. 😃👍🏻

Year 5's surprise visitor, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 7th Jul 2016 @ 8:30am

Last week, year 5 had a surprise visitor, who burst in during class worship. He informed the children that he was hiding from the constables and needed a place to hide for the day. 

He introduced himself as a highway man and told the children stories about his life and gave them information about the reality of life as a highway man. 

The children wrote a ballad, adapted the original newspaper stories so they told the truth and created new wanted posters to stick up around the town. 

This really helped the children visualise what a highway man was like, which linked to the highway man poem that year 5 are studying in class. 


Year 4 Summer Trip, by Mr Warner

Date: 5th Jul 2016 @ 11:10pm

We all had a wonderful day at Knowslry Safari Park today and the children learnt lots, both within the workshop sessions linked to various areas of our Science curriculum and during our guided tour of the park. Our guide on the coach Sue taught us so much about each species and we even got to know about the personalities of some animals.


Down on the Farm, by Miss Hope

Date: 4th Jul 2016 @ 11:25am

What a fabulous day we had at Farmer Ted's! The weather was kind to us and only poured with rain while we were inside. Take a look at the photos from our day to see all the exciting activities we did. 

Lockerbie (more pics), by Mr Warner

Date: 2nd Jul 2016 @ 7:44pm

Year 6 had a wonderful time in Lockerbie , by Mrs Platt

Date: 2nd Jul 2016 @ 8:30am

Year six enjoyed a range of activities whilst at Manor Adventure in Lockerbie: archery, abseiling, mountain biking, Manor Olympics, scavenger hunts, kayaking, canoeing and climbing. 

P2 VIsit Famer Ted's, by Mrs Potter

Date: 1st Jul 2016 @ 12:32pm

We had a fantastic day out on Tuesday at Farmer Ted's. Well done to all the children for being so well behaved.  Here are a few pictures which will give us many happy memories.

Y6 residential to Lockerbie, by Mrs Platt

Date: 1st Jul 2016 @ 11:07am

Here are some photos of some of the fun activities that Year 6 have been up to. 

More pics from Lockerbie, by Mr Warner

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 7:46pm

A very busy day! 

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