Our blogs

INSPIRE , by Miss Glover

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 4:51pm

Thank you all parents for coming along to our inspire day! The children had so much fun exploring and investigating. Check out our pictures :) 

The journey up to Lockerbie , by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 4:20pm

Year 6 were all eagerly anticipating their arrival at Lockerbie. It was a fun journey that included eating lots of yummy packed lunch treats and playing games. 

Y6 residential in Lockerbie, by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 4:04pm

Another fun day of activities! 

Canoeing, kayaking, archery, obstacle courses and mountain biking were all on today's agenda! 

P4 have a go at being authors for a week, by Mr Warner

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 1:54pm

This week P4 have been writing their own version of the story Iron Man by Ted Hughes.

The children created their own creature to use in the stories.

The children have been writing drafts of their stories and editing their work before making it into a book.  The stories have contained some fabulous ideas and amazing creative writing.

P4 have enjoyed being authors and reading some of their work maybe we have a future Ted Hughes amongst us.i

Y6 residential in Lockerbie, by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Jun 2016 @ 10:19am

Canoeing and kayaking this morning. Check out our photos...

Lockerbie Manor Year 6 Residential, by Mr Warner

Date: 29th Jun 2016 @ 9:40pm

After a relatively short journey up here, torrential rain greeted us. But by mid afternoon the sun threatened to make an appearance and the evening activities were actually completed with partially blue skies and some sunshine. An wide range of choices for the evening meal, with steak pie appearing to be the most popular choice. Two activities completed for all three groups with the obstacle course proving to be by far the dirtiest! Sorry parents! 😀

It will be an early night tonight (the teachers hope), but with four activities lined up for tomorrow and an early start, we hope the children will be wanting their beds relatively early. 

More pictures to follow once they all all uploaded onto one device. 

P.S The children really like the pods. 





It's no trouble for me to add doubles ... , by Miss Fisher

Date: 28th Jun 2016 @ 9:35pm

Gold fever in P1, by Miss Fisher

Date: 28th Jun 2016 @ 9:31pm

While Pirate Pete has been in search of his favourite booty, gleaming gold, the children of P1 have been exploring an artist who also had a liking for gold.  The children used viewfinders to focus in on the patterns used in the Gustav Klimt portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer.  They then created their own patterns, using gold paint, which will be collaged together to make own own version of the well known painting.

Candy Island Ahoy! , by Miss Fisher

Date: 28th Jun 2016 @ 9:03pm

Pirate Pete, the main character from our story this week, has washed ashore Candy Island on his voyage for gold!  The children had a taste sensation when trying weird and wonderful sweets.  From this activity we gathered adjectives to use in our writing. 

Internet Saftey Day, by Miss Glover

Date: 27th Jun 2016 @ 2:11pm

Q1 learnt all about Internet Saftey again today and we practiced a song to help up remember what to do. Watch our video! 

Beach Party, by Miss McCormack

Date: 25th Jun 2016 @ 11:37am

We had a great day at Queen's Park yesterday...

Not only did we attempt to set a new world record but we also had a beach party! We didn't quite have beach weather, but we still had an amazing time!

PE, by Miss McCormack

Date: 25th Jun 2016 @ 11:23am

This past week has been very active...

Have a look at our cricket, football and zumba photos!

Brilliant Beach Party, by Mr Warner

Date: 24th Jun 2016 @ 2:47pm

Thanks to the PTFA P4 have had a fabulous afternoon at the beach party.

The afternoon started with a magic show from Ecky Thump, then it was outside to enjoy all the other activites;including bouncy castle, football and donkey rides.  Even the rain didn't put us off.

Outstanding teacher , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 6:04pm

Mrs Grierson from our Reception was awarded 'Outstanding Teacher of the term' from Hayes Education. This is for all the postive feedback she has received.  It is so well deserved.  She has very quickly become a member of our school team and has been fantastic in Reception.  Thank you Mirs Grierson

Performance poetry , by Miss Ellis

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 4:08pm

Today year six took part in a poetry writing and performing workshop with local poet and author, Paul Delaney. All the children thoroughly enjoyed the day and we were really pleased with the poems we created. Indy Pimblett was chosen as our top writer and performer. 🙋🏻

School Ethos Council Meeting, by Miss Hope

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 4:08pm

Our School Ethos Council met with Mrs Kelllett to discuss how we could decorate our playground with some markings. They were given a total amount to spend and had to choose wisely. Wait and see what arrives on our playground to see what they have chosen.

Science , by Miss Hughes

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 10:44am

Today we split up into teams so we could work together to design and create a food pyramid. We tasted lots of different foods and had to guess which category they belong in. The children's faces were priceless! 

Whittle Cup , by Mr Warner

Date: 23rd Jun 2016 @ 10:04am

Some of our Year 5 and 4 pupils took part in the Whittle Cup Tournament yesterday. They were up against teams of Year 6 pupils from other schools. But they showed great determination throughout and managed to even win one of their games. In two of the other games they were only beaten by last minute tries.

Well done to all the boys and girls who represented the school well. We are looking forward to next years event already.

Maths G and T day. , by Mrs Atherton

Date: 22nd Jun 2016 @ 5:45pm

Mrs Connor was very impressed with the Year 5 children who attended the G and T Maths session today. The children worked hard to solve the problems and answer the mathematical challenges, the children came a creditable fourth place, great work Josh Edge, Mackenzie Smith, Aanu Abe and Katie Hamilton.

Well done. smiley

Rio Olympics- A Sporting Chance, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 22nd Jun 2016 @ 5:36pm

Following our sports week we looked at issues such as whether Rio was a good choice as host city and whether competitors from all nations stand an equal sporting chance when it comes to winning medals. Do all countries have the same training facilities for their sportsmen? We discussed inequality between countries as well as within countries. We finished the session with a debate about these issues.

Splashes of Colour in Nature, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 21st Jun 2016 @ 9:47pm

Today we were thrilled to watch a virtual art gallery animation of the work we did in this project. Set to music, we appreciated the artwork of our friends in France, Sicily, Romania, Reunion , Greece and Spain as well as our own. What a lovely way for the world to come together in art!

Books for Tanzania, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 21st Jun 2016 @ 4:19pm

This year we have been raising money to help ACE charity to build new classrooms for the children they help in Tanzania. Linking in with our book project we thought it would be helpful to also send books for their library. Children in y1 and y5 discussed the books they thought the children would enjoy. We will pass their choices on to Sue and Ron Hayes for when they next visit.

Skyping across the Channel, by Miss Hope

Date: 21st Jun 2016 @ 11:45am

What an exciting morning Q2 had last Thursday! Mrs Taylor arranged a Skype call with École Maternelle Langevin in Bouligny, France. Children in Q2 were able to perform some French songs for Madame Marchetti's class. We were also joined by Mr Platt, a French teacher from Cowley and some of his Year 8 pupils. Our Q2 children were fantastic representatives of our school and made Miss Hope and Mrs Taylor very proud. Thank you Mrs Taylor for arranging a super opportunity for the children. 

Sign language , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 21st Jun 2016 @ 8:04am

Hannah Clark and Louise Parry have learned how to sign this song and will be teaching it to the whole school in worship next week


Well done girls

ZUMBATHON , by Miss Glover

Date: 20th Jun 2016 @ 5:09pm

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