Our blogs

A Royal Lunch, by Mrs Lister

Date: 15th May 2016 @ 4:52pm

This week we have been making crowns ready for our lunch to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations.

We had a lovely time eating scones and jam and cucumber sandwhiches whilst wearing our crowns.

Queen's Birthday Inspire Day, by Mr Warner

Date: 14th May 2016 @ 5:34pm


 I would like to take this opportunity to thank the parents from P4 who turned up in force to see your children taking part in a range of activities. The children were mixe with the other Year 4 class and Year 3 classes and placed into groups named after the Royal houses and palaces. Activities ranged from art based tasks, such as a big art piece, decorating a mosaic of the Queen's head on a large stamp, to making a moving image of the Queen and adding a voiceover ton perform a Queen's speech. The parents came to see the final few activities in the carousel. Then stayed to see the feedback from the children. It was lovely to see so many parents and we are very grateful for your continued support. 

Thanks again

Mr Warner      

Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth! , by Miss Hughes

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 4:43pm

As the Queen's official birthday celebrations took place today, we have been focusing on all things royal this week!

In literacy, we have been reading The Queen’s Hat and The Queen’s Handbag By Steve Antony! Can you believe a sneaky swan stole her handbag and took it to different landmarks around the UK?

In geography, we have been looking at and researching a variety of landmarks around the UK and in music we have been learning the British national anthem! We recorded ourselves singing it this morning and we are sending it to Queen Elizabeth to wish her a very Happy 90th Birthday!

Today, we have had a fun filled morning of Queen Elizabeth || inspired activities including: creating a mosaic, a treasure hunt, creating crowns, biscuit making, using Morpho app on the iPads to create Queen's speeches, coin making, plus lots more!

We took lots of photos and videos so watch this space!

Have a fab weekend everyone x

The Queen's Hat, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 4:04pm

Queen's Park have been celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's 90th birthday. All classes have been enagaged in a range of different activities throughout the day.

The year 5 children have created their own book in the style of Steve Anthony's book, The Queen's Hat. They have adpated the story to be set in St Helens and have spent the day drafting, writing and illustrating.  

Take a look at some of our potential authors smiley

The Queen's Hat. , by Mrs Atherton

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 4:02pm

The children have spent the day writing a book in the style of The Queen's Hat written by Steve Antony, we read it together to celebrate the Queen's 90th birthday. The children then adapted the story to be set in St.Helens. All the children were engaged with this activity and I can see some potential authors in the future.

Thank you to the kitchen staff, who provided an excellent cream tea, which the children really enjoyed. 

The children have enjoyed their creative writing day. 

The Queen's Birthday!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 2:27pm

As the Queen's official birthday celebrations took place today, we have been focusing on all things royal this week!

In literacy, we have been reading The Queen’s Hat and The Queen’s Handbag! Can you believe a sneaky swan stole her handbag and took it to different landmarks around the UK?
In geography, we have been looking at and researching a variety of landmarks around the UK and in music we have been learning the British national anthem!

Today, we have had a fun filled morning of Queen Elizabeth || inspired activities including: creating a mosaic, a treasure hunt, creating crowns plus lots more!

We took lots of photos and videos so keep your eyes peeled for them coming up!

Child governors , by Mrs Platt

Date: 13th May 2016 @ 7:12am

Bertie and Jessica did a wonderful job at presenting information to Queen's Park Governors. 

They talked about their new role and gave governors an insight as to what's being going on in each year group over the last half term.  

They have now been set tasks by governors which they must present information about at the next meeting in October. 

Well done Bertie and Jessica! You were confident, articulate and extremely polite - as always! 

Queen's Park's 'Queen's Hat.', by Mrs Lister

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 8:37pm

Today Reception created our very own version of the Queen's Hat using a variety of hats.

'First it went into Year 6. Next it flew into Year 3. Then it flew onto the playground. Finally it landed on Mrs Kellett's head.'

Clafoutis aux Mirabelles, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 8:02pm

Our French partner school sent us some of their local Mirabelle plums and a recipe for how to make a dessert. Today we made it and tomorrow we will eat it (it took longer to bake than we anticipated).

Mandarin lessons, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 7:15pm

Today Q3 and Q4 were excited to have a lesson on Chinese culture, geography and Mandarin from Effy and Wendy. They also called in to see P3 who were fascinated to learn some phrases in Mandarin.

Minibeast Hunt, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 6:56pm

In Eco Club today the children discussed biodiversity with Miss Stubbs and learned lots of fascinating facts. They then went into the quad to look for mini beasts from their checklist.

Child governors, by Mrs Platt

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 5:32pm

Bertie and Jessica are ready to present at their first governor meeting! 

School Ethos Council, by Miss Hope

Date: 12th May 2016 @ 3:59pm

This afternoon our School Ethos Council have met with Mrs Kellett to discuss plans for our playground.  They had lots of great ideas to share with Mrs Kellett. 

SATs breakfast club, by Mrs Platt

Date: 11th May 2016 @ 8:21pm

Thank you to our PTFA members for helping to serve breakfast to our Y6 children this week. 

Children have been able to come in early and have breakfast with their friends before sitting their SATs papers. 

Our Trip to Underwater Street..., by Miss Fisher

Date: 10th May 2016 @ 11:52pm

What a wonderful day had by all!  We have been, crafting, experimenting, investigating, making, exploring, communicating, playing and LEARNING all day!  


Indian Inspired World Book Day!, by Miss Fisher

Date: 10th May 2016 @ 11:34pm

This year we have had an international influence to our World Book Day celebrations!


Year One have travelled through India; reading stories, listening and dancing to Indian music, tasting food, taking in the sights and also relaxing and invigorating ourselves through the practise of yoga!

Year One Library Visit, by Miss Fisher

Date: 10th May 2016 @ 11:21pm

Love books, love the library!

Reading Test , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 9th May 2016 @ 10:42pm

What a challenge the reading paper was!  Well done year six for not giving up. I am so

proud. 😀😀😀

A bus trip around London, by Miss Hope

Date: 9th May 2016 @ 9:54pm

Today, in our topic lesson, we climbed aboard a special London bus and enjoyed a sightseeing tour of our capital city.  We spotted lots of landmarks as our tour guide Miss Hope pointed out special features. 

Then we started writing a guide book for people to use when they travel on our special bus. We had to use some reference sheets to help us research the different landmarks. 


Good luck year six , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 9:26pm

Just do your best. We are all proud of you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wonderful witchy writing , by Miss Hope

Date: 6th May 2016 @ 4:42pm

Something strange happened in Q2 this morning. All the children suddenly turned into witches. 

All our witches were busily writing diaries. We had some amazing writing this morning have a look at the photographs. 

I am a very proud teacher. 

Building castles, by Mrs Lister

Date: 5th May 2016 @ 6:52pm

Building a castle for a prince and princess. "We need a sign to keep the baddies out" says Chloe. 

Chinese Visitors in Y4, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 5th May 2016 @ 5:31pm

Today we welcomed Paris and Bonita to Y4 to teach us Mandarin language and about the Chinese Zodiac. Some quotes from the children were "My favourite bit was when I learned what my name was in Chinese" and "I would now like to make full out Chinese conversations." 

Fete du Muguet, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 5th May 2016 @ 11:01am

I was greeted by a lovely surprise by Miss Kean and Q4 at the start of my French lesson today. They presented me with lilies to represent Lily of the Valley (le muguet) which is traditionally given as a lucky charm in France on May 1st and they had researched information about this to include in a 'thank you' letter to me. Merci Q4! Comme je suis heureuse!

Fun in the sun, by Mrs Lister

Date: 4th May 2016 @ 6:05pm

The sun has shone today and we have had lots of fun in our outdoor area. 

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