Our blogs

Why Work?, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 2nd May 2016 @ 5:09pm

Natalie came in from the Chamber of Commerce, she encouraged the children to think about the world of work.The class discussed what attitudes might be needed for a successful working life, this involved dress code, behaviour, reliablity and qualifications. The children were able to see how this may affect them as they head towards adulthood. 

Weaving, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 2nd May 2016 @ 4:56pm

As part of our Art topic, Q5 have tried their hands at weaving, they used a paper plate as their loom. The Children we weaving the Viking Tree of Life:Yggdrasil. The children used a variety of resources to create their background landscape and then used wool to weave their tree. Most chldren really enjoyed this task, although others, sadly, may never weave again. All children tried their best and some children provided peer support. The plates look fantastic on display. 

Mr Lyon, our trainee teacher, has certainly learned some new skills and was very pleased with his end result.

Year 5 Inspire Viking Day, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 2nd May 2016 @ 4:21pm

Year 5 had a great morning with their parents completing the Viikng activities. The Viking Longboat proved to be a very challenging task, well done if you completed this. The clay proved very popular with all ages. A special thank you to all the parents who joined us and the staff and volunteers who organised all the activities. 


Miss Stubbs and Mrs Atherton were very impressed with the concentration and excellent behaviour of all Year 5, well done. laugh

Obstacle courses in PE, by Mrs Lister

Date: 29th Apr 2016 @ 5:02pm

Mr Ward was helping us to follow instructions in our PE lesson by setting up and obstacle course. We had to jump, move in and out of cones, balance and then, jump through a hoop.

We had lots of fun and Mr Ward was very impressed with our skills.

Robots are arriving in Reception, by Mrs Lister

Date: 29th Apr 2016 @ 4:52pm

The children have enjoyed creating lots of robots in our outdoor area. We have wooden robots and robots made from lots of junk. We have even given them names, take look at them.

Celebration assembly , by Mrs Platt

Date: 29th Apr 2016 @ 2:22pm

The children gathered for praise assembly today to celebrate this week's achievements. 

Here are our star badge winners and out of school achievers...

A Painting from Sicily, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 28th Apr 2016 @ 4:49pm

As part of the book project we are involved in with schools in Italy and France we were excited to receive a painting from the youngest children in our Sicilian partner school. They painted a scene from Cappucetto Rosso (Little Red Riding Hood). Grazie!

Visiting Chinese Teachers , by Mrs Taylor

Date: 28th Apr 2016 @ 4:41pm

Q5 enjoyed a lovely session from Jane and Shawn today. They are students from China who offered to come and show the children about the panda, how to use chopsticks and Chinese geography. The children spoke a few phrases in Mandarin and practised calligraphy. 

A special delivery from France , by Mrs Taylor

Date: 27th Apr 2016 @ 7:58pm

Today we received an exciting parcel from our partner school in Bouligny which is in the Lorraine region of France. Because our school has joined them in a project on Splashes of Colour in Nature they have sent us some of their local food so that we may have colour on our plates. What a thoughtful idea! We have a jar of Mirabelle plums and some Foie gras.

Underwater Street , by Miss Glover

Date: 27th Apr 2016 @ 7:29pm

Year One had a FANTASTIC time at Underwater Street today! A huge thank you to all parents for your support and a great big thank you to the parents who joined us. Please check out some of our brilliant pictures. The children extended their topic learning by: making robots, exploring the light and dark room, creating a variety of crafts, painting, drawing, making bath bombs and even slime! We were so lucky to watch a Science show, it was all about reactive materials. So much learning has taken place today and we have had so much FUN!!!!!!!  

Ethos Council meets our Governors , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 26th Apr 2016 @ 10:39pm

Today our Ethos group met some of our Governors to talk to them about our worship in school. The children had been to all the classes and observed worship. They fed all their findings back to the Governors. Well done children. 

I know my nine times tables , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 26th Apr 2016 @ 10:36pm

What a creative and effective way to learn our times tables. Well done Ellie 

Super Simile Sentences , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 26th Apr 2016 @ 10:34pm

I had a visitor today who was so proud of his super writing in literacy. He'd written a simile sentence all on his own. Well done James 

Chinese Calligraphy, by Miss Hope

Date: 23rd Apr 2016 @ 11:22pm

In Q2 this week we had some special visitors. Effy and Feng came to teach us some Chinese phrases and how to do Chinese Calligraphy. Feng demonstrated some Chinese characters, then we all had a go. We had to use a special brush and ink. It was great fun. 

St George's Day 2016, by Mrs Platt

Date: 23rd Apr 2016 @ 11:22am

Today is St George's Day.

St George is the patron saint of England. 

To celebrate this special day, some of our children wore their uniforms of the groups or organisations that they're linked to. 

French Club, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 22nd Apr 2016 @ 1:56pm

In our lunchtime French club today the children became weather reporters and not only learned French weather phrases but facts about the geography of France too.

Future Footballer , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 21st Apr 2016 @ 9:48am

What fantastic news.  Charlie has been signed for Wigan Football Club.  This is a massive achievement and just demonstrates that if you work hard; at things can happen.  We are all very proud of you Charlie


Attendance Winner , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 21st Apr 2016 @ 9:46am

Tansy was our attendance winner last term.  She was in every day so her name went into draw and she won a new bike and helmet.  Well done Tansy!  Keep it up. 

School and ethos council observing class based worship, by Mrs Platt

Date: 20th Apr 2016 @ 10:22am

Our school council and ethos team led observations of class based worship today. 

They went around all of the classes and enjoyed listening to classes sharing prayers, hymns / songs and a range of bible themed stories. 

A Taste of Italy , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 19th Apr 2016 @ 9:25pm

Junior Chef Academy joined us today and taught the children some valuable skills.  They learned all about pasta and how it is made, they learned how to chop vegetables correctly and it all tasted fantastic. Well done Year 3 and Year 4. 

Junior chef! , by Miss McCormack

Date: 19th Apr 2016 @ 7:51pm

Today we throughly enjoyed our junior chef experience! We made a lovely pasta salad to take home with us! 

Buon appetito!, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 19th Apr 2016 @ 5:18pm

P4 wore their aprons and hats today to prepare a delicious Italian pasta salad during a Masterchef session. Not only did the children chop and season independently but they also learned facts about Italy and some Italian language. We particularly enjoyed learning the different names for types of pasta. The session reinforced our topic this work this year on Italy. 

Play time in the sunshine , by Mrs Platt

Date: 19th Apr 2016 @ 1:49pm

Children in KS2 enjoyed their playtime in the sunshine today!

They had a great time playing with all of the new playground equipment. 😊

Budding writers. , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 18th Apr 2016 @ 8:50pm

We got a lovely surprise in the post today. Some of our year six children have written to David Walliams and today they received a reply. I hope this inspires you to keep on writing. Well done. 

Easter school , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 12th Apr 2016 @ 10:06pm

Year Six working hard today at Easter School 

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