Our blogs

Y6 Easter School, by Mrs Platt

Date: 12th Apr 2016 @ 9:55pm

Well done to all of our Y6 children who attended revision sessions today in preparation for this year's SATs tests. 

They spent time revising for the grammar and maths test papers and will be focusing on reading revision during tomorrow's sessions. 




Fruit Frenzy!, by Mrs Ashton

Date: 31st Mar 2016 @ 4:38pm

Today in Q2 we had a lovely morning making our own delicious and healthy, fruit kebabs. We learnt about how important it is to wash our hands, wash the fruit and be safe with knives.  We designed our kebab, cut the fruit and created our design on the skewers. Finally, we sampled our kebabs and thought of creative adjectives to describe our products.

Cayden said "My kebab was scrumptious!"

Isaac said "Some of the fruit was tangy, if i made the kebab again I would use different fruits and maybe leave the mango off my kebab."

Lilly-Mae thought her kebab was really tasty!

We all really enjoyed making our fruit kebabs. 

Splashes of Colour in Nature , by Mrs Taylor

Date: 30th Mar 2016 @ 4:47pm

Q3 are involved in an art project which involves schools in France and Italy. We take our inspiration from the beautiful colours in the world around us. We looked at modern art by English artists and used a typical English spring scene for our colour choices. We then got creative as we listened to Vivaldi's Spring. We hope our European friends like our works of art.

Happy Easter, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 27th Mar 2016 @ 9:07pm

Happy Easter Everyone

Joyeuses Paques!, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 25th Mar 2016 @ 10:23am

As part of our celebrations of World Book Day earlier this month (which had an international theme) the children of Y3 and Y5 designed posters of their favourite books. As we are sharing them with our friends in France and Sicily we added some French and Italian phrases. Y5 have included cards describing themselves (their French friends had already sent us a brilliant Guess Who? Type game about themselves) and y1 and y2 drew wings onto bells after hearing of 'la legende des cloches volantes '. These are currently winging their way to Velles in France. Why not say 'Joyeuses Paques ' to your child to see if they know what you mean?

Uncle Montague , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 23rd Mar 2016 @ 10:20pm

I had a very strange visitor today.  

Stone Age Inspire Day , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 23rd Mar 2016 @ 10:08pm

Our year three children and parents had a fantastic day today. They went back in time to the Stone Age. They did lots of fun activities including den building and a Stone Age feast.  

Stone Age Day!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 23rd Mar 2016 @ 6:40pm

Today, the whole of year 3 had a Stone Age day, which was led by Chris.
The first thing we had to do was create a group name and flag. After that, we made 3D models of key shapes which would help us to build our dens. 
Next, we got to go out onto the school field and build our dens! We used bamboo sticks and zip tis to create the shape of our structures. After lunch, we put material onto our structures to try and make them waterproof (with the help of our parents). We then had some Stone Age snacks inside our dens before testing to see if they were waterproof...

Some of us managed to make our dens waterproof, however, some of us got a little bit wet!

I would like to say a huge thank you to Chris and the parents who joined us this afternoon. I would also like to mention how well behaved everyone in P3 was, your teamwork and perseverance was excellent!

Easter Experience!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 23rd Mar 2016 @ 6:34pm

Yesterday, we had a lovelt trip to the Ormskirk street URC church for a special Easter celebration. Thank you to everyone who was involved, including our parents who came along with us.

Everyone at the church commented on how well behaved we were, I was extremely proud!

Song Fest, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 23rd Mar 2016 @ 5:48pm

Today we performed at Song Fest. We have practising our songs everyday and performed them brilliantly. Have a look at us in action! 

P5's trip to Morrisons , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 23rd Mar 2016 @ 9:48am

Miss Fowlis, Miss Bates and Mrs Moss took P5 on a local trip to Morrisons yesterday. 

The children had a fantastic day as they took part in numerous activities including:

finding out about the fruits of the world, making their own bread, preparing and making their own pizza. 

Take a look at our pictures. 

Chick's have an adventure, by Mrs Lister

Date: 22nd Mar 2016 @ 10:18pm

This week the children have been reading the story of 'Rosie's Walk.' As a result of this we decided to let the chicks have an adventure and see if they could go under, over and around objects, just like Rosie.

Have a look at how they did. As you can see the chicks are getting bigger each day. The children have spotted that their wings have grown and they have also noticed that they do poo a lot, which has caused lots of giggles.

We have enjoyed doing lots of writing all about our chicks and making maps of the adventures of Rosie and our chicks when they go for a walk.

Judo Club, by Mrs Lister

Date: 22nd Mar 2016 @ 9:33pm

Today after assembly KS2 met Danny who introduced everyone to a Judo opportunity at lunchtime beginning after the Spring holidays.

During the assembly some children had the opportunity to learn some key moves. Well done Rebbecca Orme for being nimble on her feet. 

Return the letter as quickly as you can to take part in this opportunity.


Year 2's Church Visit, by Mrs Ashton

Date: 22nd Mar 2016 @ 5:24pm

What a lovely morning the pupils and staff from our Year 2 classes have had. The kind people at the United Reform Church, Ormskirk Road, invited us to to come for an EASTER EXPERIENCE visit! We were welcomed by some very kind volunteers that gave us an interesting insight into the Easter Story.

The pupils visited each station in small groups to listen to events from the Easter Celebration and discuss feelings and values, some of which linked to our own values here at Queen's Park.

Pupils engaged fantastically, full of questions and eager to participate. James said "I loved it, my favourite part was the woman who talked about hopes and dreams."

Queen's Park would like to give thanks to everyone at the church, who gave their time today, without whom the event would have not been possible.



Mr. Westhead

Children's University Graduation , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 21st Mar 2016 @ 9:57pm

What a fantastic day we had today at Liverpool Hope University Campus at Everton.  We took 28 of our children who had earned credits for learning outside the classroom.  They all received a bronze award today from Children's University.  I was so proud of each and everyone of them.  Thank you to Mrs Lister and Mrs Ashton who collect and collate all the hours. 

Badminton Competition , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 17th Mar 2016 @ 8:43pm

Miss Hughes took four children to represent Queen's Park at Hope Academy today.  They played against 11 other teams and came 3rd.  What a fantastic achievement.  Well done Bertie, Bella, Scott and Aanu.  Well done guys and thank  you to Miss Hughes to organising it.

Chick update, by Mrs Lister

Date: 17th Mar 2016 @ 4:38pm

Problem solving work, by Miss Ellis

Date: 17th Mar 2016 @ 3:57pm

Year six are working hard towards their exams at the moment but we found time to try new ways of solving problems in maths with cuisinaire rods and organised lists helping us solve ratio problems. Hard work, but very worthwhile.


Waste week!, by Miss Glover

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 10:38pm

Last week was waste week! One of our core values at Queen's Park is respect. We have been teaching children about how we ALL need to respect the environment. We can do this by NOT dropping litter, reduce our waste and recycle materials.  We had a Year One litter pick to look after our school and local community. Picking up rubbish helps us to  protect, respect and love our world.  

Yoga , by Miss Glover

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 10:12pm

World Book Day Yoga!! For world book day Year One looked at stories from a different culture. Our country was India. We looked at some stories set in India and learnt some facts  about the country. 

During World Book Day we had a special visit from a Yoga teacher. The Yoga teacher took us all on a journey through India. We learnt more about the possible sights, sounds and smells of India. The children explored this through movement and traditional yoga positions. We had a lovely, relaxing morning. 

The signs of spring , by Miss Glover

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 10:01pm

Spring is here!! We are all so excited that spring is here.  In topic lessons we have been looking at the four seasons, working scientifally by making observations. Last week we began to hunt for the signs of spring around our school grounds. The children made some simple observations to answer some of their key questions about the spring season. Check out our pictures. 

Winter poems , by Miss Glover

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 9:52pm

Winter poems...

New Arrivals., by Mrs Lister

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 5:29pm

Congratulatiions to Elmer and Gruffalo class, we now have 2 more additions to our class. I wonder if there will be any more tomorrow. 

Footballing First, by Mrs Ashton

Date: 16th Mar 2016 @ 2:55pm

Today saw the opportunity for pupils from Year 5 and 6 to take part in an after school football club! 

We had 14 eager pupils take part in activities to improve their dribbling and ball control. All pupils listened well and had lots of fun, we even had a game at the end of the session too! 

Im sure we will have lots of returning faces and some new ones too next week! 

You can confirm your place by looking online at our QP website or by seeing myself of Mrs Ashton for a letter.

See you next week!

Mr. Westhead

Celebrating Difference , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 15th Mar 2016 @ 10:34pm

Today's worship was all about how we look different on the outside but are all the same on the inside.  I brought in some eggs from my kitchen and we discussed how they were all different colours. I asked for volunteers to come up and crack the eggs.  What the children very clearly saw was that we can all be different on the outside but on the inside we are all the same. 

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