Our blogs

Special Delivery! , by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 14th Mar 2016 @ 7:12pm

Look what arrived in our classroom today! 

Playing with Collage , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 13th Mar 2016 @ 11:07pm

Just having a play around with photograph software. How great do our Year five children look at the Primary Enterprise Challenge! 

Creative Writing , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 13th Mar 2016 @ 10:58pm

Lilly came to me today with some fantastic descriptive writing. It was brilliant. Well done Lilly. 

Tasty soup!, by Mrs Lister

Date: 11th Mar 2016 @ 3:37pm

Today we had delicious homemade vegetable soup from vegetables from our outdoor garden. The children enjoyed it during their snack time. 

When eating it we had lots of super descriptions.

"delicious", "yummy", "amazing", "it tastes like carrots." Why not try making some soup at home.



Coming soon!# Our very own fashion show! #We are so excited!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 3:50pm

During TGIF this term I have been working with children from years 3,4,5 and ,6 to create some new dresses and bags you will never have seen before. We are using plastic shopping bags, carrier bags (all shapes and sizes) and bin bags. The children have been designing and creating their ideas over the past few weeks. They are looking amazing and we have got some talented fashion designers here at Queen's Park. To celebrate the talent we have found we are working on presenting our designs in a fashion show later this term. Move over New York fashion week and welcome Queen's Park fashion design extravaganza. All the children that have been designing their dresses and bags will be wearing them in the show.

We can't wait to show them off!

Miss Monsvoll

Our class reward, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 2:59pm

Every week in Q3 we earn marbles everytime an adult has noticed us making the right choices and being good friends. Each marble is worth 2 minutes. Over the past few weeks,Q3 have earned 56 minutes (Miss Hughes has decided to round it up to an hour!).

Last week we decided we would like to have a PJ afternoon.- slippers, teddies, popcorn and a film in our pyjamas.

Well done Q3! You have really shown me that you can be the best class in the world!


Stone Age Boy left a message, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 2:46pm

On our way back from worship on Monday, we noticed that something was different about our classroom. The lights had been turned off and there seemed to be lots of objects out on the tables. After opening the door we began to investigate the objects to see what they might be for.

Stone age boy has been leaving us notes each day this week, giving us missions to complete. He has been sending Miss Hughes video messages to check up on our writing. He left lots of ancient artefacts to inspire our writing. This week, we have been learning about main and subordinate clauses to form interesting sentences. Our challenge is to write an 100 word saga by the end of the week. The best stories will be published in a book .yes

We can't wait to show them off.

Chinese New Year, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 2:27pm

Before half term to celebrate Chinese New Year we made fortune cookies with our own personal message inside.

We really enjoyed getting messy during our baking session. We have some very talented bakers in our class.

World Maths Day, by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 2:14pm

During World Maths Day Q3 worked in small groups to answer lots of different maths problems. The winning team that worked out all the problems correctly and set the fastest time was team maths magic. Congratulations Boo, Alexia, Izzy, Abigail and Ellie.



#Waste week , by Miss Hughes

Date: 10th Mar 2016 @ 1:57pm

This week Q3 have been Eco superstars! We have designed robots made out of the waste we found around our school grounds. Keep an eye out as our school may be in the St Helens Star for their hard work during waste week. 

The class have sorted through the rubbish and recycled the paper and plastic bottles.


Gymnastics with Mr Ward, by Mrs Lister

Date: 9th Mar 2016 @ 10:06pm

This week we have been looking at different ways to travel with Mr Ward. We have been jumping like frogs and slithering like snakes. We all had lots of fun.

Our Outside Kitchen, by Mrs Lister

Date: 9th Mar 2016 @ 9:51pm

This week we have had lots of fun in our outdoor kitchen, we have washed vegetables and then indoors we cut them up ready to make them into some delicious food. I wonder what it will be and what it will taste like? Snack is going to be very exciting on Friday.

Waste Week, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Mar 2016 @ 9:32pm

What a fantastic start to Waste Week.  All the classes went out today to collect the rubbish around school.  The children were shocked at how much rubbish they collected in such a short space of time.  Let's continue to work together to keep Queen's Park looking great!  Thank you to Mr Ward and the Eco Committee for organising the week's events.

Year 5 enjoyed world book day, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Mar 2016 @ 11:03am

Last week year 5 participated in lots of fun and exciting activities for world book day. 

Our theme this year was Greece, so we decided to act out a Greek myth. 

The children were were aborbed into the WHOOSH activity which focused upon the story of Medusa. 

Take a look at our fantastic acting and action shots. 

Waste week P5, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Mar 2016 @ 10:58am


P5 helped the school out by picking up litter on the playground and in the quad.  We were shocked to find as much litter as we did and we have made some recommendations on how we can minimise litter throughout the school. 

Thank you to Eco club for guiding P5. 

Take a look at some of our pictures. 

Can you believe we collected two bin bags full of litter in just 30 minutes! surprise


Something strange in P3..., by Miss McCormack

Date: 7th Mar 2016 @ 10:06pm

This morning when we arrived back from assembly something strange had happened to our classroom! 

We found lots of ancient artefacts, pictures and a scroll which had a mission for us from the Stone Age Boy, this week we are going to be writing a 100 word saga which hopefully will be published! 

What a busy Monday , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 7th Mar 2016 @ 8:23pm

Today I launched our'Waste Week' with a whole school assembly on how we can 'Go Greener'.  The children loved the youtube clip we showed made by Disney and two famous characters from the Lion King.  Then we had a very important visitor to school all the way from London.  Rebecca is from Maths Mastery in London and she came to see how our children were learning Maths.  She was so impressed with the children's ability to reason and talk about their work.  Well done everyone involved.  It is so lovely to be able to show off all our great work to visitors



Waste Week, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 6th Mar 2016 @ 2:41pm

7th - 11th March is Waste Week and we will be looking at different ways to improve how we deal with waste and how we can improve our school grounds and our community.  This will be completely led by our Eco Council

St Helens 10K, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 6th Mar 2016 @ 2:32pm

A very well done to all our parents and staff that took part in the St Helens 10k this morning.  You all did fantastically well.  

Parents' Evening , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 9:36pm

Thank you to all our parents for attending our Spring parents evening. It was really lovely to speak to some of you and hear lots of positive comments.  I think we've got the organisation really sorted now. There was a really lovely atmosphere; working together for our children. 

World Book Day , by Miss Ellis

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 11:44am

Year six have been working hard this morning creating live action news reports based on 'The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow' by the American author, Washington Irving.

We'll soon be giving BBC News a run for their money! 

Good luck Mrs Sharkey, by Mrs Platt

Date: 26th Feb 2016 @ 3:12pm

During our assembly today we presented Mrs Sharkey with some lovely handmade cards from the children and flowers to wish her well as she starts her maternity leave. 

Good luck, Mrs Sharkey! We look forward to meeting Baby Sharkey soon! 

Let it Grow!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 26th Feb 2016 @ 2:51pm

Have a look at what we've been up to this week!  We have started our new topic all about growing and have been investigating seeds, bulbs and plants.  We are super scientists! 

See you soon, Mrs Sharkey!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 26th Feb 2016 @ 2:42pm

Mrs Sharkey will soon be welcoming a new addition to her family so she leaves us today to start her maternity leave and prepare for her new arrival. See you soon, Mrs Sharkey. 

Library visit!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 26th Feb 2016 @ 7:57am

Yesterday, we had the opportunity to visit the library to listen to a fantastic storyteller, who shared extracts from 'The Last Try' by Tom Palmer.

He reenacted the story of Jack Harrison, a young man who played for Hull FC and was awarded the Victoria Cross for his actions during the First World War. 
The children were mesmerized by the storyteller's performance and were very keen to borrow the book from the library.

I would also like to thank the parent helpers who came with us on our trip and made it possible for both year 3 classes to be able to enjoy this experience.

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