Our blogs

P5's penpals, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 25th Feb 2016 @ 4:37pm

P5 were very excited to hear from their penpals in Velles. We are involved in a project about books with them so our next correspondence will be about our favourite books.

French penpals, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 24th Feb 2016 @ 5:44pm

Rev Gary's last worship with us , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 23rd Feb 2016 @ 11:34pm

On Monday, Rev Gary said goodbye to the children and staff of Queen's Park.  Rev Gary is off on a new adventure with a new church in Shropshire.  It has been wonderful for all the staff and children to work with Rev Gary and we will all miss him.  Each class made Rev Gary a card and we presented him with some gifts to remember us by.  Good luck in your new role and please remember us in your prayers



Training Day with Wigan Athletic , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 22nd Feb 2016 @ 2:54pm

Charlie from P3 got to do something very exciting on the first day of the holidays.  He went along with his team mates from Wigan Atlantic Academy (U8s) to train with WIgan Athletic's first team at their training ground.  We have been sent the link by Charlie's parents.  He did so well and we are all so proud of him. 



Primary Enterprise Challenge , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 14th Feb 2016 @ 10:05pm

On Friday, while most of you had a lie in, I took 10 of our year five children to St Helens Chamber to the Primary Enterprise Challenge. The children took part in a competition based on a game. The game was very much like Monopoly but has a 'business' twist. The children had to purchase assets, deliver goods, work out transport and insurance cost as well as buying and selling. There was an awful lot to think about. I was so impressed with both of our teams. Their behaviour was impeccable and I was extremely proud. Then they announced the winners!!  Our team from Q5 came 3rd out of 9 schools. They did brilliantly. Well done. 

Seal Certificates February, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 12th Feb 2016 @ 12:07pm

Well done to our proud children who were nominated by their peers to receive Seal Certificates. 

Our last Fit for Life session, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 12th Feb 2016 @ 11:28am

Today, Q5 had their last session with the Fit for Life team. They were tested on all the knowledge they have gained over the last few weeks. The children used the iPads to access the quiz and were rewarded with fruit and goody bags. 

Q5 have learned so much about living a healthy lifestyle over these sessions. We would like to say a big thank you to the team who have delivered these sessions. 

Let's hope that the children can use this knowledge to make sensible life choices over the coming years. laugh

SEAL cetificates P5, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 11th Feb 2016 @ 2:00pm

Well done to Izabel, Connor and Keria for being nominated by their class members for various reasons. 

Izabel won a certificate for was setting her own goals and achieving them. 

Keira won a certificate for never giving up, no matter how hard it gets. 

Connor won a certificate for taking responsibility for his own actions and always being reliable.  

Well done to all three of you smiley

Goodbye Commando Joe! , by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 10th Feb 2016 @ 9:51pm

Gruffalo & Elmer class were sad to say goodbye to Commando Joe today. We hope he has fun in his new school. Thank you Commando Joe for all the exciting PE lesson you planned for us & for the obstacle course we completed today.  Goodbye & good luck! 


Goodbye Commando Joe, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 10th Feb 2016 @ 9:12pm

Today was Commando Joe's last day at Queen's Park.  He has been with us all year and the children have really loved having him school.  The children said goodbye in assembly today and every class made him a card.  Thank you Commando Joe and good luck in your new school. 

Chinese New Year, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 10th Feb 2016 @ 8:30pm

Year 5 discovered how the animals were ordered in the Chinese zodiac. As it is the year of the monkey, we listened to the story of how the Monkey King was born from a stone egg, we also discovered some of the mischief he was involved in until Buddha trapped him under a mountain. 

Year 5 made lanterns and dragons to celebrate the occasion.

A big thank you to Mrs Connor and Miss Bates, who have transformed our corridor using the children's crafts. 

Take a look and see what you think, we love it.๐Ÿ’

Emma's dance around the world session., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 10th Feb 2016 @ 8:20pm

Q5 enjoyed their last dance session with Emma, they were taught a dance and had to guess which country it originated in. They performed:

  • Irish jig
  • Eygyptian 
  • Spanish
  • Greek (Zorba)
  • Indian
  • Brazilian
  • Jamacian 

It really was a world dance tour!

The children have learned so much and really been engaged in these sessions, thank you Emma. 

Goodbye commando Joe, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 10th Feb 2016 @ 10:33am

P5 would like to thank commando Joe for all of his fun, exciting, energetic lessons. 

Thank you for setting up an obstacle course for all year groups. P5 enjoyed the challenge. 

P5 would like to say goodbye and good luck. 

Whole school worship - Shrove Tuesday, by Mrs Platt

Date: 9th Feb 2016 @ 10:10pm

We enjoyed a thoughtful and fun assembly this morning to celebrate Shrove Tuesday. 

We talked about the significance of Shrove Tuesday and how we can prepare for Lent. 

To end our assembly, we used some pancakes to have a pancake flipping challenge. 

Well done to Adam who was our champion! 

Pancake Breakfast!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 9th Feb 2016 @ 7:02pm

This morning we enjoyed a yummy pancake breakfast. Mmmmmm...delicious! What's your favourite topping? 

Gong Hey Fat Choy, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Feb 2016 @ 11:31pm

Happy Chinese New Year everybody.  The children learned all about the year of the Monkey today and developed an insight of how the Chinese celebrate their new year.  I have attached the powerpoint from our worship today so you can learn all about the different animals and their significance too. 

Library visit!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 8th Feb 2016 @ 9:32pm

Today we took a little visit in the pouring rain to Peter Street library. We had the opportunity to speak to a librarian and even have a look around at some of the books they have for people to borrow. We also learnt where the picture books, fiction and non-fiction books can be found. 

We would just like to say thank you to our parent helpers, without you we wouldn't have been able to go on our trip.


Although we ended up soaking wet, we had a great time and are really looking forward to going back again soon to borrow some books!

Winter Poetry , by Miss Glover

Date: 7th Feb 2016 @ 9:17pm

Last week in Literacy we looked at poetry.

We started off the week by exploring the season of winter. We went on a winter walk on Monday and looked at some winter imagery. We developed descriptive vocabulary throughout the week and learnt everything we needed to know about what makes a good poem.

We wrote a class poem and it was great. On Friday the children had a go at writing their own poems using their poem plans and they are AMAZING!!!!

I am one proud teacher!

We will have an anonymous vote this week on which poems we love the most- I will upload a few!

Well done Q1! yes

Stay and Play Morning , by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 5th Feb 2016 @ 1:14pm

What a fantastic morning we had at our Stay and Play event!

Thank you to all the adults who stayed to support their little ones.  We hope you enjoyed yourselves and found out more about how we learn in Reception.  It was lovely to see so many smiley faces who were having fun.

Library trip , by Miss Glover

Date: 4th Feb 2016 @ 9:57pm

On Monday Year One went on a local trip to the library. We had so much fun walking there and exploring the local library. I have information about free membership so if you would like this information please ask me and I will be happy to help.  


The work of Simon A Yorke.., by Miss Glover

Date: 4th Feb 2016 @ 9:51pm

This week children spent time observing the work of Simon A Yorke an artist from St Helens.  This masterpiece was from an exhibition which coincides with poverty action week. The art exhibition called 'Nomads' was on display across various locations in St Helens. We was so very lucky to see this amazing piece. The portrait was of a homeless man, we used this art to spark discussion about our values such as respect and love in R.E and SEAL lessons. 

Fit for Life session 3, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 4th Feb 2016 @ 9:31pm

Q5 enjoyed their third Fit for Life session. Today they prepared and ate a healthy cheese salad wrap. Some of the children tried healthy foods and enjoyed the new tastes.  

Next week will be their final session, they will be tested on their Fit for Life knowledge with a quiz on the iPads. 

Yummy! Yummy!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 3rd Feb 2016 @ 5:31pm

What a better way to start the day than with a delicious breakfast!

Our Breakfast Club buddies really enjoyed their tasty toast, fruit and milk this morning while they chatted with their firends.  Miss Lockett makes a fantatsic piece of toast. Pass the jam please!



Chinese dragon dance session. , by Mrs Atherton

Date: 2nd Feb 2016 @ 7:59pm

Once again, Emma has delivered another super dance session for Q5, today it was a Chinese dragon dance. The dance moves of the children were excellent and delivered with precision. The children choreographed parts of the own routines. I love the way the children engage in these sessions and work together to improve their routines. 

๐Ÿ‰Thank you Emma, Q5 love your dance sessions. ๐Ÿฒ

Convention on the Rights of the Child, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 2nd Feb 2016 @ 7:51pm

This is a summary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. 

Please click below to open the document. mail

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