Our blogs

Library Visit, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 2nd Feb 2016 @ 7:26pm

A big thank you to Mandy and Catherine, at St.Helens Central Library, for hosting the Holocaust session for Year 5 today. The children were given a brief overview of the Holocaust and the impact of this on the Jewish population. They learned about Dr Janus Korczak, who  tried to save the Jewish orphans, and how he went to the concentration camp with them. He believed in the rights of children and was the founder of the Convention for the Rights of the Child, which has since been adopted by many countries worldwide.

In the second half of our session, Mandi shared some pages from The Unforgotten Coat, which was written by Frank Cottrell Boyce, about two boys from Mongolia. 

We will be reading this book after half term, please feel free to read this together at home.

Mrs Atherton and Miss Stubbs were very impressed with the children's questions and answers during the session. 

Well done Year 5, you were a credit to Queen's Park School. laugh

Invisible Neighbours , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 1st Feb 2016 @ 10:11pm

We have been extremely lucky to have had a picture in our school today from an exhibition that is in St Helens from 24th January - 7th February.  The exhibition is called 'Nomads - invisible neighbours'.  Each class went to the community room and visited the painting.  The children were fascinated with the detail and colours in the painting.  All week in our worship sessions and through our PHSE, we will be looking at homelessness and how we can help. 


Thank you to Emma Howarth, Matthew and Daniel's mum for giving us this opportunity. 

Stay and Play Event - Friday 5th February 2016, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 31st Jan 2016 @ 7:09pm

Ever wondered what your little one gets up to during their school day? 

Come and join Gruffalo and Elmer Class at our Stay & Play session on Friday 5th February from 9.00am to 10.30am. Parents and carers will have the opportunity to join their child in their learning, experience our indoor and outdoor provision and chat with other parents and carers. 

We hope to see you all on Friday.

The Early Years Team.

Soccer Skills , by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 31st Jan 2016 @ 6:44pm

Watch out Premier League!

Gruffalo and Elmer Class have been practising their super soccer skills with Mr Ward. We are getting better and better. Take a look.  

New Answer Phone Message, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 28th Jan 2016 @ 7:36pm

Yesterday, one of our children stayed behind after school and worked on our new answer phone message with Mr Curran.  Jessica did a wonderful job!  She is so welcoming and articulate.  I have been ringing up and letting everyone listen to it because I am so proud!  Well done Jessica.  

Fit for Life session 2, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 28th Jan 2016 @ 4:22pm

In session two of Fit for Life, the children learned all about the amount of sugars that could be in their diet, they were amazed at the amounts of sugars that could be found in different food items. They learned about natural and refined sugar made from sugar beat. The children also had an exercise session in the hall. 

Please ask you child tonight which food item they looked at had the highest amounts of sugar. 

Dance with Emma, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 28th Jan 2016 @ 4:13pm

The children are learning new dance techniques from around the world with Emma, they are loving these sessions. Last week they did the Australian haka and this week they did a Hoedown. 

Reading Superstar, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 26th Jan 2016 @ 9:50pm

Today we had a visitor for Read Write Inc.  She came in to look at how we are teaching early reading and help us to get even better at it.  She visited lots of classes and spoke to lots of children.  She asked for a volunteer from Reception to help her teach some of our teaching assistants. Look at how pleased he was with his achievement.  He was a really credit to our school and I am very proud of him. Well done Paddy smiley


Chocolate bar, by Miss McCormack

Date: 26th Jan 2016 @ 7:45pm

To improve and expand our vocabulary, today in literacy the children got engaged with an activity called 'chocolate bar'. This activity involves each child having a piece of paper, split into 8 parts, just like a chocolate bar!

The next part is to fill each square with one amazing piece of vocabulary. Today, we carried out the activity based around describing Ug from our lead literacy text. 


Everyone learnt a new piece of vocabulary today, I'm hoping to see all this fantastic vocabulary in our writing!

Scratch, by Miss McCormack

Date: 26th Jan 2016 @ 7:42pm

Today P3 has their first go at computer programming using a programme called Scratch. They worked in pairs to get their sprite (character) to move and then they added sound.

Everyone worked extremely well and we are looking forward to adding more to our work over the following weeks!

Stone Age, by Miss McCormack

Date: 25th Jan 2016 @ 4:55pm

Today we started our new topic on the Stone Age. We have been reading Ug in literacy so we already knew a few facts. 

We focused today on how people from the Stone Age communicated with one another. They did not have an alphabet so had to communicate through cave drawings. Did you know that they usually lay down when doing their cave drawings? So that's what we did today!


Messy Times at Eco Club, by Mr Ward

Date: 22nd Jan 2016 @ 11:34am

As the weather gets colder, our local birdlife searches frantically for food to keep going through the winter. So at Eco Club this week we decided to help our birds by giving them a good balance of fat, seeds and mealworms to give them the energy they require.

It was a messy session this week and we had lots of seed, lard and mealworms flying all over the community room (not intentionally I must add). Hopefully our birds will benefit from our fat balls which are now in the fridge harding up ready to be removed from the containers.

School Council /Ethos Council , by Miss Hope

Date: 21st Jan 2016 @ 3:48pm

This is Queen's Park's School Ethos Council of 2015/16.

We are going to introduce ourselves.

Year 2

P2 - Michael Phillips

I am kind to all my friends.

Q2 - Josh Burkert

In school I like story time. In Q2 we work and don't waste time.

P3 - Charlie Martindale

I have good ideas for sports and clubs.

Q3 - Emily Bairstow

I make sure no one is left out and I am friendly to everyone.

P4 - Chloe Nuttall

I will try and do everything to help you.

Q4 - Abbie Hamilton

P5 - Amaya Clancy

I will try my best to help others in school.

Katie Hamilton 

Q5 - Ellie Horsley

My favourite hobbies are cheerleading and gymnastics. In school my favourite subject is maths.

Samantha Fenney

P6 - Joshua McCormick

My favourite hobbies are playing football, rugby and crazy golf. My favourite subject in school is maths.

Andrew Fenney

Q6 - Chloe Lucas

I like dancing and singing I go to Guides on Tuesdays. In school I like art and helping others.


During the Autumn Term we monitored Class Worship and fedback to Miss Hope and the Governors to present our findings.

Posters for Anti Bullying Week.

We produced 2 whole assemblies - Harvest and Carols by Candlelight.

This term we are going to revisit the classes to see if Class Worship has improved since the last review. 

We are planning an Easter Breaking of Bread Assembly.


Fit 4 Life, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 21st Jan 2016 @ 2:34pm

Q5 took part in their first Fit 4 Life session, they participated in a physical activity in the hall and discussed healthy foods in the class based session. The children will be learning how to be Fit 4 Life every Thursday afternoon this half term. 

NSPCC, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 21st Jan 2016 @ 1:54pm

A big thank you to the ladies who came to Year 5 and taught the children how to stay safe and all about Child Line.  Buddy,the NSPCC mascot, came to teach the children who to talk to if they had a problem and what behaviour is acceptable from other children and adults. 

Year 5 are now aware how to stay safe in a variety of areas of life. 

Science, by Miss McCormack

Date: 20th Jan 2016 @ 7:33pm

This week we started our new science topic all about plants!

We started our topic by looking at the different types of roots which plants can have. After we had learnt about them, we pulled the roots from a real plant to see what they looked, felt and smelt like!


We got a little mucky but we discovered new things and asked lots of questions!

Can you remember the two types of roots we looked at?

Enterprise , by Mrs Atherton

Date: 20th Jan 2016 @ 5:06pm

The Chamber of Commerce came into Year 5 to explain how a business works. The children played a board game which demonstrated how a business would be organised. They learned about profit and loss and really enjoyed playing the game.

Well done to the group winners; Aanu, Robert,Jack, Joshua C and Melissa, who will attend the final and the Chamber of Commerce.


A special mention for Cymon who made the most profit in the whole class. A Richard Branson in the making!

Enterprise , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 20th Jan 2016 @ 5:00pm

The chamber of commerce came in today and worked with the children to explain business and enterprise. The children then played a business board game. All the children were involved with running a business and understanding profit and loss. 

Well done to P5's winners: Joshua, Jessica, Adam, Amaya and Katie. :) 

Dance with Emma, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 20th Jan 2016 @ 4:54pm

Year 5 enjoyed learning the Hakka dance as part of Arts fortnight. 

Emma demonstrated some fantastic moves, then the children worked together to create their own dance routines. 

Take a look at their moves. 

Share Family Numeracy, by Miss Hope

Date: 19th Jan 2016 @ 8:23pm

This week, in our Share Family Numeracy group, we have been reasoning and solving problems about penguins. We read a story called 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental. After reading the story we played some number games with penguins to help us practise counting in twos, fives and tens. Then we made 100 penguins out of plastic cups, we then organised our penguins by stacking them in pyramids like the dad in the story had done. We had to experiment with our starting number so we could complete our pyramid. We ended our session by solving some word problems about penguins. Well done everyone you all worked so hard. 

NSPCC Assembly, by Miss Ellis

Date: 19th Jan 2016 @ 9:41am

This morning, years five and six enjoyed a really super assembly delivered by the NSPCC experts Anne and Angela. They came to talk to us about Childline, keeping safe, who we can talk to if we have a problem and what types of problems we may face. Later in the week, we will be having workshops with Anne and Angela.👍🏻🙂

Arts Fortnight: Around the world in 10 days, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 18th Jan 2016 @ 10:48pm

What a fantastic two weeks we have had at Queen's Park.  We have been so busy learning all about different countries and the different forms of Art linked to that country.  We had so much going on:

Panto, Performance Poetry, Artist in Residence, Workshops led by St Helens Music Service, Dance Lessons, Songwriting, Rock Kidz........the list goes on. 

I hope you enjoyed listening to your child's tales of all the exciting and new learning that had taken place. 

Queens Park really does ROCK!, by Miss Glover

Date: 18th Jan 2016 @ 9:20pm

Last week we spent all afternoons taking part in a whole school rock concert! We learnt songs linked to loving and respecting ourselves and others, caring for our world, anti-bullying and being the best we can be!! The children really were the best and they had such a great time on Friday performing the concert to friends and family. 

Q1 Art, by Miss Glover

Date: 18th Jan 2016 @ 9:09pm

We was so inspired by Andi the artist we decided to make our own Antartic climate boxes. We have been looking at the key features of a cold climate in Geography and we decided to try and recreate this. We worked so well in our teams! Well done Q1! 

Great FUN with Key strings , by Miss Glover

Date: 18th Jan 2016 @ 9:04pm

During Arts fortnight we had a special visit from Key Strings. We learnt all about the string instruments and had so much fun. We even had a little dance!! 

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