Our blogs

An Arctic Winner, by Miss Glover

Date: 18th Jan 2016 @ 9:00pm

We had lots of very good Arctic Polar bears but we selected a few and had a class vote. A HUGE well done to Ethan! He tried really hard and did a fantastic observational drawing. What a STAR. 

Dance with Emma, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 15th Jan 2016 @ 2:19pm

On Friday morning, Emma had a dance session teaching the children some wonderful moves. Her enthusiasm really inspired some creative moves. Q5 will be having Dance sessions every afternoon for this half term. 

Aboriginal Art with Andi the artist., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 15th Jan 2016 @ 2:11pm

Q5 did aboriginal art work with Andi, they looked at the symbols that they used in their art work. Andi taught them what the colours meant too. 

Please ask your child what they discovered today. 


Learning about Internet safety with Smarite the Penguin., by Miss Hope

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 9:11pm

Today we have been learning about Internet safety.  We read a story about a penguin called Smartie who was given a new lap top for his birthday and learnt how to stay safe online. We learnt we need to "think, think, think before we click, click, click."  We have designed some posters to remind us how important it is to keep ourselves safe when we are online. 


Arts Fortnight, by Miss McCormack

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 9:09pm

Today, we were lucky enough to work with a very talented artist named Andi. Together we created some amazing art work. 

We can't wait to see our art work displayed around school!

Arts Fortnight, by Miss McCormack

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 9:05pm

This week we got involved with some dancing, based around our theme of India. 

Our fantastic dance teacher Emma, taught us that Indian dancing is also known as Bollywood dancing. We learnt lots of exciting dance moves which we did both as a group and with a partner. 

We danced to Bombay Surprise. Have a look at our videos and pictures to find out more!

Arts Fortnight, by Miss McCormack

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 8:20pm

As part of Arts Fortnight, we got involved with some Indian food tasting! Along with Q3, we tried a variety of Indian dishes including Chicken tikka masla and pilau rice, bombay potatoes and mangoes.

Have a look at our photos, some of our faces give away how we felt about some of the food!

Skype call to Australia. , by Mrs Atherton

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 4:06pm

Mrs Taylor organised a special event for Year 5 as part of their Arts Fortnight focus on Australia, she arranged for a teacher in Australia to receive a Skype call from us. After a couple of technical hiccups and issues with their 11 hour time difference, the connection was  finally established, then the children were able to ask questions about Australia and the Stolen Generation. Mr Jackson was a very informative and entertaining visitor to our class. The children loved it, as did the staff. 

The Stolen Generation is a topic that has amazed and shocked the classes, ask them at home to tell you about this part of Australian History. 

I would like to personally thank Mrs Taylor for her enthusiasm setting this event up and Miss Hughes for organising the Skype account (teamwork is a wonderful thing). 

Rock Kidz, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 3:44pm

The whole school have had rocking afternoons, singing and dancing with the Rock Kidz. They have recorded a CD which is available to buy, I might even buy one myself!

Arts Fortnight, by Miss Hughes

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 2:01pm

Hi everyone!

Just to introduce myself, I thought I would post my very first blog!

My name is Miss Hughes and I am Q3's new class teacher. I have had a wonderful two weeks settling in and my lovely class have made me feel very welcome. It has been an exciting two weeks at Queen's Park and we have been getting up to lots of fantastic activities.

We have been learning all about India in Year 3. We have experienced Indian Bollywood dancing, created some beautiful pieces of Indian art work and have even written our own songs and tasted lots of delicious Indian food.

Don't forget - there is a meet and greet on Friday 15th January from 9:00 - 9:30 for all parents/families in my class. Please come and say hello, I really look forward to meeting you all :)

Here are some of us having lots of fun learning how to play the ukulele:


p4 Rock Kidz, by Mr Warner

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 12:12pm

The children have had a brilliant week with Rock Kidz. They have been taught 4 songs and will be performing them during a concert on Friday. We are recording the songs and producing a CD of this. Rock Kidz involves lots of activities, challenges and question time.

Lots of fun has been had by all. We cannot decide who does the best Air Guitar. But Mrs Heavey fancies herself as a Rock Chick!!!!


Sculpture, by Mr Warner

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 12:04pm

As a part of our Artwork P4 have researched Indian Gods and Goddesses. From this work the children designed their own Gods and Goddesses. We are now waiting for the clay to dry out before painting. The children had a great time moulding clay and using the various tools, with some very pleasing results.  

Taste of India, by Mr Warner

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 11:36am

Today the childen had the experience of sampling a range of food from India. This proved a very popular activity and some of their expressions were brilliant.

"At first I didn't like the Mango Chutney. But the more of it I had the better it tasted."

"I liked all the different foods that were given to me."

"I enjoyed the Nan bread when I mixed it with rice".

"I absolutely loved it."

"At first I didn't think I would like the rice, but I loved it."

"I absolutely adored the little triangle shaped food."

"The only thing I didn't like was the Mango Chutney."

A great experience was had by all.  

SHARE Family Numeracy, by Miss Hope

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 6:46am

Our latest Share Family Numeracy course began this week. Parents from Year 1 and Year 2 have signed up to a ten week course. During the morning they are working with Cat Clucas, an adult tutor, on their own maths skills and with Miss Hope on how to help their child with maths. In the afternoon we are joined by the children for a fun joint maths session where the grown ups help the children and the children show off their hard work. This week we learnt about place value. 

Key Strings, by Miss Hope

Date: 14th Jan 2016 @ 3:41am

Another musical afternoon during Arts Fortnight.

We learnt all about string instruments and even got the chance to play some string instruments.

Do you know what this large one is called? 

We had a great time and learnt a lot. 

Eric is back!, by Miss Hope

Date: 13th Jan 2016 @ 9:53pm

Eric the penguin is home safe and sound. He arrived back in our classroom this morning clutching lots of holiday photos. The children were so pleased to see him. 

Perfect Penguin Plates, by Miss Hope

Date: 13th Jan 2016 @ 10:31am

First thing this morning we were working with Andi Taylor, our artist, making perfect penguin plates. First of all Andi taught us how to draw a penguin. Then we drew our penguin with a pencil. Next we cut our penguins out carefully. After that we stuck our penguins onto blue cellophane and cut it out. We decorated it with tissue paper. Finally we glued our penguins onto a blue paper plate. We think our Perfect Penguin Plates are fantastic so we are putting them on display in our classroom. We had a wonderful time. 

Today's blog has been written by the children from Q2. 

Visit from Mr Palin - the Chief Executive of St Helen's Council , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 12th Jan 2016 @ 8:38pm

We had a very special visitor today in school. Mr Michael Palin, the Chief Executive of St Helens Council, came to visit Queen's Park to see some of the great work we have been doing.  He spent a long time talking to me and one of our Governors Cllr Marlene Quinn about our plans for Queen's Park and my vision to make our school even better.  He was so impressed with the children and how they behaved.  Thank you for your visit Mr Palin 

Art with Andy , by Miss Glover

Date: 11th Jan 2016 @ 7:00pm

Today children made an Artic polar bear collage. We practiced our cutting and sticking skills as well as observational drawing. Tomorrow we will vote for the best few. Keep posted to see who the winners might be!

News Heights in Climbing Club , by Mr Ward

Date: 11th Jan 2016 @ 3:05pm

Well done to all of the climbing club members last week! We had some nerves at the start but by the end all the children were fearless!! 


Aboriginal Art session, by Miss Ellis

Date: 11th Jan 2016 @ 1:43pm

Arts fortnight just keeps getting better!!

Year six spent a fantastic hour with our visiting artist, Andi, creating amazing prints inspired by aboriginal art. We've already started creating our own paintings in class, but this was a chance to get some excellent guidance from an artist! 

Penguin dance , by Miss Glover

Date: 10th Jan 2016 @ 5:15pm



Arts Fortnight, by Miss Glover

Date: 10th Jan 2016 @ 5:09pm

This week in Queen's Park there has been a focus on Drama, Performance Poetry and Speaking and Listening. 

In Dance this week we learnt all about penguins and the way they move with Miss Emma. 

This links with our topic on frozen and throughout Arts Fortnight KS1 will learn all about Antartica. 

We already know all about the weather and who might live in Antartica.

Click above to see our penguin dance. 

Panto fun, by Miss Glover

Date: 10th Jan 2016 @ 5:01pm

We had a great time on Tuesday because a Panto came to Queen's Park.

The children had a lovely time, take a look at our pictures. 

What a busy week!, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 10th Jan 2016 @ 2:57pm

What a fantastically busy week the children have had.  It started with a fantastic performance of Dick Whittington in our hall.  The children have taken part in Samba, Ukelele, Brass, Clarinet workshops all led by St Helens Music Service.  Alongside these workshops, our teachers have planned lots of themed activities linked to the Arts.  On Wednesday we had a 'Salad' day!  This is short for 'Speaking and Listening all day'  The children loved it and thought they were getting away with doing hardly any work all day.... They were wrong!  The teachers planned P4C activities (philosophy for children) where they had to ask and answer 'Big Questions' relating to topical events. 

Phew!! Let's hope next week is as sucessful! 

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