Our blogs

Junior Masterchef , by Miss Ellis

Date: 8th Jan 2016 @ 2:10pm

 P6 enjoy some food technology with the Masterchef Chef all done with an Australian twist πŸπŸ’πŸ‡πŸ“

Welcome Back!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 8th Jan 2016 @ 1:44pm

Happy New Year! Welcome back!

We have had lots of fun this week in class. On Tuesday we watched the pantomime 'Dick Wittington.' We had lots of fun joining in with singing, laughing at the jokes and shouting at the bad pirate.

This week saw the start of our Arts Fortnight and we begn to look at the country of Japan. We have found out lots of interesting facts. In class we have made mountains using boxes to look like the Japanese landscape and took a trip on the bullit train, we even made pretty fans to cool us down we get hot.

We have also looked at some animials that live on a mountain in Japan, snow monkeys. We are looking forward to finding out more next week.

Junior Chef's Academy , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 8th Jan 2016 @ 11:10am

P5 worked alongside The Junior Chefs Academy today and created a tasty tropical fruit crunch.

P5 developed excellent practical skills as well as having good fun. They found out about different fruits from around the world such as: lychee, pineapples, coconuts, water melons and papaya. In addition to this, the children gained an insight into the benefits of having a healthy, balanced diet.

Take a look at the images below to see the children's colourful, delicious tropical fruit crunches.

Painting Penguins, by Miss Hope

Date: 7th Jan 2016 @ 11:18pm

Today we have been painting pictures of penguins for our South Pole role play area. We have some very artistic children in our class. Well done children! 

Update on Eric , by Miss Hope

Date: 7th Jan 2016 @ 11:07pm

Today we received a postcard from the missing Eric the penguin. He has been on holiday in Antarctica visiting his family. He has had a great time and should be back in school in time for assembly on Friday. The children were so relieved to hear he was ok. "We thought he had been stolen but he was on holiday all along," said Hannah. 

Samba workshop, by Miss Hope

Date: 7th Jan 2016 @ 10:38pm

We have had a super afternoon learning lots of different Samba rhythms and then forming our own Samba band. 

Arts Fortnight, by Miss McCormack

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 5:13pm

Today we had the opportunity to be involved with a ukulele workshop! We learnt how to play notes and chords, we learnt the parts of the ukulele and how to play a couple of songs including Old Macdonlad and a Sailor went to Sea. 

At the end of the lesson we were also able to ask some questions which was very interesting!


Take a look at the photographs of us with the ukulele we played. 

Australian History, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 4:47pm

Q5 discovered that England transported convicts to Australia, they were horrified to find out that women and children were transported after being promised a better life, when actually they were made to work in convict settlements. surpriseIt resulted in lots of heated discussion in the classroom. 

Aboriginal Art part 1., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 4:35pm

This week the children will be learning about Aboriginal Art, as a focus in our Arts fortnight and our Australia topic. In our first sessions the children were taught about the Aboriginal Dreamtime and how it was depicted. They looked at traditional paintings and bark designs. The children created a collage and then recreated an Aboriginal design. The concentration during this session was lovely to see. A special mention to Owen and Katie who really focused on their art skills. 

More posts to follow...

Speaking and listening day, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 4:26pm

The children in P5 were shocked to here that the English convicts were transported to Australia for minor crimes such as: stealing a piece of string and stealing bread.

They were mortified to find out about children being transported to Australia and being promised a better life, only to discover they were made to work. surprise



Reasoning in maths., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 4:20pm

The children were excellent during our maths session, they were able to verbalise their thoughts when trying to prove which were the correct answers. Mrs Connor was very impressed with the maths reasoning skills of the children. 

Well done to the Q5 mathematicians. smiley

Ukulele session, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 4:19pm

P5 had a visit from Mr Bates who taught them how to play the Ukuelele. 

The children played the ukulele to: A Sailor went to Sea Sea Sea, Old McDonald and My Dog's got Fleas.

They enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you to the music service.  laugh


Ukulele Magic, by Miss Ellis

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 12:05pm

Year six find their inner George Formby as they become ukulele experts. Rock on!!😎🎭🎼🎸

Ukulele session, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 11:23am

The children had a visit from the School's Music Service, Mr Bates taught the class how to play the ukulele. The children strummed along to:

 A Sailor went to Sea Sea Sea

Old McDonald

My Dog's got Fleas

Even the adults joined in and managed to play a couple of tunes.

Thank you to the music Service, the children really enjoyed the session.yes

SALAD Day , by Miss Ellis

Date: 6th Jan 2016 @ 11:08am

Eric goes missing! , by Miss Hope

Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 10:42pm

Oh dear!  Eric the penguin has gone missing. We don't know where he could have got to. We have been researching penguins using information texts and our iPads. We have created posters to show our classmates the information we have discovered so far. Let's hope we work out where Eric has gone soon. 

Panto time...oh no it isn't!, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 5:05pm

The whole school enjoyed a wonderful afternoon watching Dick Whittington. The children were enthralled with a mix of comedy, current chart songs and singing. The staff were so pleased with the behaviour of all the children, even the cast commented that they had been a wonderful audience.

Well done Queen's Park. laugh

Welcome back!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 11:16am

Happy new year and welcome back P3!

Our first two weeks back are going to be focused around Arts fortnight. Our theme is India and therefore we will be exploring the Indian culture through a cross-curricular approach.

Throughout these two week we will be looking at: geography, religion, art and food. 


Keep checking our blog to see what we get up to!

Christmas!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 18th Dec 2015 @ 5:28pm

We have had a lovely week in school celebrating Christmas. We have made Christmas cards, Christmas tree decorations and even had a Christmas themed karaoke!


I would just like to thank the children in my class for the lovely cards and presents I have received, they put a huge smile on my face when I opened them today. 
I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. I look forward to seeing you all again in 2016!


PS. Don't forget to keep reading as much as possible!

100% Attendance Certificates, by Miss McCormack

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 7:15pm

In assembly today Mrs Kellet awarded children from our school who had 100% attendance. Our attendance is currently at its highest in 11 years which is absolutely fantastic!

Well done to all the children in P3 who were awarded a certificate today and were entered into a prize draw to win a brand new bike of their choice. Keep up the fantastic attendance and maybe next time it could be you winning the pirze...

SEAL certificates , by Miss McCormack

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 7:12pm

Today we had an assembly to award children with certiifcates from our SEAL theme from the term 'getting on'. Sophie Nuttall was one of our winners, Sophie is very caring and if she sees someone in our class upset, she always like to make sure that they are okay. 

Well done Sophie!

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 7:10pm

Robyn brought in the medal she won in a recent squah competition. Robyn won the competition by 1 point! Well done Robyn!

P5 100% attendance , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 4:26pm

Well done to these children who have made their school proud by achieving 100% attendance.


100% attendance winners for Q5., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 4:21pm

These children are the proud holders of 100% attendance. They have made the school proud.laugh

Seal Certificates, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 17th Dec 2015 @ 4:17pm

Well done to Abigail and Anu for being nominiated by their peers for the Seal certificates:

Abigail for being a good friend.

Anu for showing that she can understand the feelings of others. 



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