Our blogs

Party lunch, by Mrs Potter

Date: 16th Dec 2015 @ 4:58pm

The children had a great time eating their party food. We played lots of games afterwards, and had a fantastic disco run by Mr Curran.

Christmas party., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 16th Dec 2015 @ 3:45pm

The children of Year 5 and 6 had a great time at their party, the behaviour of all the children was exemplary. They are now full of Christmas spirit and a few have some wicked dance moves to share.

May we take this time to wish you all a wonderful family Christmas.laugh

Commando Joe, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 16th Dec 2015 @ 3:33pm

With Commando Joe, the children worked in teams to create a tower using marshmallowsand spaghetti. It was great to see the team work. Well done Q5.

Tennis lessons, by Miss Hope

Date: 14th Dec 2015 @ 7:13am

This term we have been having tennis lessons with Mr Vincent. We have learnt lots of skills to help us send and receive tennis balls to a partner and over a net. Here are some pictures of our last lesson. 

Breakfast with Santa, by Miss Hope

Date: 14th Dec 2015 @ 7:07am

We really enjoyed having breakfast with Santa on Friday 11th December. It was very exciting. A big thank you to the PTFA for organising it. 

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 11th Dec 2015 @ 7:49pm

This week we had two star badge winners. Both Scarlett Latta and Sophie Nuttall both won a star badge for the second time!

Scarlett won her star badge for learning her lines perfectly for our performance and for being extremely confident in playing the guitar all by herself!

Sophie won her star badge for always learning her spellings ready for our test each Friday, she has got all her spellings right for 7 weeks!

Well done girls, keep up the hard work!

Breakfast with Santa, by Miss McCormack

Date: 11th Dec 2015 @ 7:46pm

This morning we were able to have breakfast with Santa! 

We joined year 4 and 5 to eat toast, crumpets and pain au chocolat. It was delicious! We then got to meet Santa and get a little present from him!


Thank you to the PTFA for organising this lovely event, we really enjoyed ourselves.

Year 3's Christmas Carol concert, by Miss McCormack

Date: 11th Dec 2015 @ 7:43pm

Yesterday the whole of year three performed for the entire school and for parents!

We have been practicing for weeks so it was fantastic to finally show off all the song, dance moves and readings which we have been rehearsing.


We hope you enjoyed our performance, it was an absolute pleasure!

Breakfast with Santa, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 11th Dec 2015 @ 3:59pm

Year 5 have had a wonderful morning meeting Santa. The children all enjoyed breakfast with Santa, it was lovely to see the children getting in the festive mood. Staff and children had a wonderful time and everyone was really feeling the Christmas spirit. 

Breakfast with Santa!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 11th Dec 2015 @ 1:23pm

What a fantastic morning! Santa came to visit and brought us a delicious gift.  Here are a few snaps of the fun we had. 

Breakfast with Santa, by Mr Everett

Date: 11th Dec 2015 @ 11:48am

Friday 11th December

It's breakfast with Santa. Ho, ho, ho! What a wonderful morning the children have had having breakfast with Santa in the hall. We've had crumpets, toast and juice as well as some treats from Santa himself.  Ask your children what they've got up to. They may be hiding some chocolate from you and keeping it to themselves! Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Everett

Year Three Carol Concert , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 9:30pm

This morning, year three led our worship with a Christmas theme. They sang traditional and modern songs. We had dancing and musical instruments. It was truly amazing. The children were so confident and I am so proud of them all. 

Well done year three. 👍👍👍

Certificate of Appreciation. , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 9:26pm

Today, Mrs Heavey, one of our year four teaching assistants, was awarded with a certificate of appreciation from a parent. It was for all her help organising Willowbrook Hospice to come along to our Christmas Fair. One of our year four boys had his hair cut for charity and he raised over £400. Well done Thomas and everyone involved. 

Christmas lunch, by Mrs Platt

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 3:34pm

Children and staff enjoyed Christmas lunch in school today. 

Whoops-A-Daisy Angel, by Mrs Potter

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 3:33pm

This year we had great fun performing our school Nativity, Whoops-A- Daisy Angel. Here are a few photographs of us in our costumes.

Elf update - P6, by Mrs Platt

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 11:26am

Just when you thought it was safe to decorate the Christmas tree...

Class P6 have only just managed to get their elf under control and sort out the chaos that has descended since he arrived! Kristophe Sparklebum has been up to all sorts of mischief...messing up the classroom, hiding equipment,stealing Miss Ellis' secret sweet stash and even locking staff in the stockroom (poor Mrs Baron!) We have discovered that the reason for his bad behaviour was because Father Christmas sent him to check out some very naughty children last year and he has picked up some terrible habits. Fortunately, we have been setting a much better example and have been showing him the error of his ways by writing stories using flashback techniques. Hopefully peace and tranquility will be restored to year six in time for the Christmas party! 

A Special Message!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 10:16am

Look who sent us a special message this week, all the way from the North Pole!

Merry Christmas!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 10th Dec 2015 @ 9:45am

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to our first blog! 

We recieved a special message all the way from the North Pole this week, who do you think it was from? Have a look and watch with your child. 

Then a special helper arrived.  He keeps hiding around our classrooms and school getting up to mischief.  Ask your child to tell you about our Elf.

We are busy practising for our Nativity.  Look out next week for us looking fabulous in our costumes!  Come and watch our performance on Wednesday 16th December at 9.30am.

The EYFS Team



Elf on the shelf, by Mr Everett

Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 5:13pm

Just to let you know what's going on in Q4 with that pesky little elf. Our children have made up names for our elf and made acrostic poems out of them. We had 'Twinkletoes', 'Starfire', 'Stardust', JingleJewels' to name but a few. Ask your child what an acrostic poem is? Hopefully they'll be able to tell you all about them. Later this week our 'Big Write' is going to be a story about them going back with the elf to see all the weird and wonderful things in Santa's workshop. I'll be looking for some great describing words and time connectives to go in your paragraphs. Have a chat with your child about what they could describe. Don't forget to include all the amazing sights, sounds and smells that you may experience if you went to his workshop. Let's just hope Santa's not had his bowl of sprouts! 

Elf mischief, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 2:33pm

The elves, in Y5, have been up to lots of mischief and have kept the children entertained. They have disorganised the pencil pots, been sticking 'selfies' around the classroom and turning up the most unexpected places.

On Monday there was great concern as the children discovered that the elves had lost their magic because they had been touched by human hands. After reasearching some Christmas films, the children decided to fill the elves with Christmas Spirit by creating a Christmas grotto and sending messages that they believe in elves to help the magic return. Thankfully, on Tuesday morning, the magic had been restored to the elves and little envelopes of Christmas jokes were left as a thank you by the elves. heart

Thomas, by Mr Warner

Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 2:04pm

During the Christmas Fayre Thomas in our class very did a very special thing for a great charity. He decided to have his hair cut for a wonderful charity. He was rasing money for Willowbrook Hospice. So far he raised over £200. 

When he walked into class on Monday not many pupils recognised him.

Well done Thomas, we are very proud of you.  

Cristingle, by Mr Warner

Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 1:54pm

The children have been learning all about Jesus, the light of the world in their R.E. lessons. This week we made our own Cristingles and researched about the symbolism of each part we added. It was a lovely way to draw the topic to an end. 


Week with an Elf, by Mr Warner

Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 1:32pm

What a week we had in P4! It all began with the children receiving anonymous letters over the weekend telling them about the importance of being on the nice list for Santa and avoiding the naughty list. This caused great excitement when the children returned to school and we had some fabulous discussions about who the letter may be from.

As the week progresses the children began to find little clues around the classroom and school. From elf dust sprinkled on desks to another floow up letter. We even watched a video that the elf had taken of the children in a lesson, maybe he was checking to see if everyone was deserving to remain on the nice list.

Some children spotted an elf sat outside the dinner hall one day. We even found elf selfies on our chairs one day. This has generated some fabulous writing from the children and we hope to have a celebration on Friday to share what we have been doing with other classes.

Here's what a few of the children in P4 have said about the two weeks. 

" I liked trying to find the elf around school in different places and hiding spots the most".

"What I liked about the elf on the shelf was when I walked into the classroom in the morning. We always have something new like a letter or a picture".

"I walked into the classroom after break. There was red sparkly glitter in front of my seat. I also liked looking at the elfie selfies".


Whoops- a- daisy Angel , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Dec 2015 @ 10:49pm

Whoops-a-daisy Angel came to Queen's Park this afternoon.  It was the first performance in front of the grown-ups and I am extremely proud of each and eveyone of our KS1 children.  They sang beautifully, they remembered all their words and spoke with such confidence.  One more performance to go!  Well done everyone yes

Working with Andi Taylor , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Dec 2015 @ 10:42pm

Today we welcomed Andi to our school. She is a professional artist who is a great friend of Queens Park. The children have been working on mosaics linked to our school values to display on the front entrance.  

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