Our blogs

A huge well done!, by Miss Glover

Date: 8th Dec 2015 @ 10:40pm

A big well done to Q1 for excellent singing in our KS1 nativity. Let's do the same for tomorrow's show. Check out our practice video from earlier on today. We have some star singers! 

Clever Clogs , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Dec 2015 @ 10:39pm

I had a visitor to my room today. Lydia was so pleased with the work she had completed in her Numeracy and Literacy lessons. Keep up the great work. 

Christmas Fair , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 7th Dec 2015 @ 10:56pm

I just wanted to say thank you to eveyone for your support for our Christmas Fair on Friday.  It was a fantastic event organised fully by our PTFA.  They have worked tirelessly behind the scenes getting sorted and it was a great success.  I will post the final amount as soon as it has been finalised.  Thanks for your support once again


French Penpals, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 7th Dec 2015 @ 8:24pm

I have received a message from the teacher at L'Ecole Publique d'Ascain to say that the children were so excited to read the Christmas cards which Q4 made for them . We gave our French friends a little insight into St Helens so she said that they will write back to us with news about their lovely village in the South West of France. How exciting! I'm not sure if we will hear from them before Christmas but fingers crossed it should be soon.

Pop the Elf , by Miss Glover

Date: 7th Dec 2015 @ 6:49pm

Today we baked some yummy ginger  biscuits for our Year One elf!!  Look what I found on the way home from school.....do you think he liked them? 

Elf on a Shelf, by Miss McCormack

Date: 7th Dec 2015 @ 1:05pm

On Friday, we wrote a letter to Q1 because their elf had told us that they were all heading to being put on the naughty list!

After we had wrote our letter, our elf appeared! He told us how pleased he was with our efforts and asked us to write our Christmas lists for him to pass on to Father Christmas!

Family worship at The United Reform Church, by Mrs Platt

Date: 6th Dec 2015 @ 4:31pm

Children, governors and staff of Queen's Park gathered this morning to join in the special Christmas Tree Service led by Rev Gary McGowan.

Christmas Fair 2015, by Mrs Platt

Date: 4th Dec 2015 @ 9:36pm

Christmas Fair 2015, by Mrs Platt

Date: 4th Dec 2015 @ 10:58am

Preparations are well under way for this afternoon's Christmas Fair! 

Please come along and join in the festive fun. 

Christmas Tree Festival , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 9:56pm

Today was the start of the Christmas Tree Festival at the U.R.C. in town.  I went with four of our Ethos Council to set up our tree.  The children had made decorations that represented our school.  All the decorations represented our school values of love, hope, respect, honesty and forgiveness.  The children did it all themselves.  They worked as a team to solve the problem of erecting the tree and then decorated it beautifully.  On Sunday at 10:30, our Ethos Council will be attending the church service celebrating the tree festival.  You are more than welcome to join us.  

Elf on a Shelf, by Miss McCormack

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 6:09pm

For the past couple of days we have been searching for our mischievous elf (who still hadn't shown up yet!) 

This morning we were greeted with even more clues from him! This time he had stolen Miss McCormack's car keys, been in our cupboard and been into our name box!


This afternoon we decided to leave the elf a little message, we told him that we have seen what he has been up to and that if he doesn't stop then we will have to report him to Father Christmas!

Check back tomorrow to see if the troublesome elf has arrived or left us a reply...

PE Captain, by Miss McCormack

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 6:05pm

Our PE captain this week is Scarlett Latta. Mr Ward is always extremely impressed by Scarlett and decided that she is a well deserved captain. 

Mr Ward also selected a vice captain this week with my help, we decided that Morgan Sealeaf would be a fantastic vice captain because of his excellent teamwork throughout the lesson.


Well done to both Scarlett and Morgan!

More mischief, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 5:43pm

Mrs Atherton and Miss Stubbs cannot believe how naughty the elves have been in school today. The children have been really excited keep trying to catch the elves up to their naughty antics. The children of Year 5 cannot wait to see what they will get up to next. 

Christmas Tree Festival at the U.R.C. , by Mrs Platt

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 4:01pm

A group of children worked creatively to make decorations for the Christmas Tree at The U.R.C.

We will be taking some children to the service on Sunday, 6th December at 10.30am - why don't you join us and get in the Christmas spirit! 

Squash PE lesson., by Mr Everett

Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 2:31pm

Children practising their squash skills this afternoon.


Two unexpected visitors in Year 5 , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 9:05pm

Year 5 have had two unexpected visitors.

The elves have been given names in each class: Zoomer and Edgar.

The children welcomed the elves and are trying hard to be good as they know they are under the watchful eye of the elves who will be reporting back to Santa. However, there were unexpected events this afternoon as the elves seem to be up to mischief. Year 5 are going to keep a watchful eye on any further events. 



Year 5's French pen pals, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 8:46pm

Year 5 were so excited to discover that they have a French pen pal. They have had a super start to the festive season by writing a Christmas card to their pen pal.

Joyeux noel.

Year 5's French pen pals, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 8:45pm

Year 5 were so excited to discover that they have a French pen pal. They have had a super start to the festive season by writing a Christmas card to their pen pal.

Joyeux noel.

Elf on a Shelf, by Miss McCormack

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 7:43pm

This morning we came into school and found some more photographs of the elf but this time he had been in our classroom! 

The cheeky, little elf had been in Scarlett's bag, Yasmin's tray and had been drinking Miss McCormack's drink! So, we decided to write a letter to Father Christmas to tell him all about our naughty elf, we also asked him to help us by having a little chat with the elf to find out why he's being such a trouble maker!

Hopefully we will hear something back soon!

Elf letters, by Mrs Platt

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 3:12pm

The children in Class Q4 received a mysterious letter today - delivered specially by Santa's Elf. 

The letter was personally sent from Santa and included fairy dust which the children could use to make a magical, Christmas wish. 

What an exciting day! 

Colour theme hampers, by Mrs Platt

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 1:05pm

These are the hampers that the classes have put together in preparation for the Christmas Fair...


Raffle tickets are on sale from the main office. 

Advent, by Mrs Platt

Date: 1st Dec 2015 @ 12:28pm

Yesterday we started to think about Advent during our whole school worship time. 

Children are being asked to contribute prayers to our prayer tree which will be displayed and shared in assemblies. 

Strange happenings at Queen's Park , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 30th Nov 2015 @ 10:00pm

It was pure magic today at Queen's Park.  The children are SO excited by our new topic in Literacy - Elf on the Shelf.  Each year group has planned something different linked to this book and the Elf has been getting up to lots of mischief around school.  Please keep logging on to see what other 'strange happenings' are going on Queen's Park!  

Very exciting....it was an absotute delight to see the children's faces and it certainly reminded me why I love my job! 

Strange happenings at Queen's Park , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 30th Nov 2015 @ 10:00pm

It was pure magic today at Queen's Park.  The children are SO excited by our new topic in Literacy - Elf on the Shelf.  Each year group has planned something different linked to this book and the Elf has been getting up to lots of mischief around school.  Please keep logging on to see what other 'strange happenings' are going on Queen's Park!  

Very exciting....it was an absotute delight to see the children's faces and it certainly reminded me why I love my job! 

The Cheeky Elf at QP. , by Miss Glover

Date: 30th Nov 2015 @ 8:04pm

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