Our blogs

Christmas comes to QP!!, by Miss Glover

Date: 30th Nov 2015 @ 7:58pm

WOW- What an exciting, special day!

This morning KS1 watched a special video message, all the way from the North Pole! It was Santa and he told us that he has sent an Elf to keep an eye on children in our school. After the video message Year One found an Elf in the corridor surrounded with glitter.

With the Elf we found a book called ...The Elf on the Shelf. We read the book and then an Elf appeared in the corridor!

Shortly after this, Mrs Kellett found some strange pictures of the Elf on her CCTV, the Elf was up to mischief at the weekeed!

We will keep you posted this week and show you all our work on this mystery Elf.

How exciting!!!!!!!

Elf on a Shelf, by Miss McCormack

Date: 30th Nov 2015 @ 7:20pm

Today was a very exciting day at Queen's Park...

When Mr Westhead and I arrived this morning, we found a mysterious brown envelope addressed to P3 by the door. We decided to keep the envelope sealed until everybody came back from assembly and when we opened it we found a letter from Father Christmas! 

But, that is not all that we found...

We also discovered that there were some photographs inside which showed one of Father Christmas' elves in different places, he was even out on a date with Barbie! 


Throughout the day we thought of lots of questions about the elf, can he see us? What is he doing here? How did he get here? 

We also found out that Q3 got the same letter AND an elf was spotted by some of our children at lunch time!


Keep checking our blog through the week to see if we get any more letter or clues. Maybe the elf will even make an apperance...

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 28th Nov 2015 @ 10:41am

This week Joey Tildsley-Devine was our star of the week! Joey created some fantastic actions to help remind our class of the rule we follow for rounding numbers! Well done Joey!

Breakfast with Santa , by Mrs Platt

Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 4:00pm

PTFA will be hosting a 'breakfast with Santa' event in school on Friday 11th December. 

This should be a lovely opportunity for all the children to gather together to enjoy a breakfast with Santa in the school hall whilst listening to Christmas music. 

This will happen during school normal school hours and there will be no charge to parents / carers. We will be taking lots of photographs and blogging them for you to enjoy!  

Elf on the shelf , by Mrs Platt

Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 3:48pm

Over the next two weeks, every class in school will be visited by their own Elf on the Shelf. The Elf will be getting up to lots of mischief to inspire writing. The block of work will end with a celebration day on 11th December. Each child is invited to come dressed as an elf. If you haven't got an elf costume, anything Christmas themed will be fine! 


Please ask your child to tell you what the Elf has been up to every day over the next two weeks! 

Whole school Worship , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 26th Nov 2015 @ 10:43pm

Our worship today was all about Nehemiah from the Old Testament.  We learned all about menders and makers or benders and breakers.  The story helped the children to understand that we all have the ability to make things and be creative.  Nehemiah showed courage and determination to complete his task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and we talked about with a little effort, we can achieve almost anything.  

The children as usual sang beautifully 

Reading Buddies , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 23rd Nov 2015 @ 11:17pm

It was so lovely to see some of our parents working with us to help our children read.  The Reading Buddy workshop has been really successful

Keep up the great work. smiley



Anti- Bullying, by Mr Warner

Date: 22nd Nov 2015 @ 6:02pm

The class have worked hard all week in participating in Anti-Bullying Week. We have read several stories based on the theme of bullying and had discussions based on these texts. The children wrote their own Anti-Bullying Rap on Wednesday and spent the rest of the week learning the words and adding actions in preparation for a performance during the Friday Assembly. 

Fantastic news about attendance!, by Mrs Platt

Date: 20th Nov 2015 @ 3:11pm

With your help, we have been working hard on attendance this year and we are delighted to say it's the highest it's been since 2004! Again, we will putting all the children with 100% attendance, this term (September to December), into a draw to win a bike. 

This data shows how our attendance has improved.... 

2015 = 96.2% 

2014 = 95%

2013 = 94.2%

2012 = 95.1%

2011 = 94.8%

2010 = 94.4%

2009 = 93.8% 

2008 = 93.6%

2007 = 93.5%

2006 = 93.5%

2005 = 91.5%

2004 = 94.2%

(All data taken from November point each academic year.)


Raffle tickets for class hampers , by Mrs Platt

Date: 20th Nov 2015 @ 2:39pm

The PTFA would like to thank all parents and carers for their generous donations of colour themed hamper items. The children will now be working creatively this week to produce a hamper within each class. 


Raffle tickets for these hampers will then be on sale from the school office from next Friday (27th November 2015) at a cost of £1 per strip. The class which manages to sell the most raffle tickets will then win a prize for their class! 


The PTFA are currently working on a newsletter which will outline and finalise all of the arrangements for this year's Christmas Fayre - this will be sent out next week. 

Anti Bullying Week, by Miss McCormack

Date: 20th Nov 2015 @ 2:14pm

This week has been anti bullying week. The theme this year is 'make a noise' so we have been making some noise against bullying!

Our wonderful class wrote and choreographed their own song! Even Simon Cowell would be impressed!


Take a look at our music video!

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 20th Nov 2015 @ 2:12pm

This week's star of the week is Rubie Desmond. Rubie has beautiful handwriting and perfect presentation in all of her books. Well done Rubie!

Whole school worship , by Mrs Platt

Date: 19th Nov 2015 @ 9:49pm

The children enjoyed whole school worship today which was based around one of our school values - love. The children watched a current TV advert and discussed how they could show acts of kindness and love themselves. As Christmas is fast approaching they started to learn a Christmas song and used sign language to accompany their singing. 

French penpals, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 19th Nov 2015 @ 7:48pm

We are being super organised (just in case of postal hold-ups) and have written Christmas cards with a St Helens touch to our penpals who live in Ascain near the Pyrenees. Some children decided to draw The Dream with a Christmas 'feel' and we included photos of St. Helens landmarks. Hopefully our French friends will reply with news of their hometown.

French rap, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 19th Nov 2015 @ 6:36pm

As part of Anti-bullying week we had decided to make up a rap in French which involved some role play and movement from the children. We have some very talented performers in our class (and super French accents).

Year One - Maths Master , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 18th Nov 2015 @ 9:04pm

Today I was visited by one of our year one children who really is becoming a 'Maths Master'. He was so proud of the work he'd achieved all on his own. He had written his own addition and subtraction equations. Well done Connor. 

PE Captain, by Miss McCormack

Date: 18th Nov 2015 @ 5:37pm

This week's captain was Lily May Hyland, she proved a well deserved captain for all her hard work in PE. Well done Lily!

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 18th Nov 2015 @ 5:36pm

Last week we had two fantastic stars of the week! Both Sophie Nuttall and Aleyna Padak were our well deserved winners! 

Sophie has showed fantastic progress since the beginning of year 3 and Aleyna had been a brilliant mathematician throughout the week. Well done girls! 

Colour hampers for Christmas Fair , by Mrs Platt

Date: 17th Nov 2015 @ 3:23pm

Message from Queen's Park PTFA:

Friday 20th November 2015 is a non-uniform day in exchange for items for our class colour hampers. 

Classes have been allocated the following colours:

PR = Silver

QR = Gold

P1 = White

Q1 = Blue

P2 = Red

Q2 = Silver

P3 = Pink

Q3 = Gold

P4 = Blue

Q4 = White

P5 = Red

Q5 = Silver

P6 = Gold

Q6 = Pink

Many thanks for your continued support 

Remembrance Service , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 16th Nov 2015 @ 9:57pm

Last week,on Remembrance Day, we held our own service in our school hall. Mrs Hutchens led our service.  Mrs Hutchens is one of our TAs who spent some time in the miltary in the past.  She told the children all about being in the army and how she had lost friends in conflict.  She really helped the children learn about the importance of remembering.  

The whole school observed 2 minutes silence, while our talented Mr Westhead played the 'Last Post' on the trumpet.  It was a lovely service and the children were really mature, thoughtful and realised the importance of remembering all the people who have lost their lives in conflict.  


Anti-Bullying Week, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 16th Nov 2015 @ 9:30pm

This week our chidren will be 'Making Some Noise' about Bullying.They will be taking part in lots of different activites to learn all about positive relationships and how we behave towards each other. 


David Campbell Footballer Taster , by Miss McCormack

Date: 11th Nov 2015 @ 7:14pm

Today we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to engage with an exciting football taster session. The children had the chance to try out a variety of techniques such as double scissoring and dribbling. 

The coaches picked Jacob, Charlie and Peter as our football stars!

The football coaches even said our behaviour was outstanding! Thank you for a fantastic time!

PE Captain, by Miss McCormack

Date: 11th Nov 2015 @ 7:04pm

This week's captain was Charlie Martindale. Charlie showed his fantastic football skills. Well done Charlie!

Worship, by Mr Warner

Date: 11th Nov 2015 @ 1:05pm

Miss Keen led an excellent Rememberance Day class worship today and the children helped by reading their own prayers based on this topic. Two minutes slience was brilliantly observed. 


Footie Warm-up, by Mrs Collier-Nelson

Date: 11th Nov 2015 @ 9:59am

What a great way to start our day.

Q3 have enjoyed an unusual start to our Wednesday morning with a football training session.  Everybody enjoyed learning new football skills.

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