Our blogs

PE Captain, by Miss McCormack

Date: 7th Nov 2015 @ 4:11pm

We have now completed our unit on dance during PE and have moved onto rugby. Each week Mr Ward is going to choose a captain, someone who has worked well throughout the lesson.

This week's captain was Troy Pimblett. Troy showed fantastic teamwork skills during the games which we played. Well done Troy!

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 7th Nov 2015 @ 4:09pm

This week's star of the week is Ruby Garth. Ruby has completed some absolutely fantastic maths work this week! She has been extremely engaged both on the carpet and during her independent work. Well done Ruby, keep up the hard work!

Welcome Back! , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 2nd Nov 2015 @ 10:06pm

Welcome back to the final half term of 2015!  I hope you all had a fantastic half term.

I was visited today by one of our year five budding writers.  Isobel is a talented writer and has been recognised at a competition for a 'spooky' Victorian story. 

Well done Isobel!  Keep going with your fantastic writing.  

Well Done! , by Miss Glover

Date: 1st Nov 2015 @ 9:15pm

Congratulations to Jason and Cadeyrn for completing the summer reading challenge!

The certificates and medals have finally arrived and I would like to say a huge well done.

Super effort, keep up the hard work boys!


Rugby Tournament with Mr Ward. , by Miss Glover

Date: 1st Nov 2015 @ 8:57pm

For Q1's last Rugby sesson, they had a tournament. It was brilliant!!

I am so proud of the children, some of the skills they have learnt are amazing.  Good effort Year One, we have some star players!!

Huge thanks to Mr Ward for teaching Q1 Rugby this half-term, they have loved it!


Commando Joe and the FUN SLIDE!, by Miss Glover

Date: 1st Nov 2015 @ 8:43pm

As a treat for all the children’s hard work this half term Q1 visited the fun slide on the last day of term!

We all had so much fun. School has decided that this will be a treat each term and only children with sunshine behaviour can take part! Keep on the sunshine this term Year One and you can re-visit the fun slide. Keep up your great effort!!!!


Harvest Worship, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 10:20pm

Every day in school we have worship together but today it was very different. Today worship was led by our Ethos Council. They chose the songs, the prayers and the bible reading. It is so scary to get up and talk in front of 396 children and all our staff. I am extremely proud of them all. 

Commando Joe, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 10:15pm

On Wednesday, Commando Joe brought in his inflatable. Every child had a go as a reward for good behaviour. It's was great fun. 😀😀

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 21st Oct 2015 @ 5:24pm

Today Daniel and Lily both brought some items in to show the class.

Over the weekend, Daniel climbed Mount Snowdon! We have been learning lots about volcanoes over the past few weeks so it was fantastic for Daniel to show off the rocks he collected and talk about the experience. 


Lily brought in a scrapbook which was made when she was in nursery. It was lovely to see the photos and collages she made. We also spotted Charlie on one of the photos!

Comando Joe!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 21st Oct 2015 @ 5:19pm

Today we had the opportunity to play on Comando Joe's inflatables!

Some of our class also had another chance to have a go on the inflatables because they have had 100% attendance!


We needed a drink of water and a rest afterwards but we had a brilliant time!

Year 5 Rugby Tournament., by Mrs Atherton

Date: 20th Oct 2015 @ 7:12pm

Year 5 had a wonderful afternoon at their rugby tournament. The children took part in lots of activities and worked on team work and fair play. Mr Ward was very impressed with the behaviour of Year 5 and how they developed their skills when working together.

Well done P5 and Q5. 

Photographs to follow. 

Crucial Crew, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 20th Oct 2015 @ 7:03pm

The Year 5 children have been a credit to the school today attending the Crucial Crew event at Langtree Park. Miss Stubbs and Mrs Atherton would like to express how very proud we were of their behaviour. smiley


Below is a brief overview of their day, please ask your children what they have learned in their workshops.

Crucial Crew 20th October, 2015


Year 5 attended six workshops at Crucial Crew, these were:

  1. Road safety.
  2. E-safety.
  3. Accidents in the home.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. Train safety.
  6. The Ranger service.


In the road safety session, the children attended a ‘RTA’ (road traffic accident), they had to investigate what had happened and infer the possible causes of the accident. They then decided what steps could be taken to avoid this type of accident happening again.

For E-Safety, the children watched a video that highlighted the dangers of the internet, they then discussed how they could stay safe on line and what to do if they ever felt unsafe.

The children were also made aware of how to identify hazards that could cause accidents in the home. They were taught how to make an emergency call and what numbers to call for emergency and non-emergency (999 and 101). Hoax calls were explained as a waste of time and resources.

The Fire Department showed a ‘mock-up’ video of a boy being injured on Bonfire night, this was based on a true story. They then discussed the dangers of fireworks and the children were made aware of STOP, DROP and ROLL if clothing catches fire.

The British Transport Police explained the best ways to cross rail tracks, such as bridges or subways, the group used the models to spot dangers around train tracks. At a railway station, the importance of staying behind the yellow line was explained.  Photographs that showed damage from stone throwing were given to the children to make them think of consequences of actions.

The Ranger Service explained all the services that the Rangers provide and gave the children an awareness of hazards that may arise in local parks, such as: not swimming in ponds or lakes, fires, strangers, needles or syringes, broken glass and litter and climbing trees.

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 19th Oct 2015 @ 6:58pm

Joey brought in his medal and certificate from the summer reading challenge today. It was presented to him by Mayor and the Mayoress!


Well done for completing the challenge Joey. Keep up the fantastic reading!

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 19th Oct 2015 @ 6:56pm

Troy brought in his kickboxing belt which he recently earned to show us today!

This is Troy's third belt and he is very proud, well done Troy!

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 19th Oct 2015 @ 6:54pm

We have been learning all about volcanoes for the past few weeks in P3 and our children have produced some incredible work both inside and outside of school. 


Thank you to Kaitlyn, Charlie, Troy and Kady who brought their volcanoes work in to show us today! It's fantastic to see that you have enjoyed this topic so much!

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 19th Oct 2015 @ 6:51pm

This week Scarlett Latta was our star of the week! Scarlett produced an excellent information text about volcanoes this week. I was so impressed that she managed to include all of the features which we have been learning about. Keep up the fantastic work Scarlett!


Special Visitor , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 15th Oct 2015 @ 10:53pm

Today, we had a visitor in school.  His name was Mr Edge.  We spent the morning going in and out of classes looking at teaching and learning.  He wanted me to pass on his thanks to the children for making him feel so welcome and he was so impressed with our children.  He said 'They are a real credit to you, the school and their parents'. 

Another proud headteacher moment.  Well done children smiley

Autumn Hunt, by Miss Glover

Date: 14th Oct 2015 @ 8:22pm

Assault course work in P.E , by Miss Glover

Date: 14th Oct 2015 @ 8:11pm

Worship - Brave and Mighty Gideon , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 13th Oct 2015 @ 11:46pm

Today in worship we heard all about how brave and mighty Gideon was and how despite his fear, he never stopped listening to God.  We then sang some of our favourite songs.  It was lovely to spend some time enjoying ourselves in the hall!  I am going to ask one of the teachers next time to video the children singing because it truly is amazing! 

International Languages day!! , by Miss Glover

Date: 12th Oct 2015 @ 10:22pm

International Languages Day

On the 29th September Queen's Park celebrated international languages day!

We all had so much fun learning all about Italy and the children loved coming in to school wearing the Italian flag colours.

A big thank you to Mrs Taylor for planning lots of lovely things around the school.

Year One learnt some Italian phases, an Italian dance with Miss Emma and ate some beautiful Italian food at dinner time. We also made some lovely Venetian masks after learning a little about Venice-  a city in Italy!

Check out some pictures from the day!


Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 11th Oct 2015 @ 8:24pm

This week we had two well deserved winners for star of the week! 

Aiden Walsh has been working extremely hard on his handwriting and presentation skills. Both Miss McCormack and Aiden have noticed a difference in his work. Keep practising Aiden!

Aleyna Padak is a shining example to the rest of P3. She is always ready to learn and tries her very best in every lesson, even if she finds it difficult. Keep up the hard work Aleyna!


Forensic Science Workshop, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Oct 2015 @ 10:21pm

We held a family learning workshop this week on Forensic Science. Our upper junior children and parents enjoyed the session. Thanks Miss Hope for organising. 

Say No to Bullying , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 7th Oct 2015 @ 10:44pm

In today's worship we looked at the 10 Commandments and the guidance God gaves us to live by.  We then looked at our school rules and how we treat each other in school. I showed the children a 'blob' picture of lots of different scenarios and how it made them feel.  We also spoke about how we use our hands and voices for kindness. 

The children are also learning to sing 'Sing' by Gary Barlow!  They sound amazing.

Saints School , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 6th Oct 2015 @ 9:25pm

This morning Q4 spent the day at Langtree Park at Saints School. The coaches praised the children's behaviour and I was proud of the way they answered questions. They tried on players' jerseys in the changing rooms, walked through the players' tunnel onto the pitch, did a training session and learned about diet and nutrition.  Well done Q4 Mrs Taylor

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