Our blogs

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 2nd Oct 2015 @ 8:31pm

This week Ashleigh Smtih was our star of the week! Ashleigh showed off her fantastic Italian language skills during our European languages day this week. I was so impressed when she was able to count from 1-10 in Italian! Excellent work Ashleigh!

A rocket has landed in Queen's Park!!!!!!, by Miss Glover

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 11:22pm

On Monday morning Year One discovered that a rocket had taken an emergency landing in Queen’s Park!!

We was all very excited and went outside to view the rocket. 

Who do you think was inside the rocket? How did it get there?

We have discovered that an alien Bee-Bot has got lost and needs to return to his rocket. How can we get him back?

This week we are learning all about instructions! By the end of the week Year One will have learnt to read, share and write their own instructions.

Buddy Assembly , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 11:00pm

Thank you to everyone that came along today to share in our Buddy assembly.  This is a very special scheme we run at Queen's Park.  Our Y6 children are paired up with our Reception children for the full year. They do lots of different activities together to support our Reception children in their first year of 'big' school. 

It is a big responsibility and one I know our year six children will live up to


Queen's Park goes to Italy , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 8:42pm

On Tuesday we celebrated European Languages day, our theme this year was Italy so the children and teachers dressed in the colours of the Italian flag. 

Our day included learning Italian phrases, learning Italian numbers and carrying out research about Italy.

To conclude, we would like to thank Mrs Taylor and all our Italian speaking visitors for sharing their knowledge and answering our questions about the country, language and their experiences. It was a very valuable experience and we gained a lot from it. 

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 6:16pm

Charlie brought in his football medals and trophies to show the class today. We were very impressed and hope to be watching him play football on the big screen in the future!


Keep up the excellent work Charlie!

Volcanic eruption!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 6:09pm

Today we started our new topic about volcanoes and witnessed a volcanic eruption in our classroom!


Can you remember what happened when we added the secret ingredient?

A 'Volcanic Eruption' within 3Q, by Mrs Collier-Nelson

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 4:08pm

Commando Joe, by Mrs Collier-Nelson

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 4:07pm

Day of Languages, by Mrs Collier-Nelson

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 4:06pm

Football, by Mrs Collier-Nelson

Date: 30th Sep 2015 @ 4:04pm

European Languages day!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 29th Sep 2015 @ 6:01pm


Today we celebrated European Languages day, our theme this year was Italy so the children and teachers dressed in the colours of the Italian flag. 

We enjoyed a busy day which included learning the Italian alphabet, numbers and colours, learning Italian phrases and carrying out research about Italy. We also designed our own modern version of the Mona Lisa!

Finally, we would like to say grazie to our Italian speaking visitors and to Mrs Taylor, who took their time to plan activiites, share their knowledge and answer questions about the country, language and their experiences. It was a very valuable experience and we gained a lot from it. 

We look forward to next years languages day!

Pug-a-Lugs , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 28th Sep 2015 @ 9:51pm

Jessica Parish, the author of the Pug-a-lug series visited our school today with her pugs.  The children absolutely loved meeting the 'real' characters of her books and enjoyed listening to her stories. 

Magical Maths , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 28th Sep 2015 @ 9:49pm

I popped in last week to see our 'Magical Maths Club'  They were having lots of fun trying to solve mathematical problems.  It is wonderful to see our children having a great time with numbers

Pugalugs!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 28th Sep 2015 @ 9:14pm

Today we got to meet Jessica Parish, the author of Pugalugs. We were also lucky enough to meet Pugalugs himself! We also met his very cute brother Dug. 

Jessica talked to us about her job as an author, as well as telling us some tales about Pugalugs and the adventures he has got up to with Dug and Grandad. 

We had a fantastic afternoon and look forward to engaging with some writing about Pugs in our literacy lessons, as well as reading more of Pugalug's adventures in the future!

Ethos Council, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 28th Sep 2015 @ 12:21am

On Thursday, our Ethos and Distinctiveness Committee met for the first time.  This is a newly formed committee that forms part of our Governing Body.  Rev Gary and Margaret met with our ethos council and our school council to discuss worship in our school. 

They told the Governors all about the great things that happen in each class during our class worship sessions and how they are going to help the teachers make it even better. 

They have asked to start to lead worship in front of the whole school and that is something Miss Hope and I are going to help them with.

Well done children.  I was so proud of how confident and articulate you were in front of our Governors.

Coffee Morning , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 28th Sep 2015 @ 12:12am

Once again, the families of Queen's Park have shown how generous they are by supporting MacMillan Coffee Morning.  On Friday, each class had the opportunity to share in a drink and a cake for a good cause.  Once the final amount is calculated, I will let you know how much we raised.

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 25th Sep 2015 @ 3:31pm

This week Matthew Earle was our star of the week! Matthew worked really hard during our big write this week and produced a fantastic piece of writing. Keep up the hard work Matthew!

Trust , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 21st Sep 2015 @ 11:30pm

Today, we learned all about Abraham and how he trusted God when God asked him to move Canaan.  I had some fantastic helpers with the actions to one of our hymns.  I am going to ask one of our teachers to help me to video one of our worship sessions.  It truly is fantastic to join together every day.  Have a great week everyone and remember to trust in your own ability to be fantastic smiley

Charlie Martindale future football star!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 18th Sep 2015 @ 3:45pm

Charlie Martindale in P3 recently played his first football tournament for Wigan Atheltic under 8s this week. He also played in a friendly against Australia and was named man of the match! Scoring the equaliser in the last minute making the score 3-3. Well done Charlie!

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 18th Sep 2015 @ 2:44pm

This week Lily-May Hyland was our star of the week! Lily has found maths very challenging this week but she has not given up! Keep up the fantastic work Lily!

Queen's Park Generosity , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 16th Sep 2015 @ 8:56pm

On Monday, a mini bus came and picked up all the donations for the refugees.  Once again, your generosity is overwhelming.  The team spent the evening sorting out all the donations into boxes for transportation.  I know your kindness will be greatly appreciated when its reaches Calais. 

P5's exciting English lesson, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 14th Sep 2015 @ 4:42pm

In P5 we are reading Charlotte's Web as part of our English topic. We have looked into the different themes thorughout Charlotte's Web and focused upon Summer. We have made our own freeze frames based on our Summer. Can you guess what we did during Summer?  

Star of the week!, by Miss McCormack

Date: 14th Sep 2015 @ 8:37am

This week Kady-Lea Shaw was our star of the week! Kady is always ready to learn and engages with every lesson, well done!

Show and Tell, by Miss McCormack

Date: 14th Sep 2015 @ 8:35am

During show and tell this week Lucy brought in her rosette, medal and certificates from a horse show she was involved with. Well done Lucy!

Commando Joe, by Mr Warner

Date: 9th Sep 2015 @ 3:32pm

Commando Joe has done a great session with the class today. He introduced some fabulous new games. 

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