Our blogs

Arts Fortnight, by Mr Houltram

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 3:32pm

Well what can I say. Arts Fortnight truly has been AMAZING! Q4 really have excelled in the arts and I'm very proud of their achievements. We've been singing, dancing, acting and have produced some excellent artwork. We are very lucky to have worked with the Liverpool Empire all week and it's safe to say that our children have talent, and lots of it! I have attached some collages of our experiences but please look at my twitter page @mrhoultramqp and check out the videos too. 

It might have been Arts Fortnight but there is always room for some English and Maths. In English we have been writing a film review for Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Our finished pieces are fabulous. In Maths we have been introduced to fractions. We have been using diagrams to recognise families of common equivalent fractions. We can add fractions with the same denominator and can even turn improper fractions into mixed numbers. Next week we will be solving some problems involving fractions and looking at tenths and hundredths.

We will begin our Science topic next week also which is 'States of Matter'. We will begin by describing properties of solids, liquids and gases and will be sorting them too. We will also continue with our new text for Guided Reading which is 'Beetle Boy.' It's very mysterious - ask the children all about it.

That's it for now but check back next week to see what we've been up to, and don't forget to check out those videos on Twitter! 

See you next week

Arts Week ... The Show Must Go On , by Miss Fisher

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 3:25pm

After a busy first week back in school our arts extravaganza continued this week with Samba, drama, dance and a singing workshop.  

We had a fantastic musician visit us to teach us all about Samba music.  He told us Samba comes from a country called Brazil and it is good to dance along to.  We found out about the different instruments used in a Samba band and the rhythms they play.  By the end of the session we were performing just like a real Samba band.

Our dance and drama sessions were both based around the musical Oklahoma! and culminated in a brilliant barn dance.

Through our singing workshop we learnt a song to perform at the Celebration of the Arts assesmbly with the whole school.

Sea lion fun!, by Miss Glover

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 1:28pm

Our Safari trip..., by Miss Glover

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 1:24pm

On Thursday we went Knowsley Safari Park. It was FANTASTIC!! We had so much fun. We saw all different types of animals. From the day we leant which animals were carivores, herbivores and ominvores. We had a walking tour, a session to feel some different reptiles, we watched a Sea Lion show and had a birds of pray show. It was amazing.

Check out all our pictures!


Arty antics continue.., by Miss Glover

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 1:04pm

Singing and Dance

This week in Art’s Week the children have loved working with staff from Liverpool Empire. We have had a dance workshop, learning some barn dancing from the musical, The Farmer and the Cow Man. We have also had a special drama session, learning how to mime! It was great fun. Check out our pictures from the week.

Click on the white tab to view the videos! J


Week beginning 9th January 2017, by Mrs Potter

Date: 13th Jan 2017 @ 12:23pm

Hello all,

What an exciting week we've had! We have enjoyed Dance, Drama and Art with the Liverpool Empire. Today, we performed for the whole school.

Here are some photographs of what we have done.

Just a reminder that P.E. kits shpild be in school at all times. We needed them this week. 

Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday for this term.

Have a good weekend!

From here to Broadway, by Mr Warner

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 9:15pm

With the help of Liverpool Empire, the children have been learning a song throughout the week. It is so catchy that they've been singing it on the playground, in other lessons, in the dining hall and I even heard some children singing it as they walked down the road with their parents on the way home tonight.

Even those children who are reluctant to perform in front of the class have really enjoyed this and have come out of their shells during the last two weeks. It has been lovely to see the confidence that the children have gained from all the wonderful activities they have taken part in.


Ben Johnson Cityscape and Shrek Batik, by Mr Warner

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 9:06pm

Our art topic this half term has been all about Merseyside and we have linked the work of Ben Johnson, who created a Cityscape made up of famous Liverpool buildings. The children explored the work and the artist. They then went on to research iconic St Helens buildings and attempted a St Helens Cityscape with their drawings. this was displayed as a part of our art exhibition.

The children also created a class piece using the Batik method, using hot was to make marks on fabric. They then painted the fabric with special paints. This work is now proudly displayed in our classroom.


Mask making , by Mr Warner

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:55pm

As a part of the build up and preparation for the grand performance on Friday, Q3 have created Cat masks with an Artist from Liverpool Empire. Each child created their own very personalised performance mask. Lots of thought went into the process and the results were most pleasing. 


Dance. Cats The Musical, by Mr Warner

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:48pm

During the week e ahve worked with the Liverpool Empire Theatre. The children toook part in a most enjoyable dance session based around the musical Cats. It was a most engaging session and every child was thoroughly involved throughout. It was fast paced and within an hour they had put together a whole class dance sequence. During the final activity it was wonderful to see the expressions on childrens faces and their movements as they transformed into cats. 


Ukulele Taster, by Mr Warner

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:38pm

One of the most popular activities amongst Q3 pupils has been the Ukulele session. The children thoroughly enjoyed this and made a huge effort to learn several songs that were new to them.  

Shrek Themed Arts Fortnight, by Mr Warner

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 8:24pm

We focused on 'Shrek the Musical' and took part in lots of activities based around the story. We had several drama sessions linked to the story, created both group and individual artwork linked to the musical and even wrote our own song for the musical (with help from St Helens music services). 

The results were fabulous and we would like to thank all the parents who came and viewed their children's art work in the exhibition.



Arts Celebration drama, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 4:53pm

So far, the children have had singing, arts and dance with the Liverpool Empire. Today, they had a drama session.

The children were shown how to warm up their bodies and their voices and were introduced to dramatic tension!  

In groups, the children had to perform, in a style of their chosing, creating an advert to sell the people in their group and say why they were individuals. The performances used a range of drama, singing and dancing and they all collaborated effectively for a great final performance to the class. 

Well done Q5, I really enjoyed seeing your creativity today.smiley

Drama with Natalie from The Liverpool Empire, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 12th Jan 2017 @ 4:49pm

P5 have had a marvellous Arts fortnight. The children have been lucky enough to participate in drama, singing and dance workshops with Natalie and Hayley from the Liverpool Empire. 

The children loved the drama workshop today. First, the children were shown how to warm up their bodies and voices. Then, In groups the children had to create their own advert to sell the people in their group and perform it to the rest of the class. 

Well done P5!


'AND ALL THAT JAZZ!' Jazz hands art with Q2., by Mrs Roberts

Date: 11th Jan 2017 @ 4:28pm

Class Q2 loved making our JAZZ HANDS with glittery and sparkly sequins. We are all ready to take them straight to our Broadway performance.

Dance, Drama & Singing - What a week so far., by Mr Gill

Date: 10th Jan 2017 @ 11:42pm

Although it is only Tuesday, P4 have taken part in some brilliant workshops ran by the Liverpool Empire theatre.

On Monday, we were very lucky to have the opportunity to work with Nat. She gave us a taster of what it’s like to be on stage (it’s quite scary when the spotlight is all on you). Nat explained to us that we can create a character using 3 very important things. Ask the children to find out what they are - I'm sure they would be delighted to demonstrate too!

We have also worked with Hayley who taught us a dance to the very well-known musical The Lion King. Mr Gill was very proud of what we produced. Our dance was performed to the soundtrack 'The Circle of Life' (One of Mr Gill's favourites).

The whole of Y4 came together to learn a song taught to us by Alan. This will be performed in assembly on Friday so watch this space!

It has been such a lovely week so far and we can't wait to see what the rest of it has in store for us.

Arts Celebration, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 10th Jan 2017 @ 5:20pm

P5 experienced two fantastic sessions with the professionals from the Empire. The children made realistic lion masks for props for the Lion King. As you can see from the images below, the children demonstrated great team work within their groups and were extremely helpful to other members of the class.

Hayley choreographed a dance for P5 relating to Hairspray, the musical. Six children were then lucky enough to be chosen for individual parts for the Friday finale.

Thank you to th Liverpool Empire for the creative ideas that our children have experienced today.  

Arts Celebration, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 10th Jan 2017 @ 5:18pm

Q5 were lucky enough to have two sessions with the professionals from the Empire. They made super masks for props for the Lion King, showing great team collaboration. 

With Hayley, they danced to Hairspray the musical, as a whole class. Six children were then lucky enough to be chosen for individual parts for the Friday finale.

Thank you to the Liverpool Empire for the creative ideas that our children have experienced today.

Year 5 singing with the Empire , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 9th Jan 2017 @ 4:01pm

Alan, from the Empire Theatre in Liverpool, came to teach the year 5 children today. He played the keyboard and taught them how to do vocal warm ups and breathing exercises. They learned that the sound they make comes from their diaphragm. The children were taught lyrics from a song and were guided when to join in. On Friday they will perform in a whole school end of Arts Celebration finale. 

Liverpool Empire Theatre - Singing Lesson in Year 6, by Miss Hughes

Date: 9th Jan 2017 @ 9:29am

Celebrating the Arts continues!! 

On Monday morning, Year 6 had a singing lesson with Alan from the Liverpool Empire Theatre. We enjoyed singing different verses at different times! Oh when the saints, stop the train, she'll be coming round the mountains & swing low . It sounded fantastic! 



Fantastic first week back! , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 8th Jan 2017 @ 4:54pm

We had a fantastic start to 2017. It was a real pleasure to walk around our school and see all the exciting things going on this week. We had samba, ukulele, songwriting linked to musicals and lots and lots of Art. The children have absolutely loved it. It ended on Friday with our own art exhibition in the hall. It was so well attended- thank you. I had lots of positive comments from parents. It was a great way to showcase the children's work. 

Twitter-tastic!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 7th Jan 2017 @ 11:35pm

Please follow @QueensCoEURC on Twitter for an instant feed of all the wonderful things that go on at Queen's Park each day. Our staff have their own class pages and regularly tweet about what's happening in their classrooms. For Q6's twitter feed follow @MissHughesQP. 

Something very special happened over Christmas... a million people have seen Charlotte Nicholson's writing - her take on the Mrs Claus Christmas advert. We received several retweets and Marks & Spencer's themselves commented that her work was "simply spellbinding" ... and we couldn't agree more. Charlotte's work is being appreciated by people all over the world! Well done Charlotte. 

This week, we've even had a retweet from David Walliams - who seems very pleased that Keira Hockenhull is enjoying his latest book The Midnight Gang. 

What should the king do? Conscience Alley in Q6!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 7th Jan 2017 @ 11:20pm

We LOVE reading in Q6, we love books and we especially love learning through a quality text. We are currently reading The Princess' Blankets by Carol Ann Duffy: a beautiful story with equally beautiful paintings made into illustrations. We are up to the part where the stony-eyed stranger has arrived at the king's door. He wants to help the princess become warm again. Should the king let him in? Or should the king turn him away? 

We thought of arguments for or against and made our very own king walk down conscience alley and make a decision! We are now working towards some persuasive writing aimed at the king. Some fantastic ideas and brilliant arguments... we have definitely realised there are two sides to every story! 

Art exhibition - Year 6, by Miss Hughes

Date: 7th Jan 2017 @ 11:01pm

Year 6 had a fantastic time on Friday afternoon, showcasing their wonderful artwork. 

We are celebrating west end musicals as part of our arts fortnight. Year 6 have been looking at Matilda the Musical. We listened to the song "When I Grow Up" and it got us thinking about our aspirations... and what we want to be when we're older.  We used our sewing skills to create cushions with a design representing our aspirations. 

The visitors at our art exhibition were able to guess straight away what our cushions represented! Which tells me that Year 6 did as smashing job in their textile designs. 

Well done year 6! 

Celebrating the Arts, by Mr Gill

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 4:29pm

Thank you to all our parents who came to see all the fantastic artwork produced by the classes of Queen's Park this afternoon. What an event it was. I'm sure you will have been impressed with all the work that the children have done this week. 

P4 have been working really hard this week ensuring that our class mosaic of the car from 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' was complete. We have also designed, created and evaluated our very own 'Toot Sweets'. They looked fantastic. 

We can't wait for next week already as we will working with staff from the Liverpool Empire Theatre. 

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