Our blogs

Textile Art, by Miss Glover

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 3:17pm

We have been learning about the West End Muscial Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Charlie's Grandad Joe wrote to us asking if we would make him and the other grandparents a brand new bed cover. We decided to base the design on sweets from the story. We designed it by drawing it, working with a partner and then finally selecting suitable materials to add to our very own patch. Check out our final product! 

Grandad Joe loved it! 

Scrumdiddlyumptious , by Miss Fisher

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 3:12pm

We received a Golden Ticket from Willy Wonker

asking us to be taste testers for his

Chocolate Factory!


There were lots of different sweets for us to taste test and we came up with exciting

adjectives to describe the flavour, aroma, texture and appearance of them.


Who has the King?, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 3:09pm

Y3 celebrated Epiphany in French style as we played the traditional family game of 'find la feve.'  The youngest child went under the table and chose family members (in French of course) to pick a coloured slice of 'la galette'. Whoever had the charm of a king hidden in the slice got to wear 'la couronne'. 


Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 2:47pm

What a week we have had! 

At Queen's Park it is currently Art's fortnight. To kick star our week we have had a visit from a special Samba instructor. He taught us how to play a range of percussion instruments. We have had so much fun. We have learnt that listening to music and playing music is a type of Art and we have loved it! 

Art exhibition in the school hall, by Mrs Platt

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 1:49pm

Look at the amazing art work our classes have produced as part of our 'Arts Fortnight' celebrations. 

Arts Fortnight, by Mrs Potter

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 12:16pm

Happy New Year everyone!

Our first week back has been an arty affair! We have painted pieces of cloth in lots of different colours and they have been pieced together thanks to Mrs Hart to make Josephs multicoloured coat.

Also this week, we have been tought all about Samba music. We had the opportunity to play some Samba which turned out to be really fun!

Take a look at our photos!

Les Rois et les Reines, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 6th Jan 2017 @ 10:00am

Y1 had fun learning about how Epiphany is celebrated in France. We learned about how French families play a game where the youngest family member goes under the table and chooses who can take a slice of 'la galette'. Whoever finds a charm hidden in their slice becomes 'le Roi' or 'la Reine' and wears a crown. We practised learning our colour words by wearing different coloured crowns and the children on the carpet had to guess which coloured crown was missing from our line up of kings and queens. When they worked out who it was the hidden child popped up and said 'bonjour!'

Another fantastic day at QP, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 5th Jan 2017 @ 11:04pm

I went for a little wander today and was totally overwhelmed by the wonderful things happening across the school.  Y2 were completely engaged and enthralled in learning to play the samba (Mrs Hart secretly enjoyed it too), year six were making cushions from a theme in Matilda - all will be revealed tomorrow.  The year five corridor was a hub of activity. Both class were experimenting with paint and printing on material.  What a wonderful day!

Chitty Chitty Teaser, by Mr Houltram

Date: 5th Jan 2017 @ 3:22pm

The children have been busy all week putting together their very own work of art for our Arts Exhibition this Friday. We don't want to give too much away but here are a few pictures to get those Chitty Chitty tastebuds going. Don't forget to pop in tomorrow (Friday 7th January) to check out the children's work. You won't be disappointed!

Truly Scrumptious!, by Mr Houltram

Date: 5th Jan 2017 @ 3:16pm

Q4 have been inspired by the musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this week. We have loved the soundtrack, so much so that we decided to make some truly scrumptious sweets! I have to say that the children's imaginations and creativity were artumptuous! I think you'll agree. 

Anyone for ukulele?, by Mr Houltram

Date: 5th Jan 2017 @ 3:10pm

Q4 kicked off Arts Fortnight in style. They were treated to a ukulele workshop and they loved it! 

Ukelele! , by Mr Gill

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 5:37pm

Today, P4 had the opportunity to play the Ukelele. For most of us, this was the first time playing (including me). We were introduced to all the different parts of the Ukelele before the children had a go at playing a couple of tunes. We Will Rock You by Queen was a personal favourite.

What a great way to start our Arts Fortnight! 

Arts Fortnight Day 1, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 4:56pm

As an introduction to our Arts Fortnight Year 5 began by learning to play the ukulele. 


Mr Garner from the School's Music Service came into Year 5 to teach the children how to play the ukulele. They were taught about the parts of the  instrument and where their play and eat positions were. First, they were shown how to strum and then how to read musical notation. The classes played to Pagoda and then my Dog has Fleas.  Eventually the children progressed to playing chords and playing to a backing track. They were taught how to play chords and that the strings were C,G,E and A.

Year 5 have had a great time appreciating the musical aspects of our Arts Fortnight and playing the ukulele.  

As part of the Arts Fortnight, the children are looking at musicals. Year 5 have loved the musical elements of Annie and have spent the afternoon singing in groups and performing scenes from this musical. 


Arts Fortnight Day 1, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 4:56pm

As an introduction to our Arts Fortnight Year 5 began by learning to play the ukulele. 

Mr Garner from the School's Music Service came into Year 5 to teach the children how to play the ukulele. They were taught about the parts of the  instrument and where their play and eat positions were. First, they were shown how to strum and then how to read musical notation. The classes played to Pagoda and then my Dog has Fleas.  Eventually the children progressed to playing chords and playing to a backing track. They were taught how to play chords and that the strings were C,G,E and A.

Year 5 have had a great time appreciating the musical aspects of our Arts Fortnight and playing the ukulele.  

As part of the Arts Fortnight, the children are looking at musicals. Year 5 have loved the musical elements of Annie and have spent the afternoon singing in groups and performing scenes from this musical. 

Making a technicolor coat, by Miss Hope

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 2:51pm

Our Musical for Arts Week is Joseph and his Amazing Coloured Coat.  Today we have used our colour mixing skills to design some fabric for Joseph's coat. Look at the lovely shades we have created. 

Google expeditions , by Miss Hope

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 2:44pm

We had a great time using our iPads to search for Santa on a Google expedition. 

What a great start to Arts Week!, by Miss Hughes

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 2:24pm

Happy new year to you all! Year 6 are ready for an exciting, challenging and enjoyable 2017! 

We have started off our first day back with a full day of speaking & listening, a ukulele lesson and design and technology. Matilda the musical has been our inspiration behind our textiles project. We can't wait to showcase our work at the art exhibition on Friday. We have enjoyed watching and listening to Matilda the musical whilst working today: especially the song "When I Grow Up".  This has inspired our textiles designs. 

Have a look at us playing the ukulele this morning. We managed to play Black Eyed Peas! 


First morning back in 2017 - fantastic, by Miss Ellis

Date: 4th Jan 2017 @ 11:48am

As if it wasn't exciting enough starting a new year, this morning P6 have been debating social issues such as 'Should we respect all living things?' and 'Should we tell people about their bad habits?' 

As I type, the children are strumming their ukuleles in a music session with the St Helens Music Service. What a great first morning back! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ƒπŸŽΌπŸŽΈ

Christmas Concert at URC, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 2nd Jan 2017 @ 4:12pm

On Friday 23rd December, our choir took part in a concert held at the URC in Ormskirk Street.  They were part of a very professional show and I was so proud of them.  There was an orchestra, a very experienced adult choir and a solo singer.  It was a great experience for them to perform alongised these artists.  Well done to you all and thank you to parents/carers, Mr Houltram and Mrs Roberts for giving up your evening so very close to Christmas

The Palace of Versailles - Google Expeditions , by Mr Gill

Date: 23rd Dec 2016 @ 4:00pm

We were treated to a magical tour of the Palace of Versailles during our 3D experience with Google expeditions. We visited grooms such as the Grand Apartments, The Congress Room and the Hall out Mirrors (our favourite). P4 were very lucky to take part in this expedition as part of the fantastic French curriculum ran at our school. 

Thank you to Mrs Taylor who invited us to take part in this amazing experience. 

SEAL Award Winners , by Mr Gill

Date: 23rd Dec 2016 @ 3:51pm

Congratulations to Yasmin and Leon who were voted our SEAL award winners for this half term by the children in P4. They really are great friends to everybody in our class and look out for each and every one of us. Well done you two - the awards are very well deserved. 

Google Expeditions , by Mr Gill

Date: 23rd Dec 2016 @ 3:48pm

On Tuesday, we were very lucky to have Google Expedtitions bring their 3D virtual reality glasses into our school. It was AMAZING! The children had the opportunity to explore the habitats of polar bears, have a look into the solar system and take a tour around Roman ruins including the Colloseum. 

Thanks to Mrs Atherton for organising this amazing experience. As you can see from our pictures, we loved it! 

Google Expeditions, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 11:46am

Queen's Park were lucky enough to have a special visitor in school (not Santa) it was Alex from Google Expeditions.  The children were immersed in a 3D world using the special viewers. The children visited the Solar System and swam with sharks. All the children (and staff) really loved this experience and we hope to use this in class in the new year. 

Thanks Google Education.

Google expeditions , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 11:46am

Queen's Park were lucky enough to have a special visitor in school (not Santa) it was Alex from Google Expeditions. The children were immersed in a 3D world using the special viewers. The children visited the Solar System and swam with sharks. All the children really loved this experience and we hope to use this in class after the new year. 


Thanks Google Education. 

Governor Reading, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 21st Dec 2016 @ 11:42am

A big thank you to Mr Quinn (Chair of Governors) for coming into school and reading a chapter of Christmasaurus to Q5. The children have loved having this novel read to them and many requests have gone to Santa for a copy. 

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