Our blogs

Diva lamp designing..., by Miss Glover

Date: 2nd Nov 2016 @ 6:59pm

This week we have been celebrating and learning all about Diwali. This is the Hindu festival of light. Children  celebrated this by designed their own Diva lamp, today we carried out our design plans and made REAL clay Diva lamp holders. We had great fun manipulating the clay! Well done Q1- check out our creativity...

Shape fun!, by Miss Glover

Date: 2nd Nov 2016 @ 6:52pm

Our new Maths Topic is Shape. This week we have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Children must be able to identify common 2D and 3D shapes. Help your child at home by hunting out 3D shapes within everyday objects. E.G a can a soup could be a cylinder. 

Why not visit the bbc website and play some fun shape games? http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/teachers/ks1_lessonplans/maths/2d_3d_shapes.shtml 

Phonic workshop, by Miss Glover

Date: 2nd Nov 2016 @ 6:47pm

Tomorrow Year One parents are invited to attend a short meeting regarding the phonics check in summer term. Please stay and come along! It starts at 3:10 and we plan to be finished at 3:30. We will be handing out helpful resources for you to help your child prepare for this check.

Key Strings🎼🎸🎻🎷, by Miss Ellis

Date: 2nd Nov 2016 @ 3:45pm

The children thoroughly enjoyed the visit from the Key Strings duo this week. Inspirational stories about the roots of black music gave us something else to think about during our work on black musicians.

Bonfire night safety, by Mrs Platt

Date: 2nd Nov 2016 @ 6:10am

Tuesday's assembly was spent looking at the story of Guy Fawkes and around why Bonfire Night is still celebrated. 

During the assembly, we talked about The Firework Code and how to enjoy but keep safe on Bonfire Night. 

Diwali, by Mr Houltram

Date: 31st Oct 2016 @ 8:17pm

Q4 depicted the story of Rama and Sita today as we focused our morning lessons around Diwali. The children worked as a team to represent each scene through drama.  As you can see, the children had great fun performing. Their finished products were very impressive!  

Diwali and Key Strings - What a brilliant first day back! , by Mr Gill

Date: 31st Oct 2016 @ 7:39pm

We have enjoyed a fantastic start to our half term.

This morning's assembly introduced us to the celebration of Diwali. We really enjoyed Mrs Kellet's talk about it and we couldn't wait to get back to class to act out the legend of Rama and Sita. Come and ask us about the story and we will be delighted to tell you about it. We also had chance to reflect upon the things that guide us in our own lives. During he session before lunch we created our very own Rangoli patterns... They looked brilliant! 

To finish our morning we created a pathway into our classroom to symbolise how the light can guide us to learning new things every day! 

This afternoon we were treated to a fantastic musical performance which was performed by Key Strings. The children learned all about how music has evolved over many different years. Some members of our class were extremely lucky and performed at the front in the band! Have a look at our attached pictures to see more. 

This afternoon's performance had a very important message. This week is Black History week here at Queen's Park and the performance introduced us to some famous black musicians that we will be studying throughout the week. Be sure to ask the children about it when you get the chance. 

Farewell to Sue, our lollipop lady , by Mrs Platt

Date: 23rd Oct 2016 @ 10:42am

On Thursday, we said goodbye and thank you to our school lollipop lady Sue. 

We held a special farewell assembly for Sue to show our appreciation and to wish her well in her retirement. Sue has built many friendships with our families and staff and will certainly be missed. 

Sue's colleagues from St Helens Council also presented Sue with a special award for her long service during the assembly. 

We all wish Sue a very happy retirement and hope she enioys her time with her family and her first grandchild. 

Good luck Miss Riley! , by Mrs Platt

Date: 23rd Oct 2016 @ 10:15am

We said goodbye to Miss Riley for a short time, while she leaves us to enjoy her maternity leave. 

We look forward to Miss Riley visiting us and meeting her new arrival.

We all send lots of love and best wishes to Miss Riley and Simon. 

Happy Holidays!, by Mr Houltram

Date: 22nd Oct 2016 @ 9:14am

We made it! The children can can enjoy a well-earned rest after all their hard work. All the children really have made a fantastic start to Q4. I'm very proud of all their achievements and it was lovely to share them with you at our parents evening, thank you so much for your continued support.

Some highlights this half term include some amazing writing from our text 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. The children written some great letters and have just finished a brilliant news report - some of the vocabulary I'm seeing in the children's work is amazing.

Our Maths is really coming along. The children have enjoyed lots of work on place value and addition and subtraction. We will be moving onto multiplication and division after half term so keep learning those tables guys! 

We have some great scientists in Q4 and the children have enjoyed our topic 'Living Things and their Habitats'. They have produced some great classification keys and endangered species posters. I'm sure that the children will love our new topic 'Animals including Humans', which we will commence in the first week back.

There is so much to look forward to. We will be studying Italy in our Geography lessons and will continue with our Romans topic in History. The children will be creating their very own Roman catapult as part of our Design Technology project having already produced some excellent Roman serpent bracelets linked to Art. We are very lucky to have Mr Ward next half-term for our PE lessons! 

Learning literally never stops in Q4. Time for a rest now, but we have lots to look forward to when we come back. Quick message for the children - don't forget your homework activities and do your best to read five times to be in with a chance of winning a book! Have a great half term, you deserve it!

See you next week!

School governors' meeting, by Mrs Platt

Date: 20th Oct 2016 @ 6:25am

Bertie and Jessica, our child governors, presented information to the board of school governors last night. 

They talked articulately and confidently about areas which our school governors had asked them to research. These areas included: finding children's opinions on school meals, provisions in the playground and ideas for PTFA events. 

They answered a range of other questions and have been set new tasks by our governors, which they will present information about at the next governors' meeting. 

Well done Bertie and Jessica - you did a fantastic job!

Chariot building, by Miss Hope

Date: 19th Oct 2016 @ 6:08pm

On Monday we were set a challenge to design and build a chariot for the knight to rescue the princess from the dragon. Our chariot had to have moving wheels and be able to move along the floor. 

We set to work researching chariots and drawing our designs. Then we worked out our list of materials and equipment that we would need. 

We learnt about chassis and axles for our wheels.

On Tuesday we started to build our chariots. We had to measure, cut, and fix it all together. We were really pleased with our finished results. Have  a look at the pictures. 

Soil shifting! , by Mr Gill

Date: 18th Oct 2016 @ 10:03pm

This week, P4 have been moving lots of soil from the field into the planters that have kindly been painted by our PTFA.  

We have worked extremely well together and have certainly done our bit to improve the environment of the school. It was thirsty work but the children demonstrated great perseverance in getting the job done. Mr Gill said he was impressed with the way we worked as a team!

There were some stand out gardnerners in our class who worked tirelessly to get the planters looking in tip top condition. They were: Peter, Ashleigh, Connor, Aiden and Yasmin. Alan Titchmarsh eat your heart out! 

We can't wait to see all the fabulous designs and colourful plants that will be growing come spring time. 

Take a look at some of the pictures to see how hard we worked. 

SEAL award winners, by Mr Gill

Date: 18th Oct 2016 @ 9:53pm

Congratulations to Lucy and Yasmin who are our SEAL award winners for this half term.

Lucy received her award for being creative in her work while Yasmin got hers for looking after others in a caring way. Both of these awards were chosen by their peers - something which they should be very proud of. P4 are certainly proud of your achievements! Well done. 

SEAL winners, by Miss Stubbs

Date: 18th Oct 2016 @ 10:28am

Well done Chloe Nuttall and Olivia Lievesely. 

Chloe was nominated by her peers for looking after others in a caring way. 

Olivia was nominated by her peers for being creative in her work.

Book fair , by Mrs Platt

Date: 17th Oct 2016 @ 6:22pm

The book fair has arrived in school today! 

The fair will be open for you to visit for all of this week from 8.30 to 8.55 in a morning and from 3.00 to 3.45 each evening. The book fair is set up in the main entrance. 

The book fair will also be open for all of parents' evening on Thursday and will be displayed in the main hall on this evening. 

Harvest , by Mrs Platt

Date: 17th Oct 2016 @ 9:35am

Reverend Peter led a very thought provoking assembly for us this morning, allowing us to have some time to think about the importance of Harvest.

He talked about 'Golden Wonder' - ask your child about this tonight and about what Golden Wonder moment they have had today. 

On Wednesday, our Y1 classes will be leading our school Harvest assembly. If possible, could children please being an item for our Harvest collection, which this year will be forwarded on to a local food bank? Items such as tins or packets are ideal for this collection. 

Another busy week!, by Mr Gill

Date: 16th Oct 2016 @ 5:51pm

It has been another VERY busy week here in P4. The children have all worked exceptionally hard (as always).  

In our English lessons we have been editing and redrafting our newspaper reports in preparation for the final edition to be written next week. The report is all about the day those mischievous crayons took over our classroom. Some of the reports will be published online next week, so watch this space!

During our Guided Reading sessions we have been following the story of Mr Hoppy, Mrs Silver and Alfie. Written by Roald Dahl, Esio Trot is certainly a book we love. Ask a member of our class about it and we will let you into a little secret about the title.

In Maths we have been equally as busy. We have been learning about negative numbers and we have been counting back through zero! Mr Gill was so pleased with the progress we are making on this.

We ended the week on a high. Mr Gill put lots of adjectives around the room. We had to go and find an adjective which best described another member of our class. It was great to hear all the lovely things that were said.  A member of our class described Mr Gill as majestic. Safe to say he was delighted with that!

Congratulations to Joe – our star badge winner this week. Also, a big well done to Scarlett and Morgan who were our top scorers on the dojo chart.

Lastly, Happy Birthday to Lucy who celebrated her 9th birthday on Friday. We hope that you have a great time celebrating.

Crucial Crew, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 16th Oct 2016 @ 3:36pm

This week, Year 5 had a great afternoon at Langtree Park. They met different professionals involved in Emergency Services within St. Helens.


There were 6 different workshops throughout the afternoon.


Road safety

In this workshop he children had to investigate an accident scene, they had to work out:

  • What had happened
  • What were the possible injuries.?
  • How could they prevent this type of accident form happening again?

We appear to have a wealth of medical knowledge in Year 5 as they were able to diagnose everything from head injuries to broken bones.


Merseyside Police


In this session the children were asked:

What is an emergency?

When do you ring 999?

What is the non-emergency number?

Which would you ring given the scenarios they were presented with.


There were also able to role paly an emergency call and the children also discussed hoax calls.


We discovered that 999 is a free number that can be dialled even if a telephone has no credit.



The Ranger Service


The Rangers presented dangers that could be in and around public play areas.

Using the pictures, the children spotted dangers.

They discussed rubbish including glass and syringes that may be laying around. The children were taught when an adult is the most appropriate course of action.

The Rangers also explained that motorbikes not allowed in parks and that fires in parks can cause destruction and death to animals in the area.

Stranger danger was highlighted, the children were told to stay with friends, tell an adult were they are and don’t wander off alone in secluded areas.


Home safety 

Dangers around the home were explained in this session. The children had to spot the hazards.

Ask your child which is the most dangerous room in the home:

  1. The bathroom
  2. The kitchen
  3. The living room


Bonfire night fire safety


Staying safe on bonfire night was the key message in this workshop. The children viewed a re-enactment of an actual event that occurred in Merseyside where a teenager was badly injured.


Important things to remember were that others might put you in danger.

Stay well back from fires and bonfire night.

Stop, drop and roll if clothes catch fire.


British transport police


The Transport Police explained the dangers of playing on the railway lines or flying kites near electrified over-head lines.

Safety on the trains and train stations was made clear to the children, including staying behind the yellow line until the train comes to a standstill.

The children were a credit to our school as their behaviour was excellent and their questions and answers showed real thought and consideration. Well done Year 5, you made us proud. 

On the move, by Mrs Potter

Date: 14th Oct 2016 @ 12:34pm

Hello again,

We've come to the end of another very busy week. Well done to all our children for working hard and making me proud, you're all super stars!

Just to keep you up to speed, we're on the move again. We're heading back to our old Y1 classroom. We'll keep you informed as to when we can finally settle permanently.

A special well done this week to Maisie Ashton for doing some super work in her Reading Journal.

Well done to Samuel Ayi for being a super speller and receiving his first star badge for blue team in Y2.

Congratulations  to Evie Hull who was 7 this week. Happy birthday from all of the team.

Visit to Langtree Park, by Mrs Platt

Date: 13th Oct 2016 @ 4:15pm

Two of our Year 4 boys were chosen to attend a workshop at Langtree Park. They had a great time taking part in team work activities. Thank you to Cowley Language College for organising this event. 

Harvest inspire day! , by Miss Glover

Date: 12th Oct 2016 @ 9:55pm

Thank you parents for coming to our Inspire afternoon. It was so nice to see parents, staff and children working together! Check our snaps from the today (more to come). 

Un deux trois, by Mrs Taylor

Date: 11th Oct 2016 @ 9:45pm

Today P3 enjoyed learning how to count in French by performing an action for each number. We then went on to stick the French words for the numbers in order and generate sums using the numbers. On s'amusait bien! 

Introduction to multiplication , by Mr Houltram

Date: 11th Oct 2016 @ 9:33pm

We are about to tackle lots of work on multiplication and division. To get our brains in gear we enjoyed lots of different approaches to multiplication. Who had known that there were so many enjoyable ways to master multiplication? Check us in action! 

Enjoying the Autumnal sunshine , by Mrs Platt

Date: 11th Oct 2016 @ 4:57pm

Key Stage 2 children enjoyed taking part in the range of activities on offer this play time....football, dancing, writing, play clapping games, tyre park and much more! 

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