Our blogs

Science , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 11th Oct 2016 @ 1:22pm

The children have had a really interesting morning investigating thermal insulators and conductors. We created a fair test to check which material was the best thermal insulator from a range of materials. 

Ask your child which was the best thermal insulator; foil, bubble wrap, foam and fake fur. 

A super science morning. 

Science, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 11th Oct 2016 @ 1:01pm

The children have had a really interesting morning investigating themal insulators and conductors. We created a fair test to check which material was the best thermal insulator from a range of materials.

Ask your child which was the best thermal insulator; foil, paper, bubble wrap or fake fur.  

A super Science morning.

Year 5's German dance , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 10th Oct 2016 @ 8:20am

Year 5 had a great time learning different German dances with Emma. 

Class Dojo, by Miss Fisher

Date: 9th Oct 2016 @ 7:17pm

Image result for class dojo

This coming week, throughout school, we will be using ClassDojo.

Your child should have brought home a password for you to log onto the app on Friday.

Dojos will now be awarded instead of team points so that you can have instant feedback once your child has been awarded a dojo ... dojos can also be deducted for unacceptable behaviour (but we are sure this won't happen in Year 1)!

Please be paitent with us (well, Miss Fisher) while we get to grips with this new electornic system (I'm sure Miss Glover will get me up to speed).

If you have any questions please feel free to ask a member of the Year 1 staff and we will try our best to answer any questions.

Let's get dojoing!!

Class dojo, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 9th Oct 2016 @ 4:56pm

This week, in year 5, we have begun using Classdojo. Your child should have brought home a password for you to log onto the app. We will be using this instead of team points so that you can have instant feedback once your child has been awarded a dojo. Dojos can also be deducted for unsuitable behaviour. If you have any questions please feel free to ask a member of the Year 5 staff at the gate in the morning or at hometime. 


Reading Adventures , by Miss Fisher

Date: 9th Oct 2016 @ 10:00am

Image result for naughty bus 

This week in Guided Reading Year 1 will be reading this book.  It is all about a little boy who recieves a toy bus as a present.  We, as readers, are taken on an exciting journey through the little boy's imaginative play.

Through our Guided Reading sessions we are 'getting good at' relating our own experiences to what we read or what others read to us.  So to help your child get good at this ... play, play, play!  First will be asking the children about a time they got a present and then to talk about the imaginative play they enjoy; it could be winning the toy car Grand Prix, search and resuce with helicopters and figures or emergency vet rescue. 

Democracy Day, by Miss Hughes

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 5:52pm

Isobel Musker and Mackenzie Smith had a fab day on Wednesday. They represented our school wonderfully at St Helens town hall. They took part in a debate with representatives from other St. Helens schools. They debated about Healh and Wellbeing, Crime, Safety and Learning & Leisure. Both Isobel & Mackenzie spoke confidently! Well done you two. 

Week five, by Mr Houltram

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 4:20pm

As always in Q4 we have been super-busy. The week got off to a great start with us going to Langtree Park for our Sky-Try experience. We were put through our paces with some of the academy players, passing and tackling. We had a tour of the stadium and also explored the ‘Eat-well Plate’ – it’s really important to have a balanced diet!

In English this week, we have been exploring newspaper reports. We are reporting on an incident that has left poor Duncan’s bedroom in a right state. A box of crayons appear to be the culprits! We explored the features of a newspaper and have written and edited our lead paragraph.

In Maths we have been solving some tricky two-step problems that involve more than one operation. We are gaining confidence with these and some of us are able to represent the answer using a bar model too!

Guided Reading has really taken off this week and we are really enjoying our text, ‘Esio Trot’ – what a funny name for a book. Read it backwards and it may make more sense! We are getting better and better at between-the-lines questions, finding clues in the text. One thing’s for sure, Mr Hoppy will go to great lengths to get what he wants!

A huge well done to; Emily, Izzy, Sophie, Ruby, Alicia, Maddison, Peaches, Zach, Abigail and Jia, who all scored 100% on their spellings. Jayden was our Star Badge winner, whilst Peaches and Ruby topped our Dojo charts. Mathhew is the first winner of our Maths Star trophy after getting 100% on our end of unit test. You’re all Superstars and Mr Houltram is very proud of you.

Lastly, we wish Zach a very happy 9th Birthday on Saturday. We hope you have lots of fun!

That’s all from us this week. See you next week. 

SCIENCE IN YEAR 3, by Mrs Roberts

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 12:57pm

Recently in Q3 we have been learning about ROCKS!

We have looked at their characteristics and even conducted some of our own investigations to explore them further!

We have used key words including; permeable, sedimentary, igneous, mass and particles.

We look forward to learning more next week!


Mrs Roberts

The Savage Stone Age, by Miss Kean

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 12:28pm

This week’s blog is by Joshua:

This week we have been doing lots of work on our topic of The Stone Age, we have been learning about the different names given to the people who lived in the Stone Age during different times. We also learned about what kind of tolls they used to kill animals they were all made out of stone and parts of trees.  We made little models of the Stone Age houses I thought it was fantastic, the best part was learning that they used poo to make the roof.

Blog for week ending 07.10.2016, by Mrs Potter

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 12:24pm

Hello again,

Look out for our class Dojos, they're coming soon when I learn how to do them! I'll let you know when your child has something great to celebrate in class.

This week we been learning to join two ideas in sentences using conjunctions. Well done to Lucianne Horsley for being the Conjunction Queen. She received our star certificate this week.

Happy birthday to Maisie Ashton. Maisie is 7 on Saturday. We know she's so excited because she's been telling us all week.

Have a fantastic weekend. We'll chat again next Friday.


busy week, by Mr Warner

Date: 7th Oct 2016 @ 11:13am

What a great week we have had in Q3. The children have really got involved in exploring the Stone Age, looking at theor homes and started to look at their way of life. A very popular area within the classroom is our reading cave. Some children have tried it out and given it the thumbs up (thanks Miss Gauld). It's a fabulous area to relax and lose yourself in a book.

Our Guided Reading sessions have focused on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, with lots of work on the vocabulary used within the text. Each day the children explore the use of particular words in context. Lots of very interesting discussion has been generated from these parts of the Guided Reading.   

We have written stories about being sent back in time to the Stone Age and lots of thought has gone into the writing process throughouot the week. 

After several lessons exploring volcanoes, Megan bought in a model of one that she made at home. It is now proudlydisplayed within the classroom. 

Within part of our Maths Meetings times tables were introduced this week and we focused on the three times table. The children were shown a website called Hit The Button and each tried to beat each others time. 







Chamber of commerce visit to Gulliver's World , by Mrs Platt

Date: 6th Oct 2016 @ 11:57am

A selection of Year 6 children visited Gulliver's World this morning as part of their innovation project with St Helens Chamber of Commerce. They now have to feed back to the rest of their year group about how they feel their development projects should be led. 

Here is a selection of photos from their park visit...

Times Tables workshop for junior parents , by Mrs Platt

Date: 5th Oct 2016 @ 8:50pm

Thank you to all of the junior parents who attended today's times tables workshop. We explored some fun ways to engage children in learning the times tables up to 12x12. 

The session will be repeated in November for any parents / carers who couldn't attend today's session. 

Magical Maths , by Mrs Platt

Date: 5th Oct 2016 @ 8:44pm

Our magical maths sessions started today. The children had a fun time exploring numbers. Next week, they're going to be maths detectives! 

Saints Sky Try Experience!, by Mr Gill

Date: 5th Oct 2016 @ 3:58pm

I can't believe how good our day has been today! We have been so busy.

This morning we visited Langtree Park to take part in a Sky Try Experience day which is an initiative ran by St. Helens RFLC! #COYS

The children thoroughly enjoyed their morning and took part in lots of different activities. Some of the activities included: Practising our tackling against some of Saints academy graduates, visiting the changing room and trying on a Saints shirt. We also visited the trophy room to see all of the trophies that Saints have won over the years and then we went into the stadium and to see the pitch! After all of this we were then put through our paces, testing out the rugby skills that Mr Ward has been teaching us.

The morning finished with the children exploring the eat well plate. They came up with ways in which they could lead a healthy active lifestyle as well as consuming a balanced diet.

If you see any of our children around school, please ask them about our wonderful morning. Have a look at the pictures below.

The children were impeccably behaved and represented Queen’s Park fantastically well. Well done P4 – I’m proud of you all.


Date: 5th Oct 2016 @ 11:05am

Girl's Football , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 4th Oct 2016 @ 10:02pm

Today, we took a team of girls to play in a tournament organised by Mr Ward.  Even though they didn't win, they played tremendously well and showed excellent team spirit. 

Well done girls

EDL, by Miss Glover

Date: 3rd Oct 2016 @ 8:49pm

Last week we had European day of languages. The country of focus was Germany. Year One worked on some common rhymes and songs from Germany. We looked at Germany on a world map and designed our German flags. We also tried some German FOOD!! The children loved it! 😀😀😀😀

We learnt a little bit of German culture and found out about the work of the Grimms Brothers. We discussed what they did and why they are famous today. Then...we got crafty!! We picked the Cineralla story written by them and focused on some Art linked to the story! Check out our master piece... 

European Day of Laguages, by Miss Fisher

Date: 2nd Oct 2016 @ 3:27pm

What a wunderbar day! That's wonderful in German (thank you Google!).

The day began with a whole school assesmbly.  Madam Taylor took us on an exciting adventure around Europe; playing games and speaking different languages.  Our favourite part was when some of the teachers attempted to say tongue twisters in different languages.  They actually did quite well!

Back in class we looked more closely at the language and culture of Germany; learning some simple words and phrases and finding out about school life and famous landmarks .

We then looked at the German Brothers Grimm.  We found out that these brothers were interested in folk and fairy tales and were one of the first people to publish them in books.  The children were surprised by how so many of their favourite stories were written down by the Grimm brothers.  Together we read Rapunzel and the children were given the opportunity to join in with lots of creative activies.

In the afternoon the children listened to some music from an opera based on Hansel and Gretel and they learnt a dance in the traditional German style.

To finish off our day we had a German food tasting picnic.

Auf Wiedershen 


Macmillan coffee morning , by Miss Glover

Date: 2nd Oct 2016 @ 10:59am

Great time at the coffee morning! Thanks to all parents that came to help us raise money for this excellent charity. The children had great fun! 

Fantastic writing, by Miss Hope

Date: 1st Oct 2016 @ 2:35pm

Just look at these fantastic pieces of writing. We wanted to warn people about a ferocious dragon that likes to eat people and animals so we wrote descriptions of him. Make sure you read them so that you know what to look out for. Well done children you made Miss Hope very proud.

Coffee Morning , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 7:57pm

Another fantastic turn out for our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning.  Such a worthy cause!  We raised £376. 

We love to read and write at Queens Park, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 7:55pm

I love seeing children proud of their work and secretly catching them reading 

Star badge assembly , by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 5:09pm

Today, we celebrated lots of different achievements and awards during our star badge assembly. 

Well done to all of our award winners!

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