Our blogs

Macmillan Coffee Morning , by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 5:07pm

Thank you to everyone who came along to support our coffee morning today. We raised £376! 

Today's raffle prize winners are: Abigail Corns, Eddie Scott, Jack Brown, Dominic Clague and Ellie Beaumont Smith.

Daisy Smith correctly guessed the dog's name...Max!

Grace Dillon's guess of how may dots were on the cake was the nearset - Grace won £9!

Jack Brown also correctly guessed the weight of the cake - 2lb 4oz

Congratulations to all of our winners! 

Science, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 1:43pm

The children have had a great morning investigating materials. We were investigating what materials would dissolve in cold water. They loved having a hands on approach to our Science experiment. 

We will write up our findings next week. 

Mrs Atherton

Modern Foreign Languages Day, by Mr Warner

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 1:36pm

This week has been an extremely busy one. 

Two of the children (Shei and Olivia) were interviewed about their experiences -

What have you been learning about this week?

O - We've been learning about a new book called "The Stone Age Boy" and it's also a kind of history book too.

S- We've been filming a scene from part of the book too. I was the boy.

O- We've been looking at three digit numbers this week. We had European Day of Languages as well and German dance. We found out all about Germany.

What has been your favourite part of the week?

O- Most probably McMillan coffee morning and the filming. It's like filming the trailer for a movie at the cinema.

S - Definately doing the filming for Stone Age Boy.

O- It's kind of like English and Topic all in one, it's great!

O- Ooh and I love it when Mrs Roberts did Science as well. We squirted rocks.

Is there anything else you want to tell your parents about the week?

S- This week has been fine and I hope next week is even better.

O- Every Friday after assembly we go out and play rugby with Mr Ward. We have to try our best.

S- I will try really hard next week.




Which materials will dissolve in cold water? , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 12:46pm

This morning, p5 have loved being apart of a science experiment. The children have been investigating whether sand, salt, sugar, powered coffee and flour will dissolve in cold water. 

Our results showed that only powdered coffee and sugar dissolved. 

Take a look at our investigation. 

International Day of Languages, by Mrs Potter

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 12:21pm

Hello again,

On Tuesday we had a great day in class. It was International Day of Languages. We had so much fun finding out about Germany. We learned about the Greman flag. We also learned a few German words and phrases.

In the afternoon we danced the Waltz and tasted German food. Here are a few pictures of our favourite moments.

Macmillan coffee morning , by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 9:52am

Macmillan coffee morning is being enjoyed by all. Thank you for your continued support. 

Macmillan Coffee Morning , by Mrs Platt

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 6:48am

We will be holding our annual fund raising event this morning for the Macmillan charity. Please come along and support the event. Pictures and a fund raising update will follow later on today. 

European Day of Languages, by Miss Kean

Date: 29th Sep 2016 @ 6:48pm

This week’s blog is written by Dylan:

This week was very exciting because we celebrated European Day of Languages. Our focus country was Germany but in assembly Mrs Taylor taught us about loads of different places.

After assembly we came back to class and used iPads to research Germany and it was fun. We listened to a story called Hansel and Gretel and learned about the Brothers Grimm because they came from Germany. After that we made traditional German hats that they wear with Lederhosen, learned German with Mrs Taylor and did a German dance with Miss Emma. The German dance was fun, my partner was Yasemin, we slapped our knees a lot.

Music in Q2, by Mrs Roberts

Date: 29th Sep 2016 @ 3:51pm

Exploring the Maya number system , by Miss Stubbs

Date: 29th Sep 2016 @ 1:00pm

P5 have been exploring the Maya number system. 

Did they crack the code? 

Take a look at our pictures to find out. 


Y6 and parent booster sessions , by Mrs Platt

Date: 28th Sep 2016 @ 10:29pm

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended tonight's Maths Y6 booster session!

We explored the 7 x tables and looked at the strategies that we use when attempting short and long multiplication questions.

See you all next week when we move on to division! 

European Day of Languages, by Miss Hughes

Date: 28th Sep 2016 @ 8:56pm

Eine Sprache ist niemals genug (which means "One language is never enough") and Mrs Taylor and the staff and children of Queen's Park couldn't agree more! A love of language is something that is embedded into our curriculum and we are very lucky to have Mrs Taylor and her infectious enthusiasm and passion for languages. 

We loved our German focus this year and what a fantastic, fun-filled day we had in Year 6! 

Our day kicked off with an assembly led by Mrs Taylor. We were particularly impressed with Mr Warner, Mrs Connor and Ms Moss' Tongue Twister Challenge! Who would have thought we had such incredible linguists working at Queen's Park?

We then had an amazing dance session with Miss Emma where we learnt the Waltz. I forgot I was in the school hall for a moment and genuinely believed I was on Strictly. Q6 were out of this world! 

We then spent some time researching Germany and the German culture. We found out some great facts from - German Nobel prize winners to famous German companies. We were keen to find out about German foods before we enjoyed our German sausages for lunch.

After lunch we went to Cowley for the afternoon. We had a Skype chat with a school in Hanover. Charlie and Owen were brave enough to show off their German dance moves! The children at the school taught us lots of German words and phrases. We came back to Queen's Park feeling confident with counting to 20 in German and knowing the German alphabet. Q6 will be more than ready to begin their German lessons when they go to Cowley next year.

So much learning and so much fun. Auf wiedersehen! :)

Here are some pictures of us enjoying the Waltz.

Suspicious delivery in Q6, by Miss Hughes

Date: 28th Sep 2016 @ 8:33pm

We came in from break time and brown envelopes were left all over our classroom. They had 'confidential' and 'urgent' stamped all over them... but we couldn't resist! We just HAD to open them and see what was inside.

It was a selection of documents about UFOs... newspaper articles, eyewitness statements, letters from the FBI. We soon realised that all of these items were also, types of recounts! We discussed the several features we could find in each recount and we enjoyed reading the information each document had to offer.

More to come on this... as I am suspecting some excellent recount writing will follow.

What do you believe?? THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!!

The CURRENT Year 6 children are bright SPARKS , by Miss Hughes

Date: 28th Sep 2016 @ 8:18pm

I told Q6 how electricity is measured and they were like WATT! But when they understood I was ex-STATIC!

Maybe you have already gathered that Q6 have been learning all about Electricity in their Science lessons!

We carried out an investigation to associate the brightness of a bulb with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit. They then compared and gave reasons for variations in how components function such as the brightness of bulbs.Q6 can recognise symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram... AND they can tell younger children exactly how dangerous electicity can be. A very busy couple of weeks in Science!

Then after a really long day full of science fun - I drove home in my VOLTS-wagon... and that's me all out of electricity puns.

They have been truly fab, sensible and great scientists. Well done Q6 :)

European Day of Languages, by Mrs Atherton

Date: 28th Sep 2016 @ 4:56pm

The children had a wonderful time learning all about Germany. They located it in Europe and found other key countries, we had a discussion about Brexit and if we still classed ourselves as being in Europe. We learned some key German phrases and participated in bundesliga with Mr Ward in the afternoon.  

A super day to widen our horizons. 

Mrs Atherton. 

Wacky Races!, by Miss Fisher

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 11:52pm

The children have been learning to use ordinal numbers to describe the position of objects and people. In our continuous provision we have set up a race track and the children have used the cars to race so that we can practise the vocabulary.  We have been finding lots of different opportunities to use this vocabulary in context throughout the school day.

Introducing Year 1 French with Madame Taylor ..., by Miss Fisher

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 11:32pm

At Queen's Park we are so lucky to have Madame Taylor to teach us French. P1 have been learning songs to help us remember instructions in French.  Check out our photographs and see if you can guess which instruction we are singing about. 

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? , by Mrs Taylor

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 9:42pm

We have had another successful celebration of the European Day of Languages. The day started with an assembly in which children role played greetings in French, Italian, Mandarin and German before a tongue twister challenge! Aanu, Bertie and Kara picked Mrs Connor, Miss Moss and Mr Warner to join them in attempting to say English, French and German tongue twisters as quickly as possible. Miss Emma led workshops in German dance which the children loved. At lunchtime we sampled a German menu in the dinner hall (a sausage recipe prepared specially by our cook). Q6 had a lovely experience when they took part in a Skype with a German school at Cowley. Cowley have sent an email to us praising our pupils saying they were a credit to our school. Mrs Taylor also led German language lessons throughout the day.

European Day of Languages , by Mr Gill

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 9:38pm

Guten Abend.

What a brilliant day we have had today! 

It all started with an assembly to give us a brief introduction of what the day was all about. Some of the children and staff got up at the front and had a good at saying a tongue twister in German. This was really funny and everybody who had a go did brilliantly - especially Mr Warner!!!

In the morning we had a go at speaking some German with our talk partner. We enjoyed listening to our classmates having a go at pronouncing some really difficult words. We have learned to say how old we are and would be happy to share this with you should you ask! 

We can also count to 10 in German. Our favourite number was funf - pronounced foonf (which is 5). 

This afternoon we were really lucky to have a go at some German dancing. We learned how to waltz - it is much more difficult than it looks. Those celebrities on Strictly do a great job of learning it so quickly! 

Mrs Taylor ended the day in an enthraling way by teaching us some German phrases that we can use around school, if we have German visitors and also at home. 

Thank you to Mrs Taylor, the staff and all children at Queen's Park for such a fantastic day learning all about Germany. 

Take a look at some our pictures to see how much we have learned! 

Auf Weidersehen! 

Guten Abend, by Mrs Kellett

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 9:13pm

Guten Abend........(Good Evening in German)

Today the children were immersed in the language and culture of Germany.  Mrs Taylor had planned a day full of activities that included food tasting, skype sessions with Cowley Language College and a school in Germany and some fantastic dancing. 

We also managed to raise some money for Arise school in Tanzania.  Keep checking out the blogs this week for more updates.  Mrs Kellett

Strictly Come Year Six!!!πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸŽΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ, by Miss Ellis

Date: 27th Sep 2016 @ 1:53pm

Class P6 had a fantastic time this morning participating in a German themed dance class with Miss Emma as part of our European Language Day. πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ

We learnt some steps from the waltz and parts of a traditional German 'thigh-slapping' dance. All of the children were very enthusiastic and loved the experience. I was really impressed with their co-ordination and rhythm. It wouldn't surprise me if some children ended up taking ballroom dance lessonsπŸ’ƒπŸΌ

Monday's worship - the Tower of Babel , by Mrs Kellett

Date: 26th Sep 2016 @ 10:08pm

Today we listened to the story from Genesis called the Tower of Babel.  This story explored how we all need to have a common language and understanding to get along and get the job done!  It introduced our work on 'European Day of Languages' really well. 

The children sang two songs really well - with actions too!  I have attached the powerpoint. Download it and ask your child to teach you the actions.  They are really good at it!

Celebrating this week's achievements , by Mrs Platt

Date: 24th Sep 2016 @ 7:47am

It's been another busy and exciting week here at Queen's Park! 

The children are proudly showing their star badge certificates below and there were some out of school achievements recognised this week also...well done to all!

Next week is set to be equally as busy and exciting as we celebrate Eurpoean Day of Languages and host a Macmillan Coffee Morning. 

Mrs Potter's class , by Mrs Platt

Date: 23rd Sep 2016 @ 4:13pm


Sorry that there was no blog last week - we're still learning! This week we have been trying really hard to use lead in lines in our writing.

Well done to Connor Wilson for receiving a star badge for excellent reading.

Happy Birthday to Lola Shaw who turned 7 this week.

Don't forget to come dressed in red, black and yellow for International Day of Languages.

Also, it's our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September. 

Have a great weekend, 

Mrs Potter 

Week Three , by Mr Houltram

Date: 23rd Sep 2016 @ 2:52pm

Week three is over – where is the time going? The children have once again done me very proud this week. Mrs Kellett and Mrs Platt were invited to our English lesson on Wednesday, and they were most impressed by Q4’s attitude, desire and commitment to their learning. Well done!

We have been busy writing a letter to those grumpy crayons. We spent the week planning and editing our letters, before finally writing it today, we really enjoyed being Duncan, and we hope those poor crayons forgive us for working them so hard (or not at all!)

In our maths we have been working on column additions and subtractions with four-digit numbers. We are so good at them that we can exchange, and even solve missing number problems – there’s just no end to our talents!

For our science topic this week we looked at the characteristics of various organisms ranging from a seahorse, who has an ocean habitat, to a toucan who lives in the rainforest. We used the information we had gathered to create our very own classification key.

Our Spelling Stars this week include: Emily, Sophie, Ruby, Boo, Alicia, Zach, Alexia and Matthew, who all scored full marks. Matthew and Maddison have topped the Dojo charts for the week, whilst Alexia won our Star Badge. All are very worthy winners, and excellent role-models for Q4.

Just a couple of last things before we go. A big Happy 9th Birthday to Peaches who is 9 on Saturday! We would also like to wish Emily lots of luck who is competing in a Triathlon on Saturday for charity – what an amazing thing to do. We are very proud of you.

See you next week!

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